Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 119: There is room for farming when the end times come (19)

  Real World. Plane Association Restoration Department

   Minister Kuang was startled when he saw Gu Yanyu's aura, and hurriedly called Xi Sishen.

   "Because of the memory of Bo Yangyi, his personality has also been affected to some extent. President..."

   Minister Kuang is worried that Gu Yanyu will have three strengths and two weaknesses. After all, he is a child of an aristocratic family. In case...

   Xi Sishen of course knew about Minister Kuang's worries, but Minister Kuang's worries were really superfluous.

   will choose Bo Yangyi, but Xi Sishen has thought about it carefully.

  Bo Yangyi's character is paranoid, and sometimes even crazy, like a lunatic.

Gu Yanyu also has such a character.

   It's just that Gu Yanyu is too good at disguising. People who have never seen his side will never believe that he is... such a feared person.

   So Minister situation, it is really unnecessary.

"do not worry."

   Xi Sishen only said four words, and then hung up the communicator.

   Minister Kuang is still a little worried, but as a subordinate, he has already reported it, so if anything really happens, it is none of his business.

  So, whatever-


  Fiction World.P City

   Gu Yanyu didn't dare to leave for too long, because he already knew something very pleasant.

  That is, with him by his side, you can sleep peacefully in summer!

   In the last world, although Gu Yanyu was a little skeptical, he was not sure if it was really because of him.

After    came to this world, although he has not recovered his memory, he instinctively keeps an eye on the summer.

   He knew that in the summer without him by his side, he slept all night long.

   But with him by his side last night, he slept for more than two hours in summer!

   So he made sure that he was very important for summer!

   Although, summer doesn't know yet.

   Although, he didn't want to let Xia know for a while.

   Gu Yanyu knew that if he told Xia Xia that he was like a sleeping pill to her, Xia Xia would keep him by her side.

   But he didn't want to, he didn't want to be kept by Summer in that way.

   So, he will never tell Summer!


   Before returning to the hotel, Gu Yanyu changed from human form back to cat form.

   That's fine. If he turned into a cat in a hotel room, he would be suspicious when he woke up in the summer and saw the bathrobe lying on the ground.

   Shaking the hair on his body, Gu Yanyu returned to the hotel room.

   When he went back, Summer had already woken up.

   She got dressed and seemed ready to leave.

  “Meow meow~”

   Hearing the call, Xia Xia turned his head and glanced: "Xiao Hei, you're back."

Of course,    Summer will not ask: "Where have you been, Xiao Hei?"

   She's not crazy, talking nonsense with a 'cat'.

   "Meow meow~" Gu Yanyu responded to her.

   Although he knew that Xia Xia couldn't understand, Gu Yanyu was still willing to talk to her.

  Xiamen smiled at Gu Yanyu and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the base to have a look."

   At this time, Li Xiaoxi should have returned to the base, right?

  I can’t sleep anyway, so go have a look.

  Gu Yanyu gently jumped onto Xia Xia's shoulders, his cat was too petite, and it was more than enough to stay on Xia Xia's shoulders.

   Xia Xia tilted his head and glanced at Gu Yanyu, his cheek accidentally rubbed against the tip of his nose.

  This casual touch was not taken seriously by Xia Xia, after all, the other party was just a little milk cat who didn't know male and female.

   But Gu Yanyu was as dumb as an electric shock.

  This...this...this is the first time I've had such a close contact since I've known Summer for so long!

   Gu Yanyu could only feel his heart that was about to jump out, and his cheeks that were getting hotter and hotter.

   Fortunately, he looks like a cat now, otherwise he would be so shy that he wanted to find a hole to hide in!

  Xiamen didn't look at Gu Yanyu again, nor did he see that he was too shy to look at her close face.

   After making sure that the cat Gu Yanyu could stand firm on her shoulders, he left the hotel in summer.

   First, I went to the place where Li Xiaoxi parked during the day. There was no sign of the car there. It could be seen that Li Xiaoxi had returned to the base.

   She increased her speed and headed for the safe base like lightning——

   As soon as I arrived at the gate of the base, I saw Li Xiaoxi's car in summer.

   It looks like Li Xiaoxi just arrived~

  Xiamer took Li Xiaoxi one step ahead and climbed over the wall to enter the base.

   Then, she stood in the dark, watching Gu Ran's teammates opened the door to let her in.

  Everyone is very happy, happy that Li Xiaoxi can come back.

   They thought that both Li Xiaoxi and Xia Xia would die...

   But when the embarrassed Li Xiaoxi got out of the car, everyone knew what happened.

  Gu Ran came over, grabbed Li Xiaoxi's shoulder and asked, "Where is Mengxian?! Why didn't Mengxian come back with you?!"

  Gu Ran had no intention to pay attention to the scars that Li Xiaoxi painstakingly created in order not to be suspected, and made himself so embarrassed.

   A trace of madness flashed in Li Xiaoxi's eyes, but it soon turned into grief.

   Covering her face and crying, she said, "It's all my fault! I shouldn't let Mengmeng get out of the car! I woo woo woo..."

   She pretended to be sad and couldn't even speak, and sent a message to everyone that "Yuan Mengxian is dead".

   Of course, everyone also successfully received this message, and then it was very sad.

   I also regret that such a cheerful and beautiful girl sacrificed so that all of them could have a safe place to live!

  Gu Ran is a little hard to accept. He has a good impression of summer. He even thought of waiting for him to settle down at the base. Maybe he can get in touch and try it out.

  But now...

   "How did she die?" Gu Ran asked Li Xiaoxi.

  Li Xiaoxi was stunned for a while, but did not expect that even if Yuan Mengxian died, he would be concerned by Gu Ran!

   She was glad that she killed Yuan Mengxian, otherwise... How could Gu Ran want to look at her more?

  The story, Li Xiaoxi had already compiled it on the way back to the base.

  ——They were surrounded by zombies, and the car could not move forward.

  Yuan Mengxian jumped out of the car in order to let one of the two live, and went to distract the zombies.

   What she wanted to stop, but she was injured and was not as strong as Yuan Mengxian.

   So, she could only helplessly, watching Yuan Mengxian drown in the zombie horde but could do nothing!

   And she fainted while driving, and woke up after dark——

  This is the story written by Li Xiaoxi.

   But when seeing Gu Ran so excited, Li Xiaoxi decided not to use this story.

  This story tells Yuan Mengxian so great!


   Even if she dies, she will discredit Yuan Mengxian's image!

   "Don't ask, I'm very tired and want to rest." Li Xiaoxi's eyes flickered, avoiding the question.

  Gu Ran insisted on asking, grabbing her arm and not letting her go.

  Li Xiaoxi cried and roared: "I don't want to tell you the truth, can you not ask me?! Please!"

   looks like it is very sad.

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