Although all-sex people are arrogant, they are not so arrogant as to hide on Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Therefore, their strongholds are basically under the Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Xia He took advantage of the moonlight to return to a small farm yard, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard a laugh:

"Going out in such a late afternoon, it won't be to meet your old friend, right?"

A chill flashed in Xia He's eyes, but he said with a coquettish smile on his mouth: "Now that the people participating in Luo Tiandaji are actually some young talents, I can't bear it for a long time." "


A polite man in a shirt and glasses came to the light.

Live root seedlings - Shen Chong!

One of the four madness of the whole sex, the representative of the wealth in the wine color.

He was a visiting professor at a university and was adored by his student Shirayuki Shira, but he had no interest in anyone other than his clients.

Its skill is usury, and it can contract with people, and the contractor can absorb the flame of the dead by killing others.

However, the amount of qi absorbed by each person killed by the contractor would be transferred to Shen Chong himself according to a certain percentage, and this proportion gradually increased as the number of killings increased.

When the contractor can get less and less qi for killing, the person's reason will gradually be lost.

Hu Jie, who was found by Lu Jin before, is his masterpiece!

This guy is usually polite and kind to everyone, but in fact, he is the decision-maker of the four madness.

He smiled and swept over Xia He, as if ignoring her beauty, and chuckled: "Gao Ning is just afraid that it has been abandoned, and in the later plan, you can't drop the chain." "

That's right, although Gao Ning's competition that day only ate a few punches, this famous all-round four madness, the Thunder Smoke Cannon, was cut off from the meridians!

In other words, he basically wasted most of his work

Xia He's eyes flashed, the heart Dao Lord was really ruthless, but fortunately I surrendered in time.

"By the way, I remember, that Lin Lang is Zhang Chulan's eldest brother, you should have fought with him when you were doing tasks before, right?"

After Xia He and Lu Liang were threatened by Lin Lang, they naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to tell others about this kind of thing.

So she said lightly: "That guy is hiding deeply, and he didn't notice it before." "

"It's okay." Another voice sounded, and out came a pearlescent noble lady, who chuckled: "Since you dare to attack us all, we will kill us when the time comes." "

"No, his strength is a little strange, I can't see the depth for a while. When the time comes, try to avoid him! Saying that, Shen Chong looked at Xia He:

"And the goal of the three of us is to reach the heavens!"

When Lin Lang returned to Dragon Tiger Mountain, he happened to see everyone gathered together with anxious expressions.

Something happened?

"Big brother!" Zhang Chulan quickly came to Lin Lang: "Something happened!" Something happened to Feng Xingtong! "

Feng Shayan also ran over with teary eyes: "Brother Lin, save my brother." "

Wind Xingtong?

Lin Lang frowned.

He defeated Wang He at the beginning, and it stands to reason that Feng Xingtong should no longer be on top of him?

"What the hell is going on?"

"Just now"

"My brother him."

"Wind Xingtong"

A few people, you say yours and I say mine, hearing Lin Lang's face turned dark: "Shut up!" Fatty Wang, you say! "

Fatty Wang immediately stood up:

"Here's the thing, just now we returned to the mountain gate and happened to meet Wang He's little Wang Eight Lambs. He suddenly found Brother Feng and said that he had something to talk to him about. "

Lin Lang frowned: "He said that you agreed?" "

"No, of course we don't agree ah, Lord you have said that the ancestors of the Feng family and the Wang family have pickles, and we all know that this kid doesn't have any good farts in his stomach!" But he said something to Brother Feng, and then Brother Feng, he agreed to Brother Feng, and Brother Feng specially asked us not to follow, saying that there was nothing wrong. "

Fatty Wang saw that Lin Lang's eyes were cold, and said worriedly:

Then the two left, we waited, and after less than half an hour, we heard the sound of fighting. Then by the time we found it, Brother Feng had already been injured by the beast of Wang He. We originally wanted to avenge Brother Feng, but we can't help it."

Saying that, Fatty Wang looked at Feng Shayan with a dry smile.

"Anyway, my father is here" Feng Shayan hooked his head and said guiltily: "Father didn't let us make a move, said that he would solve it, and then went in." "

Lin Lang sighed softly.

He thought that he had changed the plot, and Wang and that guy would not run into Feng Xingtong again.

Unexpectedly, there was a providence in the underworld, and I forced these two guys to meet.

Why Wang did not make a move against Feng Xingtong, Lin Lang could roughly guess.

First of all, it must still be a contradiction that the two have only seen for a long time!

The Wang family is high-spirited and looks down on the Feng family, and Wang He, this kid, naturally can't see Feng Xingtong.

And it just so happened that Feng Xingtong was Lin Lang's younger brother, and Lin Lang humiliated Wang He on the first day.

This kid will report it, so he took advantage of Lin Lang's absence and secretly started!

Thinking of this, Lin Lang narrowed his eyes: "Take me!" "

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt the terrifying aura emanating from Lin Lang's body.

Feng Shayan, this girl, understood the general situation, and immediately realized that Lin Lang was really angry, and quickly said: "No, Brother Lin, or let my father him"

"I said, take me!" Lin Lang's tone was indifferent, and his eyes were indifferent.

However, everyone around felt an inexplicable sense of oppression at the same time.

If Lin Lang just now was like a calm lake, then now, he is a raging river!

Knock knock! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Knock knock!

Lu Linglong and several people seemed to be able to hear their heartbeats at this time!

They have a hunch that this evening, they are not destined to be peaceful!

Even Yun and Zero, who had always been unsalty to Lin Lang, stared at Lin Lang with their eyes shining.

If nothing else, this momentum alone is worthy of being a popular figure to win the championship!

However, shock is shock.

They were not optimistic about Lin Lang, after all, Wang He's grandfather was Wang Lang, one of the ten guys

Zhang Chulan swallowed his saliva and said solemnly: "Big brother, over here!" "

More than ten people in a row, all of them followed closely behind Lin Lang, as if they were hugging him, and walked in one direction with great momentum.

When the strangers along the way saw this scene, they were all talking about it.

"Groove? Is this Lin Lang them? "

"This big night, the momentum is fierce, is it possible to fight?"

"Groove, I remembered! Just now, someone over there said that Wang He's grandson injured Feng Xingtong, and that Feng Xingtong was Lin Lang's younger brother! "

"In other words, he went to avenge the little brother?"

"It shouldn't be, after all, President Feng has gone, and the opposite side is still one of the ten guys, the head of the Wang family among the four families, Wang Yi!"

"Hurry up, go check it out, it's lively tonight!"

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