Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 506: upgrade the kingdom of god

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"Indeed, although I still believe in Orrog's strength, if this thing really controls the world, then there will undoubtedly be many more strangely affected new worlds in the heavens!

Thinking from another perspective, that is to say, there are countless more creators in the world who describe the myth of Cthulhu!

Myths are scattered from reality into people's minds, and people who are consciously excited by inspiration will not consider the dangers brought about by the spread of stories.

So you are right, guards are indeed necessary! "

Lucifer responded heavily to Heisenberg's words.

Seeing Lucifer supporting him, Heisenberg nodded, then recycled to create a floor.

This floor is suspended in the void, and on the floor is placed a series of leisure facilities ordered by Heisenberg.

Not just basic sofas and booze, but even TVs and game consoles.

While drinking, Heisenberg threw a handle to Lucifer.

"You can't wait in vain, let's play for a while."

"Damn, you still play with this kid's stuff!"

Lucifer snickered and took the handle, while taunting, he continued to ask.

"So, hurry up and teach me how to play with this little kid!"

"Just do your own research, and start a game before you can't.

Basketball, football, racing, fighting, you pick.

But don't use divine power to cheat! "

Heisenberg gave a warning, and then started the game directly. With the sound of the game, Yagami started to beat Kusanagi again....

It was a fight, and then it became a matchup between Jordan and Chamberlain.

While the two were having fun, they also routinely paid attention to the Nordic world.

What reassured the two of them was that the Nordic world was progressing well. Although it was weird for a while to gain the upper hand, with the continuous evolution of the world, the mechanical Orrog finally found the final solution.

After evolving again and again, Odin and others finally realized that even Nighold's blood was not enough for them to win the final.

So they reluctantly gave up, although they were deformed, they still had the inheritance of flesh and blood.

Instead of Jackie Chan, they chose to….

Flesh is bitter and weak, machinery soars! ! !

When Heisenberg controlled Curry to teach Jordan a three-pointer, Odin finally showed his responsibilities as a **** king. He was the first to completely give up his flesh and blood and set himself on the road of machinery!

For a time, the form of the Nordic world changed greatly, and more and more machines were spread to every corner of the world.

Until even the World Tree has become a complete machine, until the consciousness and thinking of all the mechanical beings in the Nordic world are completely combined through the link of the World Tree...

When all beings in the Nordic world form a perfect collection of consciousness, their total willpower will no longer be affected by Cthulhu!

Since then, Cthulhu has been defeated repeatedly until the tentacle incarnation, the deformed monster occupying the position of the sun and the moon in the Nordic world, is completely killed.

The strange invasion of the Nordic world has come to an end.

Seeing that Northern Europe got rid of the strange influence, Lucifer finally crushed the handle in his hand.

"Fuck, we have guarded more than 20 million world evolutions, so Lao Tzu lost more than 20 million evolutions to you!

You remember it for me, if I play any more battle game with you, I will go back to being a little angel under God's ass!

As I said, I can't change the king of heaven, go to her mother's game! "

The voice fell, and Lucifer looked around in annoyance.

When he was sure that Orrog was not in trouble with the two of them, he immediately planned to leave.

"I'm not wasting my time with you here, the ghost knows how much time I've sacrificed playing with women for our half-failed plan.

Now that we've caused enough trouble for Orrog, it's time for us to scold! "


Heisenberg stretched out his hand to stop Lucifer, and while staring at the Nordic world, he reminded Lucifer.

"Wait a moment, look at the Nordic world now!"


Lucifer showed a puzzled expression, and then followed Heisenberg's gaze.

With just one glance, Lucifer smiled.

"As I thought, haha, his **** creation rebelled!"

That's right, in the Nordic world at this time, a collection of consciousnesses composed of all creatures in the Nordic world, dominated by the self-consciousness of Odin and Nighold.

He is manipulating his infinitely gigantic body to launch nasty insults and attacks on their creator!

When the consciousness is strong enough, they understand their origin and everything for granted.

Therefore, of course, they have endless hatred for Orrog, who manipulates the fate of their lives.

