"Benefactor, the sea of suffering has no end, and turning back is the shore." Gao Ning smiled and looked at Lin Lang who was walking slowly, without the slightest intention of making a move, it looked like he was planning to persuade Lin Lang by persuasion.

However, all this is just performance.

In Lin Lang's field of vision, the flame on Gao Ning's body soared into the sky, far more terrifying than Lu Linglong's others.

The most important thing was that under his feet, a strange formation was spreading out around him.

This is the ability of the Thunder Smoke Cannon Gao Ning-Twelve Labor Love Array!

By influencing the twelve sutras of the insiders, it repeats itself in both positive and negative emotions, and finally falls into some extreme emotion and has a mental breakdown, and the organs corresponding to this emotion will also be severely damaged.

In the original work, he even forced Lu Jin to fall into his heart demon through this formation!

Lin Lang was stuck at the very edge of the formation, pacing around Gao Ning.

With this action alone, Gao Ning's eyes flashed.

This kid, do you realize it?

But the mountain does not come to me, I go to the mountain!

Having realized that Lin Lang is not a good stubble, he simply took the initiative to make a move!


Gao Ning had a fat head and big ears, and his body was fat, but when he moved, he burst out at a speed that did not match his body size at all!

I saw that he kicked violently, and the ground was even trampled apart, and then the whole person turned into an afterimage and went straight to Lin Lang!

Not only that, the formation under him was like a shadow, spreading along with it!

Its range immediately enveloped Lin Lang.

Meridians are the channels through which the body's qi and blood run.

meridian, is the backbone of the meridian system; The meridians are distinct branches of the meridians, which are connected to the five internal organs and the five senses.

When Lin Lang was enveloped by this formation, he was anxious, angry, sad, regretful, and impatient

All kinds of negative emotions come like a river.

Lin Lang stood in place dumbfounded, his face gloomy.

Seeing this, Gao Ning suddenly became determined, and said with a smile in his mouth: "The benefactor, if you believe in cause and effect, you will not be confused, all grievances are caused by cause and effect, and if you are not confused, you will not be angry." Impermanence, suffering and selflessness! Donor, there is no bitter sea"

"Hey, fat monk, did you say enough?"

Gao Ning's face changed, and he stopped ten meters away from Lin with a crunch, his face full of surprise.

"You are not affected by the Twelve Labor Formation? Impossible! "

Lin Lang smiled slightly: "Adults, you should control your emotions reasonably." "

"Are you kidding?" Rao is Gao Ning, who pretends to be kind and kind on weekdays, and is happy at this time.

The emotions brought by his twelve labor formations, basically no one can break free on their own, as for the ability to control their emotions in the formation, how is it possible?

To be honest, Lin Lang was also affected at the beginning, but as soon as the power of merit in his body emerged, those negative emotions were swept away!

Lowering demons and supporting justice is a supreme glory in itself.

Knowing that you are on the right path, how can you increase negative emotions?

"Since you taught me what it means to be anxious, remorseful, and impatient, then I will also pay tribute to you and let you know what pain is!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Lang suddenly disappeared in place!

Appearing again, he had already appeared in Gao Ning's way, his legs were like bows, his fists were like thorns, and he went straight to Gao Ning's fat head and big ears!


The tyrannical power brought out a sonic boom, who knew that such a blow was actually blocked by Gao Ning?

Gao Ning desperately protected his chin with his arms, and the huge force coming out of the arms almost didn't knock him out, and he even heard a crisp bone cracking sound!

A drop of cold sweat ran across his forehead, and he looked at Lin Lang in shock, shocked and scared in his heart.

I was shocked that there was such a strong figure as Lin Lang.

I'm afraid that this guy is really dead!

Lin Lang couldn't hit a blow, twisted his waist, and came with another punch!


The tyrannical force brought a strong wind, and Gao Ning could barely block it.

But then, the second punch, the third punch, the fourth punch

Lin Lang's attack was like a violent wind and rain, which made Gao Ning unable to raise his head. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Lang laughed while fighting back: "Monk, there are people in the world who slander me, deceive me, insult me, laugh at me, despise me, demean me, hate me, and deceive me, how should I deal with it?" "

Gao Ning was defeated, and those who were beaten almost cried, and subconsciously replied: "Just put up with him, let him, let him, avoid him, endure him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years, and you will see him." "


Lin Lang's right foot kicked back, turning into a lunge, and the tyrannical power brought out a ravine on the ground, and the surging spiritual power rushed into the sky, all gathered at the tip of his fist.

Lin Lang suddenly smiled: "No, I prefer to hit him"


The fist wind pours, and its speed is like the wind!

"Hurt him!"


Jab again, tyrannical as thunder!



Hook fist piercing, do not move like a mountain!

At this moment, all the spiritual power soared to the limit, and the hearts of everyone in the audience rose to their throats with Lin Lang's raised fist.

Then, he saw Lin Lang smile condensedly: "Don't provoke him, kill him on the spot, how are you doing?" "

The words fell, and the tyrannical fist stabbed out like a cannonball!


The fist wrapped in majestic spiritual power turned into a golden light, and the extreme speed even brought out a dull sonic boom, and then condensed the power of Wanjun, and suddenly bombarded Gao Ning's round belly!


Before the fist touched his body, the sharp fist wind had already twisted his belly into a depression!

Then with the huge force, the depression turned into a wave and swept through his whole body!


Gao Ning was beaten into a curved prawn and spat out a large mouthful of blood, mixed with some dark organ minced meat.

Then the whole person was like a cannonball that was bombarded out, and after bringing out an afterimage in the air, it hit the wooden wall at the edge of the martial arts arena with a bang.

It wasn't until he broke the giant tree with a thick root that he fell to the ground.

For a while (okay, good), the huge martial arts arena was silent, and it was quiet as if even the sound of dust falling to the ground was so harsh!

Everyone widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and looked at Lin Lang standing proudly in the martial arts arena with a shocked expression.

At this moment, the golden light of spiritual power that had not yet emanated from his body shone brightly, like a god man!

This eerie silence lasted less than three seconds, and then, the martial arts arena exploded!

The Inhumans are boiling!

"Groove, groove, groove! This is special! "

"Seconds, seconds? One of the famous all-sex four madnesses, Thunder Smoke Cannon Gao Ning, was killed by Lin Lang with a few punches? "

"Crazy, crazy, crazy, must be crazy!"

"This, how is it possible"

Everyone looked at Lin Lang's figure on the martial arts arena in disbelief, and then looked at Gao Ning, who was no longer human-like at the edge, and their eyes slid back and forth between the two.

Then, all the inhumans, completely shocked!.

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