Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 158: The overbearing president fell in love with me (28)

   "You know each other?" Father Shen felt very strange seeing Li Yuanyuan calling out Ai Yuxiang's name familiarly.

   Li Changyuan smiled and said, "Of course we know each other, we are childhood sweethearts..."

   Father Shen frowned, feeling a little strange.

  Li Changyuan is no longer stubborn, looked at Gu Yanyu sitting next to Xia Xia without a trace, and said, "Mr. Shen may not know that Yuxiang was dating me at the same time as you were dating..."

   "What did you say?!" Father Shen glanced at Li Changyuan in surprise, and then at Ai Yuxiang, who was speechless.

   In Father Shen's impression, Ai Yuxiang was a simple and simple girl.

   He thought that he was Ai Yuxiang's first love.

  What do you mean, when you are in contact with him, you are in contact with him at the same time? !

  Li Changyuan continued: "Oh, Mr. Shen may not know, we have been together since the age of fifteen, and after marrying you, we still haven't separated."

   Father Shen stopped talking, his face was extremely ugly. Because when Li Changyuan said these words, Ai Yuxiang did not deny it.

  Ai Yuxiang wanted to deny it, and even wanted to pounce on Li Changyuan's mouth.

   But for some reason, she couldn't move and couldn't speak.

   Of course, Ai Yuxiang couldn't move, because just now, Summer quietly gave her acupuncture points with a peanut.

   At this time, no one would notice that something was wrong with Ai Yuxiang.

   The smile on Li Changyuan's face seemed to be happy to be able to make Ai Yuxiang suffer.

   He looked at Father Shen as if he was giving a speech, telling the story between him and Ai Yuxiang.

   Including when they were fifteen years old, they gave each other the first time...

  These words, he has practiced countless times during this week of hiding.

   is to see Ai Yuxiang go to hell!

  Li Changyuan said to Shen's father, "I heard that Mr. Shen had difficulty conceiving because of his health. He just married Yuxiang, and Yuxiang became pregnant. Mr. Shen must be very happy, right?"

   Father Shen was of course happy. He thought he would only have a son like Shen Qingsui in his life, but he never expected to have a daughter.


   Li Changyuan paused, took out an inspection report and handed it to Father Shen: "I have a paternity test report here, Mr. Shen can take a look."

   Father Shen is not an idiot. When Li Changyuan gave this paternity test, he guessed it without looking at it.

  Tremblingly stretched out his hand to take it, and glanced at the report above. The parent-child relationship between Li Changyuan and Shen Qingxi was 99.99%...


   Obviously he already had a bottom line in his heart, but after seeing this paternity test, Father Shen still couldn't accept it.

  He stood up from the sofa, and he couldn't use surprise to describe his mood at this time.

   If what Li Changyuan said just now made Father Shen both shocked and angry, then this paternity test is enough to make Father Shen feel angry.

   He covered his heart with one hand and the hand holding the paternity test, trembling a little.

   Even Grandpa Shen, who has experienced strong winds and waves, does not know how to describe his mood at this time.

   Grandpa Shen reached out and took the paternity test from Father Shen.

   On the other hand, Father Shen turned his head to look at Shen Qingxi, who had never had a chance to speak.

   This daughter... This daughter he has loved for more than 20 years... Really, not his own? !

   Take a closer look, this daughter really doesn't look like him at all.

   Whether it is character or appearance.

   "Ai Yuxiang, you should give me an explanation." Father Shen looked at Ai Yuxiang with a sullen face.

  While Father Shen was talking, Xia Xia used peanuts to relieve Ai Yuxiang.

  Ai Yuxiang was able to move, her legs went weak, and she fell to the ground.

   Aware that she was able to move, Ai Yuxiang shook her head desperately: "No, it's not like this, husband, trust me... this person..."


   At this time, Father Shen really couldn't believe in Ai Yuxiang unconditionally.

   "I just ask you, is what this person said and this paternity test true? Xixi, is she the daughter of this person?" Father Shen asked Ai Yuxiang, pointing to Shen Qingxi with a sullen face.

   Shen Qingxi, who had not reacted for a long time, finally reacted, and she exclaimed: "Dad! What are you talking about, how could I be this person's daughter!"

   Father Shen didn't seem to hear Shen Qingxi's words, he just looked at Ai Yuxiang and waited for her to answer him.

  Shen Qingxi saw that Father Shen didn't answer, so he quickly ran to grab Ai Yuxiang's arm and shook it: "Mom, speak up! Say I'm not this person's daughter!"

   She is Miss Shen's Sun, how could she be someone else's daughter!

  Ai Yuxiang shook her head and opened her mouth to deny it, but Li Changyuan spoke up again: "If Mr. Shen doesn't believe the authenticity of this paternity test, you can do the paternity test now."

  Everyone said so, what else would Father Shen doubt?

   In fact, when Li Changyuan said those words, Father Shen was already dubious.

  His body He knew that although the doctor said it was difficult to conceive, it was actually almost impossible.

  Otherwise, after so many years, he and Ai Yuxiang had never taken safety measures when they were together, how could there be no possibility of getting pregnant again?

   As for Shen Qingxi...they got pregnant soon after they got married.

  I got pregnant soon after getting married...

   I didn't think it was anything before, but now that I think about it, Shen Qingxi... It's really easy to get pregnant!

   Looking at Ai Yuxiang's appearance, even though she tried her best to deny it, she looked like a thief with a guilty conscience.

   "Ai Yuxiang, I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Father Shen shouted!

   "Father, there are many things you didn't expect." Gu Yanyu's sudden speech drew back Father Shen's attention.

   Father Shen turned to look at Gu Yanyu, his brows furrowed, his face still ugly: "What did you say?"

   "I've investigated, my mother was bleeding profusely in the delivery room, and she died after resuscitation failed. In fact, it was man-made!" As he spoke, Gu Yanyu swept his eyes sharply at Ai Yuxiang.

   Gu Yanyu's aura brought a strong sense of oppression to Ai Yuxiang.

   In addition to what Gu Yanyu said, Ai Yuxiang was even more shocked and frightened.

  She widened her eyes, like 'how do you know'.

   Now, the rest of the Shen family couldn't sit still, especially Aunt Shen.

   Aunt Shen and Mother Shen are actually sisters. After Mother Shen died, Aunt Shen loved Shen Qingsui as her own son.

   Over the years, Ai Yuxiang has done a very good job on the surface, so Aunt Shen doesn't think there is anything wrong with her.

   just thought, this is because her sister didn't have that blessing.

   But I didn't expect...

   "You sinister and vicious woman, you actually killed my sister! I'm going to kill you!!" Aunt Shen could no longer maintain a dignified image, so she rushed towards Ai Yuxiang.

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