Early the next morning, the second batch of promotions started hotly!

After the first day of selection, almost all of the people who have successfully competed now are characters with heads and faces in the Inhuman world.

Either they are well-known beings in the scattered cultivation, or they are the elite children of various sects, among which there are also some temporary workers who can understand everything.

Moreover, today's competition method has changed from yesterday's four-person melee to six-person melee!

This mode of six-player dogfight almost brings the atmosphere of the competition to the extreme!

The stands of the martial arts arena were crowded with people, and there were nearly a thousand onlookers, plus the aliens who were eliminated yesterday, resulting in the stands being almost crowded.

And at this moment, in the martial arts arena, Zhang Chulan is impressively listed.

It is worth mentioning that I don't know if it is luck or not, Lin Lang and his party did not draw together in the second draw, in other words, "four four zero" said that the second promotion match, they will not have infighting.

"Gee, it's really lucky!" Fatty Wang sat not far from Lin Lang and sighed: "If we are divided into a group, where is the opponent of Brother Zhang and a few sisters-in-law?" Not to mention the Lord."

Wu Xie pursed his lips and reminded: "Don't take it lightly, the opponent in this round is not weak." Even if it is us, we must go all out so that we will not bring shame on the Lord! "

It can be said that after this period of growth and fighting, Wu Xie's reverence and respect for Lin Lang has reached a new height!

After seeing the difficult cultivation path of those strangers, he realized how incredible the power Lin Lang gave them was!

Therefore, Lin Lang let them participate in Luo Tiandai, then they must achieve good results to repay the Lord!

On the other side, Feng Xingtong was introducing Zhang Chulan's opponents for Lin Lang.

"That tall man with short hair and a tall figure uses a stream of kung fu, a stream of air, tai chi and infinity. This guy is very strong! "

"That is a disciple of the Shenxiao Sect, one of the three branches of the Fu Qiu Sect, and it is also extremely good at the Fu Qiu technique!"

"And that, huh? Don Dao? Unexpectedly, the people who came to the Penglai Sword Sect came. It seems that this time, the officially established Demon Eradication Mercenary Pavilion really attracted the world's strangers to bend their waist! "

Looking at Feng Xingtong's pretended emotion, Lin Lang chuckled.

In fact, although Zhang Chulan's five opponents are all famous, they are still a little worse than those really tricky guys.

Feng Xingtong didn't know why, it was only Zhang Chulan's luck, but only Lin Lang knew, obviously, this was just a small action of the old heavenly master.

For Zhang Chulan, the Ten Guys handed over the source of the body and forced the old Heavenly Master to expand Luo Tiandai's contestants to the entire Inhuman Realm, since the Old Heavenly Master agreed, how could he not be prepared?

The children of your ten guys may be powerful, so I let Zhang Chulan not meet them, won't it?

This has also led to the fact that until now, Zhang Chulan has not encountered a particularly strong opponent!

On the contrary, Zhuge Qing, Wang Ye, and Zhang Lingyu encountered more difficult enemies than one.

Zhuge Qing had just faced the siege of five people, and he was almost injured!

Of course, Zhang Chulan is not left behind at the moment, which is also inseparable from his strength that has followed Lin Lang for so long, and his strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

With Zhang Chulan's current strength, not to mention these famous strangers, even if Zhuge Qing and Wang are coming, it is not easy to say who killed the deer!

Of course, Zhang Chulan is powerful, but the audience is popular

"Don't Bi Lian Zhang Chulan!"

"I'm angry, this slut actually advanced to the second round, it's really a scourge to live for a thousand years!"

"yes, when I think of the buddy who was lost by him in the last game, I can't get angry! What a! "

"Kill him! Eliminate harm for the people! "

The indignant audience rubbed their hands and couldn't wait to teach this treacherous villain a lesson in person!

However, as Zhang Chulan took out real kung fu, the audience's clamor was much smaller.

Some people were also surprised: Don't want Bi Lian's guy actually has two brushes?

"Hey! Do these people really think that Brother Zhang's name is mixed? Fatty Wang looked at the silent audience and sneered.

Feng Xingtong was also quite surprised: "Zhang Chulan's strength is actually so strong? "

He originally thought that Zhang Chulan had not received systematic cultivation, and his combat effectiveness should not be too high, especially if he didn't even make a move yesterday!

However, now he realized that he seemed to be wrong again

Zhang Chulan's strength is far beyond his imagination!


He couldn't help but wonder, why?

He subconsciously looked at Lin Lang, who looked indifferent on the side, and his mind moved, could he say

This is the effect that Brother Lin took them through?

Thinking of this, he licked his smile and came to Lin Lang's side: "What, big brother, let's just say, when Luo Tiandaji is over, I also want to cultivate with you!" I want to be stronger too! "

Looking at this kid as a coach, I also want to play basketball, Lin Lang smiled dumbly: "Of course it's no problem.........."

Then his eyes flashed, and he said kindly: "Whether it is you, any younger brothers and sisters in the family, older brothers and sisters, and even those friends in the club, you can come!" "

Feng Xingtong was suddenly moved to tears: "Big brother, you are so good!" I thank you for my dad! "

On the other side, Feng Zhenghao, who was sitting in the team of ten guys, suddenly sneezed.

"Little wind, didn't sleep well and get cold, right?" Wang Ai, who was sitting in front of him, turned his head with a smile, looked at Feng Zhenghao, and said in an old-fashioned manner: "Busy with business, don't forget to exercise." "

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately laughed in a low voice.

This old man mocked Feng Zhenghao as a businessman and his strength was not good.

In fact, not only him, but also several people among the ten guys scoffed at the rising star Feng Zhenghao, thinking that he was not worthy of being in the same rank.

Coupled with the pickles of the Feng family and the Wang family, they have not been able to look at the Feng family since the generation of Feng Tian Yang.

Who knows, Feng Zhenghao 5.8 seemed to not care, and calmly smiled: "Thank you Elder Wang for your concern." "

"Hmph!" Wang Li turned around with a sneer.

On the other side, Old Master Lu Jin was holding his arms and looking at Zhang Chulan, who was at ease in the martial arts arena, stroking his beard and praised:

"I thought that this kid would only be those crooked ways, but I didn't expect that the strength was actually good. Especially this golden light spell, compared to Zhang Lingyu's kid, it is not much worse, right? Could it be that during this time, God Master, you opened a small stove for him in private? "

The old Heavenly Master looked indifferent, and chuckled with his back hand: "It's worse than Lingyu, but it's already very good." As for what you said about opening a small stove."

The old Heavenly Master shook his head, his narrow eyes lightly swept over Lin Lang, who was sitting in the stands with an indifferent expression, and said thoughtfully: "Perhaps, he has the help of nobles?" "。

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