Just as all the spectators cheered for Lin Lang, Zhang Chulan and several people had natural expressions.

My eldest brother is so strong, who wins if he doesn't win?

It can be said that from beginning to end, they never doubted that Lin Lang would lose!

It was also unknown to Feng Xingtong, the silly boy, who stupidly agreed to Zhang Chulan's bet.

At present, he not only lost face, but was forced to become a little brother

He wanted to cry without tears.

"What is your expression?" Zhang Chulan hugged Feng Xingtong's neck and threatened with compassion: "Do you think my eldest brother is not powerful?" "

"No, no, no!"

"Or do you think it's a shame to be my eldest brother's little brother?"

"No, no, no!" Feng Xingtong's head shook like a rattle.

"Then it is not enough, good birds choose trees to live, and good ministers choose the master." Isn't it much better to follow your eldest brother and do big things than if you stay at home all day? "

"Ah this" Feng Xingtong subconsciously looked back at his sister, but he didn't think about it, Feng Shayan actually nodded his head quite approvingly.

Feng Xingtong's heart was a little bitter for a while, my sister has changed her ways, and if I take another festival, won't it all be Lin Lang's in this world?

But remembering Zhang Chulan's words just now, his gaze swept over Feng Baobao, Liu Yanyan, and the Wu Xie trio who had just completed the competition, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became.

Lin Lang's little brother is so strong?

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao needless to say. Liu Yanyan, as the inheritor of the Xiangxi corpse chasing lineage, her strength is also very strong!

And the three Wu Xie, although he didn't know them, but he heard the movement of the martial arts arena next door, and the three of them were almost crushed, and they were obviously not good stubble!

"It turns out that unknowingly, Lin Lang's organization has actually taken quite a rudimentary shape?"

These people pull a person alone and put it in a certain organization, they can be regarded as the existence of pillars, but at the moment, they are all devoted to Lin Lang

For a while, Feng Xingtong's gaze changed.

"Big brother! What do you think? That old forced den did not embarrass you? Zhang Chulan suddenly turned around.

Feng Xingtong followed his gaze, and Lin Langzheng walked back calmly.

He hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, strode up, came to Lin Lang, hugged his fist and hooked his head: "Brother Lin, I'm Fengxingtong, I am willing to saddle the horse for the eldest brother, and the horse is the head.!" "


Lin Lang was stunned, what was the situation?

After a fight, there will be one more little brother?

Looking at Zhang Chulan, who was smiling wickedly on the side, Lin Lang suddenly had a guess in his heart.

Surprised, his response was dripping, smiled and lifted Feng Xingtong up, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Since it is his own person, there is no need to be so polite." "

As soon as the words fell, the system's prompt sounded in his ears.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for recruiting a new member - Feng Xingtong! 】

【Final reward has been increased! 】

Lin Lang's eyes flashed, and his heart was true.

The main quest is both for him to win the championship in Luo Tiandai, and for him to recruit sages during this period.

Unexpectedly, the first little brother was actually fooled like this.

He looked at it with a slightly excited expression, as if he had found the Wind Xingtong of the organization, and then looked at the Wind Sand Yan who secretly sent Qiu Bo on the side, and suddenly felt some strange feelings in his heart.

My sons and daughters were abducted by me.

I don't know how Feng Zhenghao will react if he knows about this

Beckoning everyone to sit down, Zhang Chulan leaned over and asked curiously: "That old man just now, do you really plan to make a move?" "

At the mention of this, the cold light in Lin Lang's eyes flashed away.

Then he said with a smile: "There is a heavenly master, in front of so many people, he does not dare to make a move." "

There is another sentence he didn't say, that is, even if this old man makes a move, he is not afraid!

Now that the three guardian spirits have completed their initial consecration, the Spirit Guardian Dispatch will be completely useless to them.

And Lin Lang's strength has also been greatly improved, Wang Li is old and declining, and he is really not afraid of him!

Saying that, he looked at Feng Xingtong, who was about to say something on the side, and then smiled: "What's wrong?" "

Feng Xingtong met Lin Lang's clear gaze, thought about it, and suddenly bowed to Lin Lang: "Big brother, speaking of which, in fact, I have to thank you for helping our Feng family take a breath of evil!" "

Lin Lang understood what he meant, but still pretended to be surprised: "Why do you say that?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Because" Feng Xingtong said two words, and said the entanglement between their Feng family and the Wang family.

Hearing Liu Yanyan and several people looked surprised, even Feng Shayan didn't know that her family and the Wang family still had such a past!

For a time, everyone was verbally critical of the Wang family.

Lin Lang did not gnaw, but slowly looked at the martial arts arena.

At this time, a familiar face appeared on the martial arts arena - Zhuge Qing!

Although this guy's ability Wuhou Qi Men is not a Eight Wonders, its strength is not weaker than the Eight Wonders.

In addition, Zhuge Qing, this kid himself is very talented, and he has a thorough understanding of Qi Men techniques, and the three aliens are not his opponents at all.

Then, Wudang Wang Ye and Jia Zhengliang of Jia Family Village easily solved their opponents.

In addition, Lin Lang also found many characters and sects that did not appear in the original plot.

Tang Gate in Shuzhong, Tiangang in Liaodong, Shaolin Temple in Songshan

The children of these big sects are not famous on weekdays, but in this kind of competition, they are more eye-catching than one.

Ordinary scattered cultivators are not the opponents of these disciples of the sect who have received systematic cultivation at all!

Due to the large number of participants, the first selection took almost a day to finish.

Top 300 selected successfully!

And these three hundred aliens will compete for the top fifty again the next day!

At the end of today's contest, the time has come to dusk.

The fiery red sunset seemed to set the heavenly dome on fire, and the orange-red color covered the earth, adding a layer of light to the living beings.

At this moment, the people in Dragon Tiger Mountain saw the beauty of Dragon Tiger Mountain for the first time.

The strangers paced on the Dragon Tiger Mountain with a relaxed expression, as if the fierce battles during the day were all illusions.

Lin Lang and Feng Baobao strolled aimlessly (okay) in Dragon Tiger Mountain, followed by Wu Xie and the three from a distance.

Zhang Chulan had said that someone was looking for him since he had eaten the dinner, and then slipped away.

Feng Shayan and Feng Xingtong also ran to greet the belated Feng Zhenghao.

All of a sudden, on the contrary, Lin Lang and Feng Baobao, two lonely people, were idle.

Lin Lang originally thought of taking advantage of this rare opportunity to read out and adjust the baby, but he didn't think that this girl was actually deflected by the profiteer monk in a flash.

"Amitabha, little girl, fate, fate! This kind of fate can no longer hide his secrets! The old monk spoke excitedly, and took out a ring from his pocket again: "This ink bone spirit wrench is more than a month after my master fought hard with the 10,000-year-old fox demon back then."

"Great monk, is your master really unable to get by with the beasts?"

Fatty Wang came over with a big grin, took the wrench and looked at it, sneered, and then threw it to him casually, disgusted: "Resin, the cost is no more than a piece of skin!" "。

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