Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 140: The overbearing president fell in love with me (10)

   "Very good." Summer replied.

   After a brief chat with Li Haicen, Xia Xia hung up the phone.

   She was relieved that Li Haicen did not go out at home.

   Just after hanging up, a call came in.

  Xiamen looked at an unfamiliar phone call and hesitated before picking it up.

   Before he could speak, the person over there spoke first: "Summer, it's me."


   Xia Xia was stunned, and felt that this voice was a little familiar.

   She quickly reacted and called out tentatively, "Gu Yanyu?"

   Gu Yanyu on the other end of the phone raised a smile and nodded: "Well, it's me! Did you get home safely?"

   Hearing Gu Yanyu's voice, Xia Xia's heart skipped a beat.

  Xiamen did not answer Gu Yanyu's question, but just asked him: "Excuse me, is there anything wrong with Gu Nanshen?"

   is polite and distant.

   "Oh, I have nothing to do, I just wanted to ask if you got home safely."

   Although he was 'rejected' by Xia Xia just an hour ago, and his heart was sore...

   But soon, he came back to life with full blood and called Summer to say hello.

   had long known that rejection was a sure thing, so he wasn't too sad to accept it.

   Even if he heard Xia Xia's tone with a deliberate alienation now, he didn't feel too uncomfortable, he just took it for granted.

   Indeed, if he hadn't admitted it himself today, Xia Xia wouldn't have known that the people, zombies, and beasts she once knew in several novel worlds were all him.

   So Xia Xia will alienate him, plus her heterosexual resistance, this kind of performance is normal!

   Xia Xia's heart completely calmed down when he heard Gu Yanyu's voice.

   Whether it is Jiang Yichen or Gu Yanyu, they have nothing to do with her.

After   , as long as you see Gu Yanyu, you can take a detour.

   "I've already arrived home, please don't contact me again, thank you!"

   still politely finished, and ready to hang up in summer.

   As soon as the phone was removed from his ears, he heard Gu Yanyu eagerly saying: "Wait for the summer, I want to tell you about some bug fixes in this world!"

   Speaking of work, summer is still very conscientious.

   So even though she didn't really want to hear Gu Yanyu's voice, she still didn't hang up.

   "Okay, you say."

   He knew that as long as he talked about work, he would not be able to avoid him in the summer!

   Gu Yanyu coughed lightly and said, "It's not convenient to talk on the phone, shall we meet tomorrow?"


   "Forget it, as long as Gu Nanshen doesn't ruin the novel world, and doesn't cause trouble for my little employee, you won't have to worry about the loopholes."

   In the cafeteria, I saw that the former president's wife was so familiar with Gu Yanyu, and Xia Xia knew that he had a close relationship with the Plane Association, otherwise he could not enter the world of novels casually.

   Xia Xia is neither blind nor stupid, how could she not know the real reason why Gu Yanyu asked her to meet, but she didn't plan to give him this chance.

   Anyway, Gu Yanyu lied to her, and also lied to several novel worlds.

   What she hates the most is being deceived.

  Except, of course, in the world of fiction.

   After all, in the world of novels, she herself is a liar, a liar to complete the task...

   There was no chance for Gu Yanyu to speak again, so Xia Xia directly hung up the phone.

On the other side, Gu Yanyu, who thought he had succeeded in his careful thinking, lowered his hands in disappointment and sighed.

   It seems that summer, who is against the opposite sex, is quite against him.

   It seems that he has to be patient and take his time.

   But it doesn't matter, in the face of summer, his patience is still great!


   Xia Xia closed his eyes after hanging up Gu Yanyu's phone, but he fell asleep unexpectedly!

   But she did not sleep well because she was dreaming again.

  In the orphanage, the fear of loneliness, the deep-rooted sense of panic made Xia struggle in her dreams.

   When she woke up, she was already in a cold sweat.

   Sitting on the bed gasping for breath, the fear in the dream has not dissipated.

   After the summer, I picked up my phone and checked the time, it was only one o'clock in the morning.

   It was still early before dawn, but she had lost the slightest sleepiness.

   got up from the bed, put on his pajamas in summer and went out the door.

   She went to Lin Liyun's residence and found that the door was cordoned off, many police officers came in and out, and the body had been taken away.

  It seems that someone called the police.

  After staying at the scene for a while in the summer, I realized that it turned out that the delivery person was in the wrong place, thinking it was Lin Liyun who ordered the delivery, so he slammed the door hard.

   As a result, the door was not closed, and the delivery boy walked in.

   When he saw Lin Liyun lying in a pool of blood, the delivery boy was almost paralyzed.

   Takeaway brother...

   If you guessed correctly, Gu Yanyu should have arranged it.

   left the scene in summer and went to Li Haicen's house to take a look.

   At this point in time, both Li Haicen and Li Huan slept well.

  Very good, Li Haicen has alibi, and there is no clear motive for the murder.

   So even if Shen Qingxi wanted to forcibly put the murder on Li Haicen, it would be far-fetched.

   Plus, summer has that video in his hands.

   When I think of videos, I think of Gu Yanyu in summer.

  Gu Yanyu...

   shook his head and shook the name out of his mind.

   For those who have nothing to do with the loopholes in the novel world, there is no need to think about——

   Back home again, it was past three in the morning.

  I don’t really want to go to bed in summer, so I simply clean the house after sitting in the living room for a while.

   Without disturbing Mama Li, she cleaned the house in summer and made breakfast with complicated procedures.

   When Mama Li woke up in the morning, she was really taken aback when she saw the clean and unfamiliar house with a table of rich breakfast.

   " are, what time do you get up?"

  Looking at the stunned Mama Li, Xia Xia smiled and said, "I woke up too early to fall asleep, so I got up and made you a hearty breakfast. How's it going, doesn't it look good?"

  Mama Li smiled and said, "This is not bad. The five-star chef is probably at the level of my daughter. If your dad sees you..."

   Before she finished speaking, the smile on Mama Li's face froze.

   Unexpectedly, he talked about Papa Li.

   Xia Xia's face also showed an unnatural look, and then he laughed quickly, walked to Mama Li and helped her sit down: "Since the appearance is not bad, then I will trouble my mother to taste the taste!"

  Mama Li smiled and nodded towards Xia Xia, reached out to take the chopsticks and spoons she handed over and started tasting breakfast.

   After taking a bite, Mama Li gave Xia Xia a thumbs up and was full of praise for her cooking skills.

  Xiamen grinned and sat down opposite Mama Li.

  The mother and daughter were chatting and laughing, eating breakfast——

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