On the one hand, the people in the Redeemer Alliance are still coveting Heisenberg's body.

On the other hand, Heisenberg slept for another two hours and finally got out of bed.

Queen Maeve didn't leave, but she didn't lie in bed and let Heisenberg play.

Now, she is making a video call on a desk not far from Heisenberg's bed, constantly remotely controlling her assistant to handle a series of company affairs.

Seeing Heisenberg get up, Queen Maeve pursed her lips and hung up the video call.

Then she whispered to Heisenberg.

"It's great that you're awake. Whenever your eyes fall on me, I feel extremely at ease, my lord."

Having said that, Queen Maeve got up and came to Heisenberg, and gently placed the slippers on the head of his bed.

Putting down her shoes, she sat on the bed with her beautiful **** rocking, rubbing Heisenberg's shoulders as she continued.

"For the collective activity between us and the Reimbursement Alliance, I've got that all set."


Heisenberg nodded, satisfied.

"Just listening to their lascivious and flirtatious laughs on the phone, they should just disappear from the world."

"Of course, my lord, everything that displeases you should disappear from the world!

And, according to my plan, as I said on the phone.

Our company will work with the Redeemer Alliance to fabricate a non-existent alien invasion event.

By that time, even their deaths will have reasons that the citizens can accept.

As long as we don't say it, no one will know that they died at our hands.

It's like the Redeemer League now, as long as we don't say it, the townspeople will never think they're going to a drug party on the island with us! "

The voice fell, and Queen Maeve showed an excited look while massaging Heisenberg.

"My lord, the Redeemer League is the most famous superhero group in the world outside of our Super Sevens.

As long as they are cleaned up, then most of our superhuman circles will be clean in an instant!

Of course, I know there are still some troubles in this circle, but those troubles are definitely not troubles.

I clean up the Redeemer Alliance on my side, and the White House government on the motherland side.

With the two-pronged approach, I believe that the world you want will come soon! "

"Well, you have a heart."

Looking at Queen Maeve who was as proud as a peacock, Heisenberg showed a complimenting smile. His words made Queen Maeve tremble twice.

Somehow, for the current Queen Maeve.

He was too easily influenced by Heisenberg.

Even if it was just a simple compliment, Queen Maeve felt her lower abdomen was turbulent and trembled!

Just beside Maeve, how could Heisenberg not feel the change in Maeve, and he took Maeve close to his arms.

Feeling Heisenberg's caress, Queen Maeve shook her head in refusal.

"My lord, now is not the time, the company still has a lot of things to deal with!

I have been contacted by Professor John S. Goldkin, the head of the Walter branch, who has proposed... for our new hero selection...  ... ummm.

Don't make a fuss, his advice...good.

I know you prefer pure-minded, pure-enough superhumans.

And Professor G's... suggestion... uh~.

He said he said he planned to create a large superhuman team in addition to the Super Sevens.

This team...will be dominated by superhuman children raised since childhood!

He hopes that this team can make the children who have been cultivated since childhood become the reserves of the Super Sevens, so as to prevent and avoid the problem of being unable to replenish personnel in time when the Super Sevens encounter a large-scale attrition like now... ah~~~ !

In short...if you can start with children, you can raise them to be the righteous people you want, right?

I agree with Professor G, and the name he intends to give his team is G-Men!

You..., you tap... You are too strong, woohoo~~. "


a day later.


Around five in the morning, the morning light in New York has not had time to bloom.

William Butcher had already left his safe house and walked into the streets where he habitually haunted.

Go to the breakfast shop you are used to, order a cup of coffee and two sandwiches.

During the simple breakfast, Butcher chewed while reversing some of the practices of the Water Company through the TV programs that were constantly broadcast in the breakfast bar, and through these programs that most ordinary people watched.

On a normal day, the Water Company channel will roll out some important news from yesterday from four to six in the morning.

That's exactly what Butcher wanted to see.

At the end of each day, he would sum up all kinds of information obtained yesterday in his mind, and then compare his own information with the fake official news of Vought Company.

But only today!

