Knock knock~

Knock knock!

It's the violent heartbeat of a clarinet!

He opened his fire and pulled out the hole cards at the bottom of the box at this moment.

But for some reason, he still didn't have the slightest sense of security.

Because even now, his naked eyes had no way to catch Lin Lang's voice at all.

The black tube trembled and mobilized all the qi in his body, preparing to defend against Lin Lang's attack.

But the next moment!

He suddenly felt a tingling in his scalp and raised his eyes.


A pair of sharp eyes pressed against his forehead.

It's Lin Lang!

But how is this possible!

The direct distance between the two even exceeded fifty meters, he just blinked, Lin Lang was already around?

What speed is this?

The two were close at hand, and the blackpipe reacted.

So fast

How can it be

The black tube was full of souls and heartbroken.

In his eyes, the breath on Lin Lang's body pressed towards him like a monstrous tsunami, making him unable to have the slightest desire to resist.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand came down from top to bottom, slowly Piluo, just like the firmament collapsed, and the sky was covered with 730.

For the blackpipe, the ground loses its color in this instant.


Only a crisp sound was heard.

The black tube's body suddenly stopped, and the blood veins that were originally rushing in the body suddenly solidified!

He only felt that his brain was blank for an instant, and then, his eyes were black, and he fell to the ground with a bang, unconscious.


The audience lost its voice.

The battle between Wang He and Zheng Mengping in the martial arts arena came to an end, but at this time, none of the audience was paying attention to their huge fight, but as if they had lost their vocal cords, staring blankly in another direction on the martial arts arena.

In the martial arts arena, Lin Lang flicked his sleeves, stood with his hands in his hands, his indifferent face, his eyes were calm, like a god like a demon!

And the black piper, who had high hopes from everyone, did not even resist a single blow, so he was unconscious

Everyone was stunned, especially those strange people who were not optimistic about Lin Lang before, and they all widened their mouths and looked at Lin Lang in amazement.

"Groove? Am I blinded? The blackpipe was actually defeated? "

"Beat? It's obviously a flash deal! The black tube was killed by this brother in seconds! "

"Did you see his (Bibh's) movements? I saw a burst of white light, and then the black pipe with full fire turned on and fell to the ground? "

"I'm stupid, what is not a sound is already a blockbuster, this is special! By the way, this guy seems to be called Lin Lang? is also a temporary worker, this is really crouching tiger, hidden dragon! "

"Yes, there is one more candidate in the top ten now!"

High in the stands, the smile on Wang Li's face, who was originally smiling, also disappeared.

He squinted at Lin Lang's back, and his face was a little cold: "This is really a master, and each of them is a master." "

In fact, he was a little surprised in his heart, because Lin Lang's offensive just now, even he didn't fully see it!

That kind of speed, it's terrifying!

Lu Jin on the side saw that Wang Li was unhappy, he was happy, and gloated to the old heavenly master: "It's still your old wisdom to know the pearl, this kid really has some good ways!" "

The old Heavenly Master smiled and said nothing, but his deep eyes flashed a light that was difficult to capture.

In the attic.

In the originally noisy room, there was silence.

All the high-level people present were like dumb, and no one said a word, but everyone's eyes were staring at Ren Fei, whose face was flushed.

Especially Xu Si, at this time, it was like eating an ice watermelon in the summer, that kind of refreshment, it was almost all the way from the tailbone to the Tianling Gai!

He suddenly felt that Lin Lang's annoying high and high height also became amiable at this moment.

These are all my soldiers!

What a fight!

He thought beautifully, and couldn't help but laugh out loud, only to find that everyone in the conference room was staring at him strangely.

And Ren Fei's already indifferent expression became even colder!

"Ahem, what, Lin Lang, this kid likes to play pigs and eat tigers, so he is not famous. Actually, his strength is very strong. "

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere of the scene was strange for three points.

Especially Ren Fei, she couldn't wait to tear this guy apart.

Why did you say it earlier, did you say that I was embarrassed like now, like a clown?

However, in fact, Xu Si said similar things at the beginning, but at that time, Ren Fei was full of confidence in the black tube and did not care about this little-known hairy boy.

Fortunately, Zhao Fangxu came forward in time to make a round: "Is this young man called Lin Lang?" It's really a hero out of a teenager. Ren Fei, the strength of the black tube lies in long-range sniping, and participating in this kind of competition has limited his play, so there is no need to care. "

Ren Fei bitterly cracked the corners of his mouth, and stopped talking.

Although she is the person in charge, she rarely shoots, but she is not a new person who does not know how to fight.

Because of his proud magic weapon, the black tube did not pose the slightest threat to Lin Lang, and even the final hole card blood cut could not allow him to block Lin Lang's ghostly attack.

In other words, Lin Lang was enough to crush him in all aspects.

But there is nothing more to say at the moment, she nodded from the goodness, and then looked at Xu Si, forced to smile unpleasantly: "You guy hangerlangdang, luck is good, the temporary workers under his hand are more than a demon!" "

The others nodded approvingly.

Not to mention Feng Baobao, just one Zhang Chulan is enough to become the favorite to win the championship.

Now there is another Lin Lang.

Why did all the good things take advantage of you?

Xu Si smiled straightly, and recalled the picture dominated by Lin Lang, and could only say that he was painful and happy.

"I just said, for the eldest brother, this kind of opponent is completely stressless!" Zhang Chulan applauded and cheered.

The eldest brother is a person who can even single-handedly pick out a fifth-level demon, and it is not a hand-to-hand to catch a fight?

Such words caused frequent eye-catchers around, but Liu Yanyan and Feng Shayan nodded their heads in agreement.

Especially Liu Yanyan, in her eyes, Lin Lang is an omnipotent god!

Zhang Chulan smiled and hugged the shoulder of Feng Xingtong, who looked shocked: "How is it?" Do you still think my eldest brother can't do it now? "


Feng Xingtong smiled bitterly, and he was also a little surprised by Lin Lang's strength. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Brother Lin Lang is very strong, but that king is not weak."

Zhang Chulan was not annoyed when he heard this, but just hugged him with a smile and said proudly: "Then let's make a bet, if the eldest brother loses, I will be your little brother!" If Big Brother Wins"

He smiled maliciously: "Then you will give my eldest brother as a junior brother!" "

"As a little brother?" Feng Xingtong looked back at Feng Baobao, Liu Yanyan, and his eldest sister, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

But right now, his fear of Wang He was obviously higher than Lin Lang, so he hesitated for a moment, and he nodded.


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