Innocent Male God, is It Enough!

Chapter 114: There is room for farming when the end times are coming (14)

   Mutant beasts, mutated animals with abilities.

   And this mutant beast is obviously a fire-type ability.

  This mutant beast is very powerful, so even though it’s just one, it’s enough to keep everyone on guard.

  The gate was split open, and the mutant beasts outside entered everyone's sight.

   It was a black leopard that stood at least 1.8 meters tall, with red pupils looking coldly at the humans in the room.

   It looked contemptuous and condescending, as if looking at its own food.

   Of course, in the eyes of this black leopard, humans are indeed his food.

   "Roar——" The black panther roared and decided to kill the humans in front of him before taking the heart to eat.

   However, just when it was about to release the fire-type ability, a small voice rushed towards the black panther, and the speed was as fast as lightning.


   Everyone didn't see anything clearly, only after hearing a sound, the black panther fell to the ground with a whimper.

   When everyone saw it clearly, they saw that the black leopard was silent, and beside it stood a... cat that was many times smaller than the black leopard?

   Is it really a cat?

   There are candles in the room. Although the light is dim, it is not difficult to see clearly.

  The kitten has a fiery red stone in its mouth, which seems to be a crystal nucleus...

  It contains the crystal nucleus, walks gracefully to the summer with the catwalk, like offering a treasure to give the crystal nucleus to the summer.

  Yes, this kitten is the little milk cat who is looking for summer snacks every night!

  Xia Tian squatted down, spread out her hands, and the little milk cat put the fire crystal nucleus of the fourth-order mutant beast in her palm.

   At this moment, the mood in summer is not very calm.

   She always thought it was an ordinary little milk cat, but she was able to kill a fourth-order mutant beast with one move!

   Can this be an ordinary kitten? !

   So, this is also a mutant beast? How many levels?

   "My God! Is this cat in Mengmeng yours? It's so awesome!"

   And Li Xiaoxi looked at the fire crystal nucleus in Xia Xia's hand with jealousy.

   That is the fourth-order fire crystal nucleus!

   If you absorb the same crystal nucleus, the ability will rise faster!

   If she absorbs this crystal nucleus, she can definitely go directly to the fifth-order primary!

   The next moment, Li Xiaoxi was so angry again, where did this mutant cat come from? !

  Why is it so powerful? !

  Why is it so good for summer? !

   In the face of everyone's curiosity, Xia Xia said: "It's not my cat, it's just that it comes to me every night to eat during this time. I thought it was an ordinary kitten, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

   Obviously killed the black leopard and took away the crystal nucleus, but the little cat has no blood on his body.

  I only saw it in summer, and it is also all black.

   It's just that the black of the little milk cat is different from the black of the black panther.

   The black of the black leopard is a bit dirty.

   And the little milk cat looks particularly clean and shiny black.

  This little milk cat is so small, it seems that it can be strangled with light force, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful!

  “Meow meow~”

   The little milk cat squinted and rubbed the back of Summer's hand, as if asking for praise.

  Xiamen chuckled and said, "You are great! Thank you for saving so many of us!"

  “Meow meow meow~”

  Others also wanted to touch the kitten, but they were frightened by the little kitten's fierce appearance.

   After all, it is a small milk cat that can kill the fourth-order mutant beast, and everyone is still a little jealous of it.

   After watching the little milk cat, everyone started to pull the mutant beast out. As for their teammate A Yang, everyone was going to bury him in the yard.

  After such an episode, everyone lost sleep.

  Li Xiaoxi covets the crystal nucleus that was put away in the summer, so she is thinking about how to get that one over and absorb it.

  How could summer not know that Li Xiaoxi coveted that crystal nucleus from the very beginning?

   So when Li Xiaoxi came to look for her and said he wanted to see the crystal nucleus, Xia Xia said, "I was just eaten by Xiao Hei."

  Xiaohei, it was the little milk cat.

   For this name, Xiao Hei said, it really really doesn't like it!

   But what can be done, it can't speak, how can it express its will?

  Li Xiaoxi was so irritable after hearing that Xiao Hei had eaten the crystal nucleus: "Eat it?! How could you give such a precious crystal nucleus to a beast to eat?!"

   This sentence, Li Xiaoxi almost used a roar.

   Neither she nor Xia Xia noticed that when the little milk cat Xiao Hei heard the word "beast", her eyes darkened.

  Beasts? hum~

   "Xiao Xi, why are you so excited? Isn't it just a stone? I'm also worried that Xiao Hei will eat it and will eat it badly!"

   At this time, there are not many people who know the nucleus, and in summer they "don't know".

   Gu Ran knew it, but he just didn't have time to teach summer science.

  Li Xiaoxi was of course aware of her gaffe, but she really couldn't accept it!

   Originally wanted to trick Xia to show her the crystal core, and then she pretended to accidentally absorb the crystal core.

  But now...

   Fourth-order fire crystal nucleus! Tier four!

  Thinking of this, Li Xiaoxi felt that her heart was going to be broken!

  Li Xiaoxi was not in the mood to pretend at all, she waved her hand towards Xia Xia and raised her feet upstairs.

   Xia Xia smiled and looked down at Xiao Hei.

Of course, she didn't really eat the   crystal core for Xiao Hei, it wasn't because she didn't want to. After all, she didn't have any powers herself, so it was useless to keep it.

   In summer, he was supposed to give the crystal nucleus to Xiao Hei, and it was originally what he got.

   But who knew that Xiao Hei not only refused to eat, but also pushed the nucleus towards her.

   Obviously, Xiao Hei wants to give her the crystal core.

  So, in the summer, put the crystal nucleus first.

   "Xiao Hei, from today onwards, you can follow me." Xia Xia said to Xiao Hei.

  Anyway, Xiao Hei was following her, but now he just followed her from the dark to the open.

   With such a powerful pet by his side, can Li Xiaoxi have a myocardial infarction?

   "Meow Meow Meow~" It can't wait to follow the summer!


   I'm done, and it's almost midnight.

   Those teammates who were not sleepy at first also started to feel sleepy, ready to sleep for a while.

  Summer also took Xiaohe back to the room.

   took a pillow and put it on the ground for Xiao Hei to sleep. Xiao Hei was also well-behaved, curled up on the pillow and closed his eyes to prepare to sleep.

   Lying in bed in summer, ready to close your eyes and rest.

   It's just that she didn't expect that, with her eyes closed, she really fell asleep!

   Hearing the sound of breathing in his ears gradually calming down, the black cat under the bed opened his eyes.

   Those eyes were nothing like what a cat should have.

  I saw the little black cat's body twisted, and the body began to become a little blurry, and a silhouette would appear from time to time.

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