
Another jab punch passed by Zhuge Qing's chest, making people's backs chill.



Zhuge Qing suddenly opened the distance, and then stepped backwards, his body opened sideways, as if a mountain pressed against Lin Lang, the speed was fast and fierce, and the ground was shaken by his vigor.

"Iron Mountain?" Lin Lang recognized the details of this move at a glance - the most classic and most powerful move in Bajiquan!

The kung fu of Bajiquan has been heard by Lin Lang in both lifetimes.

After all, this boxing method is not a very exclusive mastery, and many schools have included it.

There are many people who can learn this boxing technique, but not many people who can really learn it!

And although Zhuge Qing is a descendant of Wuhou Qimen, he has learned such a powerful boxing technique to the extreme!

And the reason why he has not been serious is that he can have a good discussion with a person like Zhuge Qing who is both physical and artistic, and at the same time exercise his combat skills.

That's right, in terms of actual combat experience alone, Lin Lang is actually not much more than Zhang Chulan.

The reason is that Lin Lang is also helpless.

There really is no opponent!

Right now, there is no need to guard the spirit, just with the strengthened flesh after many times, it has reached a very terrifying level!

Not to mention that the spiritual power was also mixed with powerful merit power, so that Lin Lang's current physical strength far exceeded that of other aliens!

Therefore, he does not need skills at all to follow these peers!

Accelerate forward, punch and win!

Therefore, don't look at Lin Lang's current God blocking and killing God, Buddha blocking and killing Buddha, really talking about martial arts boxing techniques, he is also an ordinary level.

This also caused everyone to only know that Lin Lang was very capable of fighting, but how much he could beat others, even Lin Lang himself did not know.

I thought that the Thunder Smoke Cannon Gao Ning could fight a few more rounds, but I didn't think that the guy couldn't see the use, and he was wasted without eating a few punches

Isn't it a pity to finally meet a sandbag that can eat him a few punches right now, and not fight for a while?

Therefore, in the face of Zhuge Qing's iron mountain leaning, Lin Lang not only did not dodge, but relied on the blessing of spiritual power, directly stretched out his hand to block it, and hard followed!


The tyrannical force soared into the sky, and the ground around the two people who collided together instantly fell apart, and the feet were directly trapped!

Zhuge Qing only felt a surge of qi and blood, and a bloody smell surged in his throat.

It was as if he had been hit by a speeding mud cart, and there was no place in his body that was painless.

But what about Lin Lang?

Not only was he not hurt in the slightest, but he stared at himself with interest.

Zhuge Qing was suddenly shocked in his heart, and immediately he was bitter.

Is this still hairy?

But his pride did not allow him to admit defeat, so he forced down the pain in his body, pushed it violently, and at the same time, pinched his fingers, and shouted:

"Genzi Earth Waterfall"

The voice just fell.


A sharp earth cone shot out from under Lin Lang's feet.

Then, the ground seemed to come to life, shooting out all kinds of spurts non-stop.

Zhuge Qing did not dare to be the slightest slack, and immediately pinched again:

"Kanzi Water Bomb"

"Kunzi Tuhe Car"

"Kunzi Flowing Stone"

A series of skills caused the strangers in the stands to exclaim.

"Groove? Is this Zhuge Qing's strength? "

"Spell machine gun? This guy is actually so strong? "

"Now, Lin Lang should not be able to eat it, right?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Sure enough, there is still a limit to physical skills alone!"


Not for other people's pessimism, Zhang Chulan saw the door at this time: "Zhuge Qing, it's completely messed up."


After a set of skills, Zhuge Qing almost stumbled.

He frowned and stared at the smoke rising in front of him.

Even though the attack just now was fierce and ferocious, he did not relax in the slightest, because in his perception, Lin Lang was not only not injured, but the aura on his body became more and more terrifying!

At this moment, Zhuge Qing suddenly gave birth to a sense of powerlessness.

This kind of feeling was something that he had never seen in the face of a strong person like Wang Ye.

Is this guy really the same generation as us?

What kind of demon is he!

He still didn't understand why Lin Lang was clearly in the middle of the technique, but he was completely unaffected.

"Brother Zhuge , if you rely on Bajiquan alone, you can't threaten me." Lin Lang clapped his hands and walked out of the smoke and dust.

"I, cough, Brother Lin Lang is really a demon!" Zhuge Qing touched the blood stains at the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly...

"Oh, do you want to admit defeat," Lin Lang stood still.

Zhuge Qing's tricks were exhausted, and he had no intention of delaying any longer.

Who knows, Zhuge Qing stumbled to his feet!

The originally dull bully Qi, at this moment, suddenly soared, a long blue-blue hair without wind, never opened his eyes, at this moment opened widely, the blue-white fluorescence in the pupils was dazzling!

In the stands, a short-haired man was crying in pain: "Big brother, don't !! "

At the same time, Zhuge Qing roared:

"Qi Men Imaging Heart Method!"

At this moment, his momentum climbed to the limit, a pair of eyes seemed to be able to see the universe, he stared at Lin Lang deadly: "Lin Lang, let me see, what kind of divine you are!" "


With a strange flame appearing, an invisible wave rippled like a ripple.

Zhuge Qing stared at Lin Lang deadly!

Qi Men Imaging Mind Method - Whether it is sight, hearing, smell, touch, or even receiving radio waves, living beings can only feel the information contained in the concrete existence of this world.

Abstract information is the conclusion that people reach after processing concrete information.

The Manifestation Mind allows the caster to observe to a certain extent the more abstract and intimate information of the world.

In other words, he can see the truth of the world!

At this moment, he chose Lin Lang.

However, when 2.3 opened his eyes and saw Lin Lang, an unprecedented shock swept him away!

In his true vision, Lin Lang's figure continued to rise, and then heightened, and the majestic figure was like a god, invisible, inaudible, and unknowable!

At this moment, everything in the world disappeared, and Zhuge Qing's gaze was only Lin Lang's blurry figure.

Suddenly, he seemed to see something, and his face changed.


A mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out, leaving a bloody tear in the corner of his eye!

He collapsed to the ground, and the shock in his heart was far more violent than the pain!

At this moment, he finally understood why Lin Lang was in the Qi Men Technique, but he was not affected in the slightest

Because, he saw a wisp on Lin Lang's body


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