Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 130: No matter how hard it is, never give up!

  Ling Wuxie took out the bowl and spoon, filled a bowl of sugar water and handed it to Summer: "The sugar water I made myself, try it!"

   "How embarrassing is this..."

   Xia Xia's refusal was not finished, Ling Wuwei interrupted: "Nothing to be embarrassed about, you are a friend of our A Yu and an employee of the Plane Association."

   "Besides, this is my newly researched sugar water, please help me taste it!"

  A Yu's friend? Summer thinks this sentence is a bit strange.

   But Ling Wuyi said so, it would be impolite for her not to answer.

   "Thank you Mrs. Xi!"

   "You don't have to be so outspoken, if you don't mind, just call me Auntie Wu!" Ling Wuwei said to Xia Xia while filling Gu Yanyu with sugar water.

  Summer just smiled, didn't really think of calling Ling Wuzhi Auntie Xiaowu——

  Ling Wuyi is a very talkative person, and is also very good at taking care of other people's feelings. Greetings will not be as embarrassing as checking household registration.

   In summer, she is an elegant and beautiful mature woman.

   If it wasn't for Gu Yanyu who was staring at her there, Xia Xia would be in a good mood to chat with Ling Wuwei.

   But Gu Yanyu's eyes were too straightforward, she felt uncomfortable.

  After drinking the sugar water, Xia Xia said goodbye to Ling Wuzhi and said that she would continue to work.

  Ling Wuzhi did not force her to stay, but smiled and invited her to play at her house next time she rested.

   Summer didn't take this invitation seriously. After all, her identity was different from hers, and she was self-aware.

   smiled and nodded to Ling Wuzhi, got up and left the cafeteria.

   Gu Yanyu, who only said one word to Xia Xia, jumped up quickly, trying to catch up with Xia Xia.

   In the end, he was held back by Ling Wuwei: "A Yu..."

   "Huh? Aunt Xiaowu, what did you say?" Gu Yanyu leaned over slightly and approached Ling Wuwei.

  Ling Wuxie raised his hand and patted his head lightly, and said, "The taste is good, but it's a little difficult for our A Yu to hold the beauty back!"

  As an elder or a woman, Ling Wuzhi is very satisfied with summer.

   It's just that she was a little worried about the kid in front of her who was watching her grow up.

   Gu Yanyu heard Ling Wuwei's words, like a deflated ball, of course he knew it was a bit difficult.

   Oh no, it's hard!

  Following Xia Xia, not counting the novel world he went to for the first time, he also walked two worlds.

   But even though he had been with her for so long, in the real world, she still wouldn't even give him a look.

   So how hard is it, he knows...

   The next moment, Gu Yanyu regained his fighting spirit. He looked at Ling Wuzhi firmly and said, "Aunt Xiaowu, I will not give up!"

  Ling Wuyi nodded gratified: "Okay, Ayu, come on! Aunt Xiaowu will help you!"

   Gu Yanyu's eyes lit up instantly, yes, I heard that Uncle Xi was attacked by Aunt Xiaowu.

  Although Aunt Xiaowu is good at attacking men, she should also have some understanding of women, right?

   "Huh? Does Auntie Wu have any suggestion?"

  Ling Wuyi smiled and nodded: "Of course there is, but now I'll give you a piece of advice - keep it! Summer is supposed to be going to the novel world, won't you follow?"

   Hearing Ling Wuyi's reminder, Gu Yanyu jumped up: "Then Auntie Wu, I'll go first! I'm going to eat dinner tonight~" By the way, experience!

After   , Gu Yanyu ran away and bumped into Xi Sishen, who was in the cafeteria.

   Didn't say hello, when Xi Sishen turned to look, Gu Yanyu was gone.

   After a pause, Xi Sishen lifted his feet and walked into the cafeteria.

   "Why did you come at this time? Why didn't you just go to the office? Did you have lunch? You came alone?"

   As soon as we met, Xi Sishen asked his mother a series of questions.

  Ling Wuzhi grinned, raised his hand and touched his son's handsome cheek.

   "I wanted to walk after lunch, so I brought sugar water to you. I came to the cafeteria to meet the girl A Yu likes. Do you think that with your father's character, your mother and I can go out alone?"

   She originally came to see Gu Yanyu's sweetheart, and was worried about embarrassing the little girl, so she came up by herself.

  Xi Si Shen thought about it too, his wife was strict with his father, no matter how cold or arrogant he was in front of others, in front of his mother, he was completely... shameless and skinless super glue.

  Ling Wuyi gave Xi Si Shen a bowl of sugar water, and then looked at the time: "It's almost time to watch a movie with your dad, he's waiting for me downstairs, you drink the sugar water obediently!"

   Patted his son's head, Ling Wuzhi then walked away slowly with a big belly.

See a movie?

   A smile flashed across Xi Sishen's eyes, his parents were in a passionate love for decades—

   When Gu Yanyu chased after the restoration department, Xia Xia had already gone to the novel world.

   There is no way, Gu Yanyu can only chase after him!

   But this time he learned to be smart, and asked Minister Kuang in advance...


  Fiction World——

   "A Nuan! A Nuan, are you okay?!"

   In a daze, Xia Xia heard someone calling someone in her ear.

  Although there is no memory of receiving the host, but based on her experience, she knows that it should be the host that is calling her.

  Summer opened his eyes and saw a middle-aged woman with concern written all over her face.

   Seeing that Xia Xia woke up, the expression on the middle-aged woman's face was relieved: "A Nuan, you are awake! You really scared my mother to death!"

   Before summer, the middle-aged woman continued: "Why did you faint? Mom took you to the hospital to see a doctor?"

The tone of    was still full of concern and tension.

   This kind of concern and tension comes from relatives.

   It seems that this middle-aged woman is the mother of the host. She is really a gentle mother!

  Summer took a quick look at the surroundings, and it seemed... in the kitchen.

  A relatively simple but clean kitchen.

   I can still smell the aroma of the food in my nose. It seems that the host suddenly fainted while cooking.

  Xiamen stood up slowly, smiled and shook his head at the host's mother: "Mom, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy all of a sudden, now I'm fine!"

   She was actually still a little dizzy, but she had to endure it. She had to find a chance to receive the memory of the host.

   "Really?" The host's mother was obviously not at ease.

  Xiamen nodded: "Of course it's true!"

   After a pause, Xia Xia added: "If you are worried, then I will go back to my room and sleep for a while, and I will be fine for a while!"

   "Okay then, Mom will help you back to your room." The host mother supported Xia Xia.

   It's just right, I don't know where the host's room is in summer.

   So she didn't refuse, but nodded and let the host's mother take her back to the room.

  Summer was helped out of the kitchen, through the living room, and into the host's room.

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