Beside Lucifer, Heisenberg smiled slightly as he watched the increasingly chaotic appearance of the Nordic world.

"Although their resistance is doomed to fail, Orrog is far from an existence that can be defeated by a mere collective of consciousness.

But watching such a drama before leaving is really refreshing! "

The voice fell, and Heisenberg opened the portal.

"Okay, just see this, even Cthulhu couldn't make Orrog appear angrily.

Unless we really find Almighty God to compete for his control over the world, he probably will never pay any attention to us! "

"Indeed, so it's time to run, this trip is really rewarding.

I want to go back and continue to open my bar, and then savor the nearly 80 million creation experiences! "

"Me too, it's time to take a break. It's not this kind of time that is free from the cracks of time, but the real time!"

After Heisenberg responded, he walked into the portal without looking back.

After Heisenberg left, Lucifer opened another portal.

But just as Lucifer was about to enter the door, Heisenberg suddenly turned back from his portal.

Lucifer looked over suspiciously, so he saw Heisenberg speaking to him.

"By the way, Lao Lu, we are friends after all.

So, I offer you a piece of advice, watch out for policewomen! "


Lucifer was confused at first, and then he laughed disdainfully.

"Ah, Corey thief?


I am Lucifer, under one person, Lucifer over ten thousand people!

Unless God wears a policewoman uniform, what kind of policewoman do you think deserves my attention, haha! "

"That doesn't matter, I reminded you anyway, it's up to you whether you listen or not!"

Heisenberg responded noncommittally, then left without looking back.

After the equal sign Senbao left, Lucifer stood there thoughtfully.

Although he said he didn't care, he knew that Heisenberg would not joke with her!


Really not?

It's not like he hasn't joked with himself!

Lucifer showed a knowing smile. It feels really good to have a friend who can play with him.

Just like that, he walked into the portal with a smile. As for what policewoman?

Even if Lucifer died in Northern Europe, it is impossible for the policewoman to be regarded as trouble!



After Heisenberg left the Nordic world, he immediately returned to his kingdom of God.

As soon as he landed, Mogo emerged from the ground in front of him.

As he rushed to the top of Heidelberg enthusiastically, Mogo said sleepily in a daze.

"Dad, just in time for you to come back, I... have something to look for you.

I don't know what's going on, I've been in a mess lately.

Not only me, but the minds of most people in the kingdom of God are a little confused.

The Kryptonians are okay, just lethargic, not serious.

But the earthlings who are currently living in the stretch, they all can't wake up!

And there are people who keep talking nonsense, such as Odin is a bitch, Cthulhu and so on....

Come and see, are we being targeted by some evil god?

Is it Darkseid's father, the lost king of Apocalypse? "


Hearing Mogo's question, Heisenberg swept away his consciousness, and the entire kingdom of God came into view.

After a while, Heisenberg smiled wryly.

"It's okay, I'll handle the special situation."

When the voice fell, he snapped his fingers, and the people who had just fallen asleep






"Indeed, although I still believe in Orrog's strength, if this thing really controls the world, then there will undoubtedly be many more strangely affected new worlds in the heavens!

Thinking from another perspective, that is to say, there are countless more creators in the world who describe the myth of Cthulhu!

Myths are scattered from reality into people's minds, and people who are consciously excited by inspiration will not consider the dangers brought about by the spread of stories.

So you are right, guards are indeed necessary! "

Lucifer responded heavily to Heisenberg's words.

Seeing Lucifer supporting him, Heisenberg nodded, then recycled to create a floor.

This floor is suspended in the void, and on the floor is placed a series of leisure facilities ordered by Heisenberg.

Not just basic sofas and booze, but even TVs and game consoles.

While drinking, Heisenberg threw a handle to Lucifer.

"You can't wait in vain, let's play for a while."

"Damn, you still play with this kid's stuff!"

Lucifer snickered and took the handle, while taunting, he continued to ask.

"So, hurry up and teach me how to play with this little kid!"

"Just do your own research, and start a game before you can't.

Basketball, football, racing, fighting, you pick.

But don't use divine power to cheat! "

Heisenberg gave a warning, and then started the game directly. With the sound of the game, Yagami started to beat Kusanagi again....