Just as Butcher grabbed the last sandwich, a blaring siren suddenly sounded on the TV he was watching!

The voice even startled Butcher. He really thought that his actions were discovered by the newly appointed **** after the shuffling of the rights of Walter Company!

Who knows, when he carefully looked at the news...

On the TV at this time, the pictures from satellites showed that an incomparably huge fleet was rushing towards the earth in the universe!

But after playing for about fifteen seconds, those huge fleets were passing by the edge of Mars!

Immediately afterwards, the screen returned to the studio.

"Urgent news, urgent news!

Just now, Water Corporation assembled the exploration satellite Eskimo launched by the world's latest technology, and discovered a huge fleet that dared to come from the direction of Orion and reach the solar system!

This isn't an April Fool's prank, and it's not April 1st!

It's not even a movie or a fantasy!

Aliens are really here! ! !

Below we leave time to our great hero, the former captain of the Super Sevens. Motherland! ! ! "

Accompanied by the host's introduction, the natives stood in front of the camera with serious faces, and resolutely shouted at the enemy.

"I saw the picture sent back by the satellite, such a terrifying fleet even gave me lingering fears!

I know that every one of you believes in me, but at this moment, even I can't believe in myself anymore!

This is not a crisis that I, or our team, can solve!

In order to deal with the sudden space fleet, in order to resist the terrorist attack from outer space!

I got in touch with Soldier Boy as soon as possible. The Super Seven and the Redeemer Alliance will conduct the most formal joint operation in this event! ! ! "

Having said that, the screen switched to the soldier boy.

I saw the soldier boy raised his right hand extremely solemnly!

"Indeed, after confirming the authenticity of the matter, I reached an agreement with the people of the motherland as soon as possible!

The Super Sevens and the Redeemer Alliance must practice their actions to have a little chance of solving this crisis!

Remember, guys, we're not invincible, we're not gods!

Although you call us superheroes, in addition to your love, we are just ordinary superhumans who are willing to dedicate their blood to each of your friends!

Our two teams alone cannot solve this crisis!

We must get help from more siblings!

This is a far more dangerous crisis than World War II, I... soldier boy! "

"I, a native of the motherland...!"

"We call again all superheroes!"

"Bring your team along and gather at the Walter International Office!"

"The backbone of our two teams will be the first to meet the enemy!"

"You can follow in our footsteps anytime!"

"Let's work together!"

"Let's get through this difficult time together!!!"

At this point, the news perspective suddenly changed, and only the picture of the motherland carrying the soldier boy soaring into the sky was left on the TV.

And when this news is over….

I don't know what happened elsewhere, but the morning coffee shop where William Butcher was located fell into chaos for the first time!

This is a morning coffee shop, and many people nearby have the habit of coming here to drink some coffee in the morning.

Therefore, compared with other occasions, people here are more concentrated in the early morning.

So, when the crowd learned that the earth was about to be hit from outer space.

The crowd was in chaos for the first time!

"Damn it, my lottery won't be announced until evening. What if I make money but the Earth is gone?"

"Support the Super Sevens, support the Redeemer League, we must win this battle!"

"I also support it, don't stop me, I'm going to the bomb shelter!"

"Shit, get the door out of the way!!!"

In the midst of the noise, someone rushed out of the store for the first time and went straight to the nearby parking lot. No matter if there was a car or not, they had to get a car and run away!

Some people rushed to the major supermarkets for the first time and began to frantically hoard all kinds of living materials!

Some people were even smarter. They directly started looting the coffee shop. A group of people shouted and drank all the coffee beans, coffee powder and all kinds of food in the shop!

But smart people....

These smartest people, trying their best to stock up on truck after truck of toilet paper….

The chaotic images made Butcher's eyebrows twitch wildly.

Facing the chaos around him, Butcher slapped the table hard.

"No, I can't stay here, I have to do something now!

Only an idiot would believe what the Water Company said, the black forefoot betrayed, the deep sea just retired with disabilities, and the invisible man and the new member, the locomotive, just died!

