Injustice Starts with Marvel

Chapter 460: conspiracy!

And just when the motherland sneered silently.

The deep sea room was gently pushed open by Queen Maeve.

Although these are all lounges provided by the company, the veteran Super Sevens members only have certain rights.

After living for a long time, they have the right to change the layout and decoration of their lounge at will.

Therefore, Queen Maeve, who had never been there, looked at the layout of the room.

With a brief glance, Queen Maeve closed the door, then walked all the way through the corridor full of photos of SM women in the deep sea, and came to the living room of the deep sea.

At this time, Shen Hai Zheng Da was sitting on the sofa with his legs spread apart, drinking champagne in one hand, and constantly flying a plane for himself in the other.

Seeing such a deep sea, Queen Maeve gritted her teeth and shook her head in disgust.

"You are worse than I thought!"

"Haha, it's you, Maeve!

Damn, I have to admit, I kind of like being reprimanded.

When I was stared at by Heisenberg with stern eyes, those eyes that could make me die at any time really made me unable to control the flow of my blood! "

While answering Maeve's words indifferently, Deep Sea accelerated the movements of his hands.

"Look, look, damn, I've been at least twenty minutes longer than usual this time. I really want to be reprimanded by him like I did just now!"


Hearing the half moaning, half excited words of the deep sea, Maeve's breathing became heavier and heavier, she got angry!

I saw that she suddenly raised her hand and patted it lightly.

"Don't worry, you will never have the chance to talk to Mr. Heisenberg again in the future!

It was my mistake to let you appear in front of him, you... will be far away from him! "

The voice fell, and Queen Maeve kicked her hard, directly on the back of the sofa in the deep sea!

Being kicked like this by Queen Maeve, the deep-sea manual work could only stop halfway. He jumped out of the tumbling sofa and landed on the ground in a superhero pose.

It's just... when a male superhero doesn't wear pants to do this....

This pose is no longer handsome, and the rest is just disgusting!

Queen Maeve closed her eyes in disgust. With her far superior senses, even if she didn't look at the disgusting things in front of her, she still had the confidence to handle the deep sea!

And the deep sea....

Half-kneeling on the ground, she looked at Queen Maeve with her eyes closed, her face full of indifference and cruelty...

Deep Sea sighed deeply and asked in a low voice.

"He said he wouldn't kill me!"

"But he didn't promise you to make you feel better!" Maeve agreed softly.

"Don't make me feel better, so tell me what to expect!

We have worked together for so long, although we are not familiar with each other, but for the sake of being colleagues for so many years.

Tell me what the outcome will be for me! "

"You will be disabled, deep sea, and you will lose one hand and one foot.

But don't worry, you are still very free in the future, you can go to Antarctica to guard the lighthouse! "

Queen Maeve finally agreed, and then slammed into the deep sea. Her running action knocked over the coffee table in the deep sea in an instant, and the drinks and food placed on it were all over the floor!

And deep sea, in terms of power alone, he is far from the opponent of Queen Maeve.

As far as ability is concerned...

In the deep sea, you can only breathe in the water, swim faster in the water, and talk to the fish!

All the abilities of the deep sea can only be exerted in the water. . . .


With just one impact, the deep sea was smashed into the air.

Then, when he finally landed in the air.

His shoeless feet immediately slipped on the floor with drinks and cheese.

Maeve rushed forward and stepped on the throat of the deep sea.

She casually pulled out the special sword she stole from the Water Company's equipment department not long ago from her waist, and Queen Maeve severely cut off Deep Sea's arm!

Before the deep sea could scream, Queen Maeve's shoes stepped on his throat firmly!

Immediately afterwards, while the deep sea failed to attack, Maeve's long sword pierced the hamstring of the deep sea once again!

And after that, Queen Maeve raised her right foot, and when the deep sea was about to shout, the sole of her foot slammed into the deep sea's temple...

At this point, the veteran who has joined the Super Seven for more than ten years, the superhero Deep Sea, has officially welcomed the fate that Heisenberg arranged for him.

Queen Maeve looked down at Deep Sea's eyes, after confirming that this guy had completely fainted.

She walked aside with a disgusted expression and picked up Shen Hai's mobile phone.

