Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 173: The secret agent is too calm (thirteen)

After the seduction incident in the imperial study, Shangguan Wanru still looked forward to Gu Yanyu to see her.

   But unfortunately, Gu Yanyu didn't go to see her.

   He still goes to the summer place every day and spoils the summer!

  The women in the harem are all envious and jealous of the summer, and even the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are not satisfied.

   I would like to say that summer is a demon concubine who wrecked the dynasty... But Gu Yanyu has been running the country in an orderly manner during his reign, and he was not affected by summer for a long time!

   So...what can they say? Nothing can be said.

  How could Shangguan Wanru just watch the summer being favored? She still wants to be pregnant with a royal heir!

   One after another, Shangguan Wanru used the trick of prescribing medicine and sending soup to the imperial study several times.

   Gu Yanyu didn't want to see Shangguan Wanru, but fortunately, in the summer, he didn't want to waste his points to buy magic medicine for Shangguan Wanru.

   Therefore, Shangguan Wanru only succeeded once, and every time she went to the imperial study after that, she was stopped and prevented from entering.

   Seeing the time passing by day by day, Shangguan Wanru was really worried that Xia Xia would be pregnant before her.

   Of course, she had no idea that her worry was unnecessary.

   After all, this is an ancient time without artificial insemination, how could it be possible to conceive a child of Gu Yanyu in summer...

  Shangguan Wanru is a person who is accustomed to thinking of some random and strange ideas.

   She thought, the possibility of getting pregnant at one time is too low... (Without actual behavior, how many times you can't get pregnant!)

  Shangguan Wanru thought about a 'good' solution——

   So three months later, the imperial physician gave Shangguan Wanru a pulse, and the happy pulse was detected.

When    heard the news, Xia Xia didn't take it seriously, it was expected.

  But Gu Yanyu told Xia Xia, "Shangguan Wanru is really pregnant."

  Xiamen was surprised, she was sure that magic drugs would not cause pregnancy.

   Of course, she was also sure that Gu Yanyu would not cause pregnancy.

   Don't ask her why she's so sure, she's just like that, sure...

   "Whose?" Xia Xia asked Gu Yanyu.

   She always thought that Shangguan Wanru's plan was a fake pregnancy, and then framed her after getting Gu Yanyu's attention, and then "aborted".

   This routine is the most common.

   However, Summer guessed the beginning, but not the end.

   This Shangguan Wanru is really brave enough to actually...

   "I don't know right now, I'm calling someone to investigate." Gu Yanyu said.

   During this time, he lived a very regular life every day, managing national affairs during the day, and accompanying the summer at night, regardless of anything.

   As for the summer, just go to the Queen Mother's place during the day, to accompany the old woman who looked so vicious and vicious in the original plot, but also has a pitiful woman in the real world.

  By the way, consider it to pass the time.

   In the evening, she stayed with Gu Yanyu in the bedroom.

  Gu Yanyu read books to pass the time, and she passed the time with embroidery.

  Unless Gu Yanyu couldn't hold back and took the initiative to talk to Xia Xia, Xia Xia would definitely not take the initiative to speak.

   Although it was very quiet, the atmosphere in Gu Yanyu's opinion was so warm that it felt like a pink bubble.

   Of course, there is no such feeling at all in summer...

   Anyway, Gu Yanyu and Xia Xia just didn't pay attention to Shangguan Wanru, so they didn't know how she did make their belly bigger.

   But no matter what, Shangguan Wanru is currently pregnant, but everyone thinks that the emperor's heir.

   This is the first child of Ye Tiancheng.

   Even the empress dowager, who didn't like Shangguan Wanru very much before, had a big change in her attitude towards her, she was completely amiable.

   As for Gu Yanyu, of course, he has to pretend that he is very happy that he is going to be a 'father emperor'.

   As Shangguan Wanru wished, she sealed Shangguan Wanru as a noble concubine and made her sit on an equal footing with Xia Xia.

   Then Gu Yanyu listened to Xia Xia's words and said to Shang Guan Wanru, "If this child gives birth to a prince, I will make you the queen and your prince as the crown prince!"

   These words, like an imperial decree, made Shangguan Wanru, who wanted to have an abortion to frame Xia Xia, instantly did not want to have an abortion.

   Originally, I felt guilty because I was not carrying the real emperor, so I was going to frame the summer to shed it when my belly got bigger.

  But now...

  The queen's position is too tempting, Shangguan Wanru must make the child in her stomach a son!

   With Gu Yanyu's promise (panic), Shangguan Wanru became arrogant.

   She wanted to see Xia Xia's face full of 'jealousy' every day, so she asked Xia Xia to see her every day.

  Xiamen would be very happy to meet Shangguan Wanru and the protagonist halo above her head.

   The more proud she is now, the more miserable she will be in the future.

   Gu Yanyu has already found out that the child in Shangguan Wanru's womb was three months ago, and she made an excuse to leave the palace to have it.

  Three months ago, Shangguan Wanru approached Gu Yanyu and said that her mother was terminally ill and wanted to go back for half a month.

   Gu Yanyu didn't care about Shangguan Wanru at first, so he naturally waved his hand and allowed it.

  Shangguan Wanru's mother is of course not terminally ill, she just cooperates with her daughter.

  Shangguan Wanru's mother lied to everyone, including Shangguan Ming.

  Everyone thought that during those two weeks, Shangguan Wan was so filial to her daughter, serving her sick mother in a disorganized manner.

   In fact, there was a man hiding in the closed yard.

   For half a month, Shangguan Wanru has been busy making people!

  Because the time is too limited, Shangguan Wanru can only bet on whether the creation of human beings can be successful every day for half a month.

  Fortunately, she succeeded in getting pregnant.

   After finding out which man was making up Shangguan Wanru's belly, Gu Yanyu arrested the man and kept him in captivity.

   Shangguan Wanru was completely unaware of this.

   She is still happily planning to give birth to a prince, and has even asked her mother for help.

   If she gave birth to a daughter, the civet cat would be the prince.

   Anyway...not the royal blood.

   Actually, summer has no patience to stay in this world for a long time.

   Because she wants to go back to the real world to see her psychiatrist to see if her insomnia is really starting to recover.

  Although it’s definitely not time to go back to get off work so early, she can ask for leave!

   So this time, she was in a hurry.

   Of course, it is not difficult to finish the task early.

   After all, Shangguan Wanru has only about 20% of the protagonist's halo above her head.

   But after thinking about it, in summer, I still plan to wait for Shangguan Wanru to give birth to the child in her womb.

  No matter what the adults did, the child in Shangguan Wanru's belly was almost formed.

The child is innocent.

  So Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu have already discussed that when the child is born, she will be sent to a family with three views and a happy family.

  The candidate has been found. It is a doctor.

  The family situation is not very good, but it is not bad. The couple are very loving and have no children.

  Wait a few more months, then wait a few more months—


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