Just when this Super Seven was at its weakest, the ghosts believed in the so-called alien invasion!

If everyone believes their lies, then when the remaining **** of the Super Seven come back claiming to be victorious, their recently weakened popularity will increase instead of declining! "

Thinking of this, Butcher hurriedly ate the sandwich, and then he rushed all the way to the store door.

While sprinting, he cursed in his heart!

"It's all that **** Susan, I was so intimidated by her that I couldn't investigate the latest plans of the Water Department in time!

If I had known about their shocking lie, I could have obtained all kinds of data about the truth earlier!

I never believe that the earth would be attacked by some aliens at such a coincidence. This move by Walter Company is really neat and tidy! "

While thinking, Butcher rushed out of the coffee shop.

As for the ongoing robbery near the coffee shop counter….

Butcher didn't have time to take care of the poor female bar counter, and he didn't even have time to save the looted coffee shop!

He is a dignified butcher, a well-known butcher in the underground anti-human circle, but he didn't save some coffee!

He has to figure out a way to get involved in this joint action of the Super Sevens and the Redeemers!

If you can actually come up with the evidence of the Super Seven's fictional universe invasion, then you will definitely be able to damage the vitality of the Water Company!


At the same time, inside the Water Company.

The light and shadow across the horizon spun around in a circle, and the natives hugged the soldier boy and lightly fell back to the rooftop.

As soon as they landed, the natives smiled and asked the filming staff next to them.

"How about it, is it okay to shoot?"

"Of course you can, haha, the two of you are so good together!"

The photographer complimented excitedly, and the word "co-shot" in his words made the soldier boy's face turn red.

While leaning on the side of the motherland, enjoying the warm embrace of the motherland.

The soldier boy said shyly.

"As long as I don't hold you back, Mr. Motherlander."

"What are you talking about, why are you holding me back?"

Listening to the soldier boy's words, he shook his head while the natives sent him aside.

"Stop talking nonsense, since we have already dealt with the pictures needed for the previous news, then the next steps for us people are basically gone.

I leave it here to you, you are all professional media personnel, I believe you can handle the finishing touches.

As for us! "

The voice fell, and he patted the soldier boy on the shoulder.

The left side of the soldier boy was numb when he shot him.

Unable to rub his shoulders lightly, the soldier boy looked at the people of the motherland with a happy face.

As expected of the man he likes, no matter every angle is perfect, even his hands are so strong!

I just don't know if he will be the fiercest one on the bed...

The people of the motherland ignored the soldier boy's thoughts. After he slapped the soldier boy, he continued.

"It's time for us to go, man, I'll take my team and you'll take yours!

A few days ago, the Storm Herald came to me for an arm wrestling match.

At that time I was too lazy to pay attention to him, how could I be a layman who wrestles his arms on the news?

But this time we have a party together, then it doesn't matter. Storm Pioneer doesn't want to play with Lao Tzu, so I'll have a good time with him! ! ! "

"Yo, see what you said"

I just don't know if he will be the fiercest one on the bed...

The people of the motherland ignored the soldier boy's thoughts. After he slapped the soldier boy, he continued.

"It's time for us to go, man, I'll take my team and you'll take yours!

A few days ago, the Storm Herald came to me for an arm wrestling match.

At that time, I was too lazy to pay attention to him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ How could I be a layman who wrestles his arms on the news?

But this time we have a party together, then it doesn't matter. Storm Pioneer doesn't want to play with Lao Tzu, so I'll have a good time with him! ! ! "

"Yo, see what you said"

I just don't know if he will be the fiercest one on the bed...

The people of the motherland ignored the soldier boy's thoughts. After he slapped the soldier boy, he continued.

"It's time for us to go, man, I'll take my team and you'll take yours!

A few days ago, Storm Herald even asked me for an arm wrestling match.

At that time I was too lazy to pay attention to him, how could I be a layman who wrestles his arms on the news?

But this time we have a party together, so it doesn't matter that Storm Pioneer wants to play with Lao Tzu, so I'll have a good time with him! ! ! "

"Yo, see what you said"

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