With two simple operations, the small program obtained by the company's internal operations department helped her to easily crack the deep sea password.

Then she turned to the address book, edited a text message, and sent it to Black's mobile phone.

The content of that message is:

"Get to my room as soon as possible, something big has happened, about Heisenberg!"

Queen Maeve sent a text message, and then threw Shen Hai's phone on Shen Hai's body.

Turned around and left, just as Queen Maeve left to the door.

She suddenly remembered something.

So she turned around, went back to the deep sea, and cut off the thing under the deep sea with a sword!

After doing all this, Queen Maeve threw the long sword aside with a disgusting face, and then quickly turned around and left.

And after leaving...

Queen Maeve returned to her lounge, sat in front of the dresser, and straightened her hair with a serious face.

She knew that the deep sea was never her opponent, but she didn't need to.

The black color she will face next...

That incomparably mysterious guy deserves all her strength! ! !


At the same time, the lounge area of ​​the board of directors of Water International.

The natives wore black clothes and walked in easily.

The person who serves as the guard for the board of directors has long known that Xuanse is a member of the board of directors, and Xuanse doesn't like to talk very much, so no one will come forward to question him.

He just walked into the room of the president of Walter International.

Seeing the appearance of Xuan Se, the president was obviously a little surprised, and he asked suspiciously.

"Didn't I ask you to see General Hans, why did you come back so early?

Did the military and the White House have different views? "

"No, nothing to do, old friend.

I'm just here to give you a ride! "

The native responded casually, and then took out the long knife behind his back.

Taking a simple step, the president is directly dead.

While letting the president's blood spray all over his body, the natives took a deep breath.

His face, which was covered by the black mask, was showing an extremely excited expression at this time!

I saw him gesture twice with the long knife.

"I've never used this kind of thing before, and now it seems that this kind of feeling is really good!"

When the voice fell, the native took out the president's phone number and edited a text message.

SMS content:

"Things have changed, I got the latest news about Heisenberg, be sure to gather everyone to the old place to meet and discuss!"

After editing, the natives selected a group of Walter executives in the CEO's address book.

Soon, the text message was sent to their mobile phones.

After sending the text message, the native threw away the phone, came to the president's head that fell on the ground, and patted the president's head with a smile.

"Don't you **** bother me all the time?

Don't you **** make me control myself?

Hehe, **** you! ! ! "

After the scolding, the native raised his right leg and stepped on the president's head into a colorful mash!

Immediately afterwards, he went to the side, got into the CEO's bathroom, and started cleaning in his black uniform.

After washing the blood on the black uniform, the native turned on the drying system, and the warm air quickly cleaned the water droplets from his body.

Afterwards, the natives left the CEO's room and went all the way to the top floor, which was reserved for the highest level of Walter's meetings.

When he entered the conference room, someone had already rushed over. Of course, they would not be big bosses, but ordinary high-level executives such as Vice President Madeleine.

Looking carefully at Madeleine's face, the people of the motherland suddenly remembered that they actually have a woman among the people to deal with...

Looking at Madeleine's incomparably seductive body, the people of the motherland regretted it. He didn't even think of his lover!

He actually didn't ask for mercy in front of Heisenberg for his lover in advance...

For a while, the people of the motherland were completely stunned there, with a sincere heart.

Who knows, just when he was struggling, Madeleine spoke up.

"Xuan Se, did you even receive the news?

Hell, if there's something to be discussed at this meeting, even you need to be involved.

I'm afraid we're going to do something!

However, you are only a weapon used to guard against the motherland, and now we are facing Heisenberg.

You wouldn't be Heisenberg's opponent, would you?

So I really look forward to the news that the president will say, is there a new product in our laboratory that can check and balance Heisenberg just like you check and balance the people of the motherland? "


As soon as Madeleine's voice fell, the people of the motherland were stunned, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Shit, you actually use him....

No, no, you actually plan to let me check and balance the people of the motherland?

Hell, what kind of existence are the people of the motherland? How can I be qualified to compare with him?

He is the strongest hero, the **** of the past!

And I'm just a **** who hides his face and shows his face, why is he, **** it! ! ! "

While speaking, the natives couldn't help but scold. His words made several vice presidents, including Madeleine, show disbelief.