It was a fight, and then it became a matchup between Jordan and Chamberlain.

While the two were having fun, they also routinely paid attention to the Nordic world.

What reassured the two of them was that the Nordic world was progressing well. Although it was weird for a while to gain the upper hand, with the continuous evolution of the world, the mechanical Orrog finally found the final solution.

After evolving again and again, Odin and others finally realized that even Nighold's blood was not enough for them to win the final.

So they reluctantly gave up, although they were deformed, they still had the inheritance of flesh and blood.

Instead of Jackie Chan, they chose to….

Flesh is bitter and weak, machinery soars! ! !

When Heisenberg controlled Curry to teach Jordan a three-pointer, Odin finally showed his responsibilities as a **** king. He was the first to completely give up his flesh and blood and set himself on the road of machinery!

For a time, the form of the Nordic world changed greatly, and more and more machines were spread to every corner of the world.

Until even the World Tree has become a complete machine, until the consciousness and thinking of all the mechanical beings in the Nordic world are completely combined through the link of the World Tree...

When all beings in the Nordic world form a perfect collection of consciousness, their total willpower will no longer be affected by Cthulhu!

Since then, Cthulhu has been defeated repeatedly until the tentacle incarnation, the deformed monster occupying the position of the sun and the moon in the Nordic world, is completely killed.

The strange invasion of the Nordic world has come to an end.

Seeing that Northern Europe got rid of the strange influence, Lucifer finally crushed the handle in his hand.

"Fuck, we have guarded more than 20 million world evolutions, so Lao Tzu lost more than 20 million evolutions to you!

You remember it for me, if I play any more battle game with you, I will go back to being a little angel under God's ass!

As I said, I can't change the king of heaven, go to her mother's game! "

The voice fell, and Lucifer looked around in annoyance.

When he was sure that Orrog was not in trouble with the two of them, he immediately planned to leave.

"I'm not wasting my time with you here, the ghost knows how much time I've sacrificed playing with women for our half-failed plan.

Now that we've caused enough trouble for Orrog, it's time for us to scold! "


Heisenberg stretched out his hand to stop Lucifer, and while staring at the Nordic world, he reminded Lucifer.

"Wait a moment, look at the Nordic world now!"


Lucifer showed a puzzled expression, and then followed Heisenberg's gaze.

With just one glance, Lucifer smiled.

"As I thought, haha, his **** creation rebelled!"

That's right, in the Nordic world at this time, a collection of consciousnesses composed of all creatures in the Nordic world, dominated by the self-consciousness of Odin and Nighold.

He is manipulating his infinitely gigantic body to launch nasty insults and attacks on their creator!

When the consciousness is strong enough, they understand their origin and everything for granted.

Therefore, of course, they have endless hatred for Orrog, who manipulates the fate of their lives.

Beside Lucifer, Heisenberg smiled slightly as he watched the increasingly chaotic appearance of the Nordic world.

"Although their resistance is doomed to fail, Orrog is far from an existence that can be defeated by a mere collective of consciousness.

But watching such a drama before leaving is really refreshing! "

The voice fell, and Heisenberg opened the portal.

"Okay, just see this, even Cthulhu couldn't make Orrog appear angrily.

Unless we really find Almighty God to compete for his control over the world, he probably will never pay any attention to us! "

"Indeed, so it's time to run, this trip is really rewarding.

I want to go back and continue to open my bar, and then savor the nearly 80 million creation experiences! "

"Me too, it's time to take a break. It's not this kind of time that is free from the cracks of time, but the real time!"

After Heisenberg responded, he walked into the portal without looking back.

After Heisenberg left, Lucifer opened another portal.

But just as Lucifer was about to enter the door, Heisenberg suddenly turned back from his portal.

Lucifer looked over suspiciously, so he saw Heisenberg speaking to him.

"By the Old Road, we are friends after all.

So, I offer you a piece of advice, watch out for policewomen! "


Lucifer was confused at first, and then he laughed disdainfully.

"Ah, Corey thief?


I am Lucifer, under one person, Lucifer over ten thousand people!

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