When Lu Jin heard this, he waved his big hand:

"Impossible! It's not that I look down on Lin Xiaozi, this guy is strong, but the playing style is brainless. These several battles are basically one force down ten times, and there are no tactics at all! In terms of kung fu alone, he doesn't even play as good as my great-granddaughter! "

Saying that, he paused: "If he uses the magical power on yesterday's night, it is better to say, otherwise, relying only on brute force, he will exhaust himself to death!" "

The old master smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Who knew that this reflection made Lu Jin look suspicious: "I said, God Master, do you know any unknown secrets, I always feel that you have extra confidence in this kid!" "

"Tianxingjian, a gentleman with self-improvement; The terrain is kun, and the gentleman carries things with great virtue. The king also obeyed the time of heaven and occupied the right time and place, and the second of the three, he should defeat the enemy and win. But there is one thing that he cannot change, that is, people "five zero zero" and! "

The old Heavenly Master snorted: "And watch!" "

Wang Ye slowly stood up, and there was already an extra stone on the tip of his finger.

He looked at the stone in his hand and spoke: "If you manipulate the changes of all things, you also manipulate time." What I can manipulate is the change in this strange door."

As he spoke, he released the stone on his fingertip, and surprisingly, the stone did not fall to the ground due to gravity, but floated in the air against the norm.

Looking at this magical scene, the strangers in the stands were amazed.

Only Zhuge Qing was miraculously complicated, and muttered: "It turns out that the gap between me and Wang Daolong is so big?"

"The gravitational pull here has become different from outside the array, not only that, but also the wind direction, temperature and even the magnetic field!" Wang Ye raised his head to look at Lin Lang, and his eyes were bright:

"Brother Lin, you can't defeat me with physical skills alone!"

Who knew that as soon as the words fell, Lin Lang in his eyes also suddenly changed.

I saw a completely different energy from Qiao's body, and between breaths, his body had flashed a light blue fluorescence like a flame.

It is spiritual power!

There is even a faint breath of magic in it - the power of merit!

Wang Ye's eyes flashed: "Interesting, it's actually an energy completely different from Qi"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a whoosh, and Wang Ye's pupils suddenly shrank!

So fast!


Lin Lang's disappearing figure was already approaching him!

Wang Ye was shocked, both because of Lin Lang's speed and because of Lin Lang's strength!

Is this guy completely unaffected by my Qi Men gossip?

I have obviously weakened his power with the Death Gate and limited his speed!

How can it be!

But that's the way it is!

Seeing Lin Lang's fist straight to his face, Wang Ye helplessly used a defensive technique like Zhuge Qing.



The tyrannical power bombarded Wang Ye's body, even if he took advantage of feng shui and linked his defense power to the earth, the terrifying power that came from his body still made his face change.

However, unlike Zhuge Qing, Wang is not just a warlock, in terms of physical skills, he is even more powerful!

So, when Lin Lang's second punch bombarded one after another, Wang also burst out with terrifying speed.

I saw him turn sideways, accurately dodging Lin Lang's jab, long sleeves flying, and backhanded.

Taiji Yunshou



The two of them had a fist and a tiger and a palm hunting.

For a while, he used physical skills to fight!

Tai Chi is soft in the yin hand, strong in the yang hand, and the combination of yin and yang is rigid and soft.

Taiji Yunshou restrains rigidity with softness.

It can be said that the special treatment of Lin Lang is so powerful.

However, while fighting, Wang Ye found that his speed was actually a little unable to keep up with Lin Lang?

How is this possible?

You know, he is in his own strange door, breathing in and out, conforming to the time of the sky, echoing the location, even if Lin Lang has no first influence, but his speed cannot be slower than him!

Wang Ye immediately turned into a palm breeze, and while dodging Lin Lang's attack, he struck a continuous palm wind.


The tyrannical palm wind whistled, even if it was not concentrated, the king did not change his face.


Lin Lang raised his eyebrows and saw Wang Ye's intention.

Want to block my movement with the palm of your hand?

Lin Lang subconsciously retreated backwards, but Wang Ye saw that the sewing needle hit a yin hand, which instantly stuck to Lin Lang's arm and pulled it violently!

I originally thought that I could see Lin Lang's panicked demeanor, but I didn't think about it, but I smiled playfully at Lin Lang.

Wang Ye chuckled in his heart.....

Do you say!

Sure enough, Lin Lang's retreat was just a pretense, and his real idea was to use this to approach Wang Ye!

Lin Lang simply followed the other party's yin hand and went up violently!


The fist wind of the thunder blasted the surrounding air into a cavity! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The ground under Wang Ye's feet was even more torn apart, and suddenly sank!

The furious power spread out with smoke and dust, causing the strangers in the stands to be surprised.

"Groove? That's awesome, isn't it? "

"Demon, both are demon!"

"I didn't expect that Daoist Wang Ye was not much weaker than Lin Lang in terms of physical skills?"

"This contest is really a battle of demons!"

On the other side, Zhuge Qing stared at the martial arts arena deadly, his gaze resting on the figure shining with spiritual power.

Even now, he still couldn't understand why Lin Lang was obviously in the middle of the bureau, so why was he not affected at all?

Is it really the power of the gods?

In fact, Zhuge Qing really didn't guess wrong.

Whether it was his Middle Palace yesterday or Wang Ye's Qi Men gossip today, it all affected Lin Lang in the first time.

Lin Lang could clearly feel the influx of qi from all directions into his body, and feng shui, magnetic fields, and even the direction of the wind were repelling him, weakening him, and stopping him.

But as long as he mobilized the spiritual power in his body, when that meritorious power emerged, these debuff effects from feng shui disappeared instantly.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Lang is almost 5.3 fully immune with this debuff effect.


An explosion suddenly erupted in the arena.

Everyone looked at it, and it turned out that Wang was also forced to use the technique.

"Kun Zi - Tuhe Che"

I saw that Wang Ye suddenly pinched and stepped forward, and the stiff ground under his hand was like a river, roaring towards Lin Lang.

Not only that, almost at the moment when he used the first technique, Wang Ye pinched again: ,

"Off the word - firefly streamer"

The raging flames suddenly ignited the billowing mudslide, and between breaths, the two actually reacted, and the billowing mudslide actually turned into terrifying magma!

Seeing that Lin Lang was about to be devoured.

But when he saw Lin Lang, he didn't retreat.

Wang also noticed the corners of Lin Lang's raised mouth, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

Do you say.

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