As soon as the prompt fell, two successive strange energies suddenly poured into Lin Lang's body, nourishing and strengthening his surrounding body.

Brush through the blood veins, the blood veins become smoother, flick over the bones, the bones become more and more solid

All the way through from the Heavenly Spirit Cover to the soles of his feet, Lin Lang breathed a long sigh of relief, and only felt that his soul had condensed a lot.


He clenched his fists, and his whole body made a crisp sound like popping beans.

Feeling the majestic power in his body, Lin Lang only felt refreshed!

Is it actually a stage reward?

And activated two at once?

Lin Lang was overjoyed!

Such a ratio, almost accept one and activate one? So how many more do I take?

Wouldn't it be possible to activate all the guardian spirits in one fell swoop?

What if it exceeds eight?

And what?

Lin Lang was not only happy, but also a little surprised.

Because the conditions for this acceptance seem to be too vague!

Could it be said that the little brother must be completely convinced, in order to be regarded as a complete acceptance?

If this is the case, then the task of subduing the little brother this time is a bit tricky.

Feng Shayan has long followed him, not to mention Feng Xingtong, after this night, he completely took 840 oral administration.

If other people want to come like this, Lin Lang can't come one by one, right?

Fortunately, the system's tone sounded again.

【Ding! The preliminary acceptance stage is completed, activate the return to compliance function! 】

[Tip: Those who join the host team, the host can see their compliance, and when the compliance reaches 100%, the acceptance conditions are met! ] 】


Lin Lang raised his eyebrows, in this way, it was much more intuitive.

He subconsciously looked at his team.

Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao, Liu Yanyan, and Wu Xie trio needless to say.

What he didn't expect was that the degree of return on Lu Linglong's head had actually reached 85%!

He glanced at Lu Linglong quietly, who knew that the other party suddenly felt Lin Lang's gaze, half shy, half calmly glanced at each other.

Then, the compliance rating on top of her head increased from 95% to 97%.

Lin Lang: "??? "

Sure enough, people and people cannot be generalized.

The others are much less than Lu Linglong.

Wang Ergou and Xiao Xiao, the return degree of the two is 75% and 57% respectively.

As for the later Yun, Zero, Bai Shixue, Hidden Dragon and others, basically none of them exceeded 50%.

Seeing this, Lin Lang basically understood that there are aspects that affect the degree of compliance, first of all, the time to get along, and secondly, recognition.

Of course, adoration, worship and other aspects are estimated to have a lot of impact.

Thinking of this, Lin was relieved.

Let people recognize, that's too easy to do, one is the recognition of the idea.

Lowering demons and removing demons, clarifying Yuyu, this great and righteous concept, almost no young people can refuse.

Let Zhang Chulan preach to everyone if he has nothing to do, anyway, this guy likes to do this the most.

Secondly, it is the recognition of strength.

This point is even simpler, because Lin Lang will play at least three games later, and the big deal will be a little heavier when the time comes, and the action is a little handsome.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang finally had the bottom for this task.

The moon is rare, and the cold moonlight shines on the bed through the window, reflecting the king on the bed like a ghost.

On the side, it was like the old man dressed in You Fang Lang mobilized the flame, and after the needle was pierced, Wang He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned a little bloody.

Wang Li stood at the door with a cane and a solemn expression, and when Lang Zhong shouted that he could come in, he eagerly entered the room.

"Mr. Zhang, how is my great-grandson, it's no big deal, right?"

Lang Zhong washed his hands, and then said seriously: "I have already administered needles and used techniques, and my life is saved, but Ling Sun's cultivation is only afraid"

Wang Li was first pleased, then stunned, his face suddenly gloomy, and he pondered for a long time before he said in a deep voice: "Understood." "

Lang Zhong retreated, and Wang Li slowly came to the bed (CDEE) on crutches.

Looking at Wang He's shocking wound, there was still a little kindness on his chubby face:

"Sun Er, don't worry, I won't let that kid have a good time!"

"This match, Feng Baobao vs. Feng Shayan"

"Feng Baosheng!"

"This match, Zhang Chulan vs. Barron"

"Zhang Chulansheng!"

"This match, Zhang Lingyu battle"

"Zhang Lingyusheng!"

(Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"In this competition, Wang also fought Lin Lang!"


The gong of the battle was sounded in the martial arts arena, and there was silence in the martial arts arena, and then there was a more heated discussion.

"I'll go, it's worthy of the top 13 competition, it's really more powerful than one!"

"Yes, I thought Lin Lang was strong enough, but I didn't expect that the people under him were actually more powerful than one, especially the one named Feng Baobao, who was simply a monster!"

"Zhang Chulan hasn't been eliminated yet, I can't accept it! This doesn't want Bi Lian's guy. "

"Lingyu Zhenren is worthy of being the apprentice of the Heavenly Master, it is really powerful!"

"Gee, this game is Lin Lang vs. Wang Ye, the battle of focus!"

"Two demons, it depends on who is more outrageous!"

In the stands, Zhuge Qing, who was previously eliminated by Lin Lang, also sat with his younger brother.

"Brother, who do you think will win?" Zhuge Bai's eyes widened and he said curiously.

Although he was a little resistant to him because Lin Lang defeated his brother, he also had to admit that Lin Lang was very strong.

Zhuge Qing squinted, looked at the two people on the field, and sighed with a smile: "They are all demons, one makes me unable to see through, the other makes me dare not look but if I want to say who will win, I think it should be Lin Lang." "

"Hmph, Daoist Wang Ye is also very strong!"

Zhuge Qing cracked the corners of his mouth and said complexly: "His strength is based on the foundation of aliens. And Lin Lang is powerful"

His mind recalled the power of the law with trepidation again, and he subconsciously shivered.

On the other side, Xia Liuqing and Lu Liang sat in the stands without concealment.

Lu Liang stared at Lin Lang on the stage and was amazed: "It's only been a day, and I feel that this guy has become stronger again, it's really a demon!" "

Saying that, Lu Liang looked at Xia Liuqing on the side: "Elder Xia, if we want to make a move against Zhang Chulan, this Lin Lang is almost impossible to avoid." Yesterday night, because the younger brother Feng Xingtong was injured by Wang Li's great-grandson, this guy actually found Wang He with someone, and then almost killed Wang He in front of Wang Li. "

Xia Liuqing frowned, and his chapped lips with almost no teeth opened: "Wang Li actually didn't abolish him?" "

"To be precise, Wang Li failed to take him. Then Lu Jin appeared to make peace, and he even directly spoke out to Lu Jin. Speaking of this, Rao and Lu Liang felt that Lin Lang was a little too mad.

That's a ten-guy!

When Xia Liuqing heard this, she narrowed her eyes: "In this way, this Lin Lang must be removed." "。

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