Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 128: There is room for farming in the end of the world (End)

   "Agui, first throw her into the zombie group to feel the taste of being eaten by zombies, and then take the crystal core." She still has to fulfill the wish of the host!

  Agui nodded and moved closer to Li Xiaoxi.

  Li Xiaoxi couldn't take precautions, and was directly pushed into the zombie group by Agui.


  Li Xiaoxi had not yet landed on the ground, but was directly caught by the zombies below.

  There are zombies biting her arms, thighs, stomach...

   The pain of the tear is so clear, so unforgettable.

  Li Xiaoxi looked at Xia Xia with resentment, as if she would never forget her appearance and hatred for her.

   At the last moment of his life, Li Xiaoxi did not wake up.

   She didn't think about it, if she lived another life by virtue of her "prophet" after being reborn.

After    grabbed Yuan Mengxian's farming space, she could live well, as long as she was willing to live well.

   At the last moment of her life, what Li Xiaoxi thought was that if she could be given another chance, she must kill Yuan Mengxian first!

   However, people in the novel world are very lucky to have a chance to be reborn, how could there be a second rebirth, this is simply a dream!

   Standing on the roof of the bus in summer, watching Li Xiaoxi being eaten by zombies.

   There are too many zombies, and Li Xiaoxi was eaten by three or two until only the skeleton was left.

   Before Li Xiaoxi died completely, the aura of the protagonist above her head also dissipated.

very good!

   loophole, she successfully fixed another one.

   "I'm leaving." Summer waved to Ah Gui.

  Agui raised his eyebrows: "Why, don't you stay and spend time with my friend, and you have to go back to the human base?"

  Xiamen chuckled and said, "I'm not going back to the human base, I'm going to a far away place."

   "I'll go with you, anyway, it's boring." Agui took the crystal core that belonged to Li Xiaoxi and was handed over by his subordinates.

  Xiamen glanced at the fiery red, particularly beautiful crystal stone, and shook his head: "No, I prefer to be alone."

   Suddenly, Xia Xia thought of something and asked Agui: "Agui, can you do me a small favor?"

  Agui nodded and agreed without thinking: "Okay, say it!"

  Xia Tian looked down at the cat Gu Yanyu at his feet and said, "It's not convenient for me to leave with Xiao Hei. Can you help me take care of him occasionally? Just take care of him occasionally."

  I am worried in summer, this little black cat will occasionally find food and go hungry.

   Well, in fact, she also knew that her worries were unnecessary.

   After all, after getting along for a few months, I also have feelings for this little pet.

   It's like a mother is worried about her child. Even if her child is grown and independent enough to take good care of herself, she still can't help worrying about whether the child will be too cold or too hot, or if she is hungry or not.

  Summer is actually a person who is very easy to develop feelings, but except for things like love...

   "No problem!" Agui was particularly refreshing.

   Anyway, it's just a promise, it's no wonder that Gu Yanyu can let her take care of it!

   She didn't want to be killed.

  Xiaomi smiled at Agui and said thank you.

   Then she squatted on the ground, touched Gu Yanyu's head and said, "Xiao Hei, I told you, I won't be by your side in the future, you have to take good care of yourself!

   "Meow Meow~" Summer, see you in the real world!


   After leaving in summer, Gu Yanyu did not leave immediately.

  Because he still has things to do!

  The antibody to the virus is about to be researched, so he can't leave immediately.

   In addition, there was one person he didn’t want to let go so easily—

   The person Gu Yanyu was talking about was Gu Ran who almost ate his summer tofu!

   didn't think about Gu Ran, but just researched a medicine, a rather special medicine.

After the    potion was made, Gu Yanyu sneaked into the Anhe base and went to Gu Ran's bedroom.

   In Gu Ran's bedroom, in addition to Gu Ran, there is a very beautiful woman.

   The two of them were lying on the bed naked, and at a glance they knew what they had done.

   Gu Yanyu is very disdainful. A few days ago, he said that he liked his summer, so he couldn't control his lower body.

nausea! Damn it!

   But instead of killing Gu Ran, Gu Yanyu thinks it's more interesting not to kill him~

   While Gu Ran fell asleep, he dripped the potion onto the scratched wound on his neck.

   The effect of that potion won't kill you, it just makes the wound fester, and then a little bit of bacteria can't heal.

   In addition, power advancement will also be affected.

   Unless he works harder than others, the progression will be much slower than others.

   After a week of sleepless research, Gu Yanyu finally developed the virus antibody.

   And this kind of antibody can also turn rational zombies back into humans, for example...A ghost!

  Agui wanted to change back to human, so he accepted Gu Yanyu's experiment.

The    experiment was very successful. Even though Ah Gui changed back to a human being, he still made those low-level zombies instinctively fear.

   Not only that, but her power level has increased instead of decreasing.

After the    experiment ended, it went directly to the eleventh order.

  Gu Yanyu gave the research results to Agui, and asked Agui to turn those rational zombies back into humans.

   As for how to arrange it later, you can do whatever you want.

   Made virus antibodies, which was considered to fulfill Bo Yangyi's dying wish.

   Just take it as a thank you after borrowing his body—

   After Gu Yanyu left, Agui first turned the men who had followed her back into human beings.

After   , she spent a year turning those sensible zombies back into humans and had her own base.

  Virus antibodies, and medicines that can turn zombies back into humans, Agui didn't intend to hide them.

   Just when she was about to give the formula to all the bases in the world, the bases headed by Gu Ran started attacking her, trying to grab the formula.

   motherfucker! Miss Ben originally wanted to show kindness, but now, Miss Ben will not give it!

   To fight, right? come! This lady not only has an army of supernatural beings, but also a corps of zombies!

come! War!

   Of course, the resolution of the battle is that Agui won, and those bases lost badly.

   Gu Ran, who was ruined by Gu Yanyu, even lost an arm because of this, and he became a partner with Ah Gui.

  Agui has made a lot of recipes for ordinary people who can't afford it.

  Those people have all taken refuge in Agui's base, and it has made Agui's base the largest base in the world, no one.

  Xiamen didn't know what happened in that novel world after she left, and even if she did, she wouldn't feel so strange.

   A ghost... Even if she doesn't have the aura of the protagonist, it doesn't prevent her from being a strong man in the world.

   In fact, it has nothing to do with the protagonist's halo, everyone is the protagonist in their own life.

   Do you want to be the protagonist or the supporting role? It depends on how you view your own life...

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