Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 167: The secret agent is too calm (7)

  Gu Yanyu didn't actually leave, but secretly stayed outside the summer room.

   He knew that he must not have slept well in the month that summer came to this novel world. He stayed outside and could sleep for a while in summer.

   Even if he was rejected countless times, Gu Yanyu still felt sorry for the summer.

   I feel sorry for her insomnia for many years and everything about her...

  ... It was late at night, and the embroidery in summer made my eyes hurt, so I finally stopped.

   Lying in bed, there is no sleepiness in summer.

   Obviously, Gu Yanyu is useless outside.

   But Gu Yanyu didn't know, he thought that as long as they were closer, it would be fine even if they were not in the same room.

  Just like that, one of the two had insomnia and the other dozed off in the cold night.

  After dawn, he continued to learn singing and dancing in the summer, and Gu Yanyu...of course he went back to his palace.

   There are still two months to go to the palace in summer. According to his understanding of summer, summer will definitely be elected smoothly.

   It's unacceptable for Xia Xia to pretend to serve other men, so... even if Xia Xia tells him to stay honest, he can't really stay honest!

   So, he has to do something, he has to do something!

   Summer didn't know what Gu Yanyu was going to do, but only knew that when the draft day was more than half a month away, the palace changed!

The    palace change came without warning, let alone people from the entire capital, people from all over the world didn't react!

   It turned out that the emperor's will was fake, and the real one was hidden.

   And the real legacy is to pass the throne to Prince Cheng.

  Therefore, Prince Cheng took his own people and forced the palace with a widow, and forced Ye Tianyi to step down from the throne.

   After hearing the news, Xia Xia's face became ugly for a moment, even stiff.

   She has never been emotionally fluctuated, but this time it was a little bit more fluctuating.

   She was a little angry, but more than that, she was helpless.

   She clearly told Gu Yanyu to either leave or just stay.

   But I didn't expect that he would take the throne without making a sound, and even killed the original male protagonist.

  Yes, Gu Yanyu killed Ye Tianyi.

   He knew Ye Tianyi was the original male protagonist, but he killed him so willfully.

   Even if Ye Tianyi is scumbag...

  Even Ye Tianyi climbed to the throne by stepping on the lives of countless people...

   Even if...

   Well, Xia Xia has no sympathy for Ye Tianyi, nor does she like Ye Tianyi.

   In my heart, fortunately, fortunately, Ye Tianyi did not have the aura of the protagonist, so if Gu Yanyu was killed, he would also be killed.

   However, isn't Gu Yanyu an actor in the real world?

   Even if this is a fictional world, this is a real world.

  Why did Gu Yanyu kill people so casually?

   In the real world, murder is illegal.


   Shangguan Wanru's Ruxin Courtyard.

   "You said, the really dead?! Was he really killed by Prince Cheng?!" Shangguan Wanru looked at Ling'er with an expression of disbelief.

  Linger lowered her head and replied, "Yes...Yes, the notice has been issued, last night... Prince Cheng has personally cut the emperor... under the sword..."

  Shangguan Wan staggered and sat on the stool behind him.

  Why is this happening?

   Obviously it wasn’t like this in the previous life, what has changed?

  The emperor is dead, so how can she be the queen? !

  No, not right!

   Shangguan Wanru just remembered something very important. She remembered that in her previous life, Ye Tiancheng died suddenly.

   That's right, she died suddenly the night she set fire to Shangguan Wanxi.

   Shangguan Wanru didn't pay attention to these things before, but only now did she react when she mentioned Prince Cheng.

   Did she and 'Shangguan Wanxi's rebirth' affect the world, or was there another reason?

  Shangguan Wanru sat there and didn't react for a long time——

   At this time, Shangguan Ming was also very upset.

   Now that Ye Tianyi is dead, even if Ye Tiancheng wants to become emperor, he won't be drafted so soon, right?

   His third and fifth daughters are already in their prime, so he can't wait a few more years, right?

   In the end, do you still want to be sent to the palace?

   After thinking about it, Shangguan Ming still decided to ask someone to go to the palace to ask him, and see how the draft is going to be now that the emperor has changed.


   The night was dark and windy. I don’t know if it was because I was frightened by the palace change. The capital was extraordinarily quiet tonight.

   Shangguan Mansion. In the yard where I live in summer.

  As usual, in summer, I can embroider to pass the time when I can’t sleep.

   She is learning embroidery these days, which is quite interesting.

   The slight noise in the room made her hand pause. She twitched her eyelashes and opened her lips: "Come out, Lord Cheng."

  Gu Yanyu didn't hesitate and came out directly: "Good evening~"

   They all say that they don't reach out and hit the smiling person, but Gu Yanyu smiled brilliantly.

  Xiamen raised his eyes and looked at Gu Yanyu.

   Gu Yanyu's skin is actually somewhat similar to himself, but looks much younger.

   She thought in a trance that she saw Gu Yanyu himself.

   paused, and Xia Xia raised his lips and said, "Now I should be able to call you the emperor in advance. The emperor is really powerful. He won the throne without making a sound."

   Thinking back to the beginning, Ye Tianyi worked so hard to get the throne!

  It's better now, after more than a month, Gu Yanyu took the throne.

   Gu Yanyu smiled and said, "I also took a chance."

   It wasn't by chance. In fact, Ling Wuzhi helped him.

  Ling Wuyi was just bored, so he ran to the Plane Association, and then wanted to see the novel world where Xia Xia and Gu Yanyu were.

   asked about the situation, only to know that Gu Yanyu went to the novel world without even knowing the plot.

  Ling Wuyi felt that Xia Xia was a good girl, and of course she wanted to help Gu Yanyu.

   So, Ling Wuyi asked Minister Kuang to contact Gu Yanyu and told him the original plot of the novel world and some information he wanted to know.

   For Gu Yanyu, Ling Wuwei is simply a divine assist!

   Not only gave him advice, but also helped him.

  If there was no Ling Wuzhang, Gu Yanyu would not have known that the real widow was actually hidden by Ye Tianyi.

   I don't know what Ye Tianyi's mentality is. The real will is not destroyed quickly, and it is still hidden.

  Isn't this a clear sign to give him a chance!

  In that case, of course he is welcome!

   "Wanxi, I will be enthroned in three days." Gu Yanyu told Xia Xia.

   He really has no interest in the throne at all. When he is acting, he is enough to play the emperor.

   Now I want to be a real emperor. Although I can be competent without pressure, I am not interested in being an emperor.

   But who made the summer go to the palace!

   He felt that since he couldn't bear her to face other men, why not let that other man become himself?

   "Oh, that's really congratulations." There was even a smile in Xia's tone.

   But Gu Yanyu knew that Summer was really not smiling.

   But it doesn't matter~ Aunt Xiaowu told him that strong girls are afraid of entanglement.

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