While staring at the black eyes, Madeleine's eyes gradually became flustered!

In just two seconds, Madeleine stood up abruptly!

"Damn, you are not black, your eyes are definitely not black!

How could I not recognize your eyes, you are from the motherland, what are you going to do, and you actually put on black clothes! ! ! "

When the words fell, the three vice presidents beside Madeleine became even more confused.

One of the vice presidents said with a frown.

"How is it possible, Madeleine, are you mistaken, after all they are so similar!"

"Impossible, I can never see it wrong, because I have seen it too many times, he is not a black, absolutely not!!!"

Madeleine shook her head desperately, and she burst into tears as she kept retreating.

"You actually dressed up in black, the president's order to gather... Hell!

It's funny, it's really funny, hahaha, it's a **** joke! "

Aside, watching Madeleine and other vice presidents who were constantly trying to escape, the natives gritted their teeth and exhaled a long breath.

Then, he came to Madeleine in a blink of an eye!

While ripping off all of Madeleine's suit buttons, he threw those buttons at the other three vice presidents and their assistants!

The motherland grabbed Madeleine's neck!

"You said something, Madeleine!

If you really think that I am from the motherland, then tell me what you mean by those words!

You must know me, you don't even know me!

So, why do you think that black **** has a chance to check and balance me! ! ! "

Accompanied by the curses of the motherland, the other vice presidents did not even scream, but their brains were pierced by the swirling buttons.

After they thudded a few times, Madeleine shook her head with trembling.

"It's too late for me to say anything, right, natives.

I didn't expect you to do such a thing!

But that's fine, hahaha, it's really good!

We are all **** jokes, we created you and Xuan Se, and we created everything we are today! ! !

Hahaha, it's so funny, we are all jokes, natives of the motherland, we are all!

Sooner or later you will understand what I mean! ! ! "

"Don't fool me here, Madeleine, tell everything you know, and I might save your life!"

"You can't save it, no matter what you want to kill us for, you can't save it either!

Because when you know everything, no matter what reason you want to kill us for, that reason will be replaced by the anger you generate next!

And, hahaha, I can tell you another thing!

I have always disliked you, my mother is particularly disgusting. You put your **** face in the middle of my other neko?

You are a **** change.... "

Click it! ! !

Before Madeleine could finish her last words, the motherland directly broke her neck.

With the crisp sound, blood flowed from the corners of Madeleine's mouth, and she died.

But the doubts in the hearts of the motherland did not disappear with Madeleine's death.

I saw that he solemnly, painfully and regretfully put Madeleine's body on the ground.

Then he looked around fiercely!

Through those walls, he saw all his goals tonight!

There are things that dear Madeleine does not want to say to herself.

Then I'll go ask someone else! ! !


Soon after, Xuan Se took heavy steps and came to the front of the deep sea room.

Deep Sea's room was a bit messy, he could see it through the wall, Deep Sea was lying on the ground, and countless blood was shed from the severed arms and hands!

That picture made Xuan Se stop in front of the deep-sea door!

In the distance, Queen Maeve, who was silently monitoring the black color, showed a puzzled expression.

She has dealt with the smell of the deep sea room, except for perspective, there is no reason for Black to discover everything.

As for perspective, except for the natives, no one in the Super Seven has that kind of ability.

So, why did the black color stop? Could it be intuition?

Just as Queen Maeve kept thinking about it, Xuan Se glanced left and right, and then sighed in disdain.

"Conspiracy, hehe..."

He murmured casually, then pushed open the door very simply, and came all the way to the deep sea in the pool of blood.

Seeing Shen Hai's unconscious appearance, Xuan Se suddenly turned her hands away and said with a smile.

"It seems that something is different, so whose conspiracy is this?

Haha, no matter who's conspiracy, do you know who you used the conspiracy on? "

The voice fell, Xuan Se smiled coldly, and then clenched his fists.

At the same time, Queen Maeve left the temporary monitoring room and walked all the way to the deep sea room.

It's just that neither of them knew at this time...

On the top floor at this time, the native of the motherland who had just completely crushed the chairman's head!

With an irresistible attitude, he directly broke through the floor and rushed all the way to the black position! ! !

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