Inheriting the Legacy of All-People Anime: I Choose Rikudo Madara!

Chapter 209 The Birth of the Ghost King (Part 2)

"When I saw my wife's body, she was... shriveled up, like a mummy!"

The Ghost King's eyes burned with anger. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

"I heard from other demon hunters that the person who killed my wife was a ghost, a ghost that can suck other people's blood."

"According to the investigation of Demon Slayer Academy, this ghost comes from the world of [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba], but this monster is not even recorded in the [Book of Heritage]."

"It likes to eat human blood. Although it is not very big, it is extremely powerful. Even my wife, who is already a six-star demon hunter, is no match for it."

"Its level is judged to be a seven-star monster!"

Seven stars!?

Qin Shi was shocked when he heard what the Ghost King said.

The seven-star monster is almost the strongest monster that humans have ever faced, and is the king of seventh-level monsters.

If we describe the level of disaster, it is also called "natural disaster level".

Every seven-star monster beast appears in this world, like a natural disaster.

Unexpectedly, in the world of [Demon Slayer] with a low spiritual power level, there are monsters with a strength rating of seven stars.

In history, only three seven-star monsters have been successfully defeated by humans.

One is that the first-generation Demon Hunter Academy dean captured and sealed the Nine-Tailed Beast, the strongest tailed beast from the world of [Naruto].

The second was the fourth-generation dean and the four gold medal lecturers of the college who jointly killed the ultimate Digimon Clown King who was cunning and hiding among humans and came from the [Digimon] world.

The third is Bai Qi, the strongest dean in the history of Demon Hunter Academy and the white beard of [One Piece]. He killed the Elephant Master from the world of [One Piece] who was as big as an island when the beast tide invaded ten years ago.

As for the seven-star vampire that Ghost King Nai said killed Lecturer Kikyo, Qin Shi also saw a brief introduction.

But this seven-star demon beast was not killed by the teacher of the Demon Hunter Academy. Instead, it escaped back to the demon realm and disappeared ever since.

Could it be that this seven-star monster was killed by the Ghost King!?

Qin Shi guessed in his heart.

However, Nairian was not a demon hunter at that time and had not grown into the ghost king he would become in the future. How could he kill the powerful seven-star demon beast?

"As you can imagine, I want to kill that vampire more than anyone else, but I am indeed no match for it."

"But so what!!!"

"You killed my wife, and in the face of a joint attack by humans, you just want to escape into the demon realm?"

"The demon hunters in the academy can let it go, but I can't!"

The Ghost King said coldly.

"With the determination to die, I took the biological bomb [Poor Man's Rose] I made and tracked him all the way to the Demon Realm."

"But when I found this vampire in the demon realm, it was already dying and motionless."

The Ghost King said slowly.

Qin Shi was stunned.

The existence that can actually defeat the seven-star monster vampire?

And according to the academy's records, seven-star vampires have the ability to heal themselves instantly.

Even if the head is cut off, it can be quickly resurrected.

The entire Demon Hunter Academy has not found a way to kill the seven-star vampire.

Therefore, even though the third generation dean summoned a large number of demon hunters to encircle and suppress the seven-star vampire, it still escaped into the demon realm.

Who could make such a powerful being dying?

"I don't know who it is..."

The Ghost King saw Qin Shi's thoughts again, he closed his eyes and recalled.

"I only remember that there were marks on the ground that looked like horseshoes. The area of ​​the horseshoe marks was as big as a valley. Just standing in the marks, I felt the pressure that made my knees weak."

"And the seven-star vampire lies in the center of the horse's hoof prints."

"I guess it was just stepped on by a huge monster in the Demon Realm. Although its body recovered as before, its soul was shattered into pieces."

"The soul of the seven-star vampire... was trampled to pieces!"

Hearing this, Qin Shi was horrified.

To be able to crush the soul of a seven-star monster with one kick, how strong must this monster be?

Eight stars? Nine stars? Even stronger?

There is such a creature in the Demon Realm. If it intends to invade Kyushu, it will be a disaster that will destroy the world.

Without letting Qin Shi think more, the Ghost King continued.

"The moment I found the Seven-Star Vampire, anger rushed straight into my brain. This anger allowed me to quickly unlock [Inuyasha] Naraku's inherited ability."

"I almost instinctively spent three days and three nights eating this seven-star vampire."

"And the inheritance of [Naraku] can inherit the ability of the swallowed monster, so I also gained the power of the vampire in [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba]."

"This power makes me immortal, heals myself instantly, and can give blood to turn others into dependents, which is how I became... who I am now!"

After telling his story in one breath, the Ghost King also felt a little lost.

Qin Shi looked even weirder.

First of all, the opponent's ability is obviously the same as the Demon King Muzan's ability in [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba].

If we want to talk about the difference, his ability is more similar to the advanced version of the [No Misery] ability.

Because judging from the ability of the blood ghost technique, the blood ghost technique formed by the blood given by the Blue Star Ghost King is far more abnormal than the ghost blood ghost technique in [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba].

I'm afraid that what Qin Shi is facing, the lower-stringed six ghosts who use thunder and lightning, appear in the Demon Slayer world, and can easily defeat the upper-stringed ghosts, Heishimou.

The explanation for the birth of the Ghost King is also very different from the explanation in the "Demon Slayer" anime.

In the anime "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba", the ghost king Muzan was born because he took a medicine made by a doctor when he was still a human, and finally became an immortal ghost.

But this explanation also seems extremely weird in the entire animation setting.

Can you become the strongest ghost king by taking pills from a human doctor?

It's unreasonable, the comic's explanation is too unreasonable.

Therefore, the reason for the birth of the Demon King has become the biggest mystery of the "Demon Slayer" anime.

Qin Shi suddenly recalled the days when he was competing with others in Tieba before time travel.

Regarding the question of how Muzan became the Ghost King, a friend put forward a conjecture.

[ID rides a snail and chases a rocket: Look at Wu Mei’s ability, fear of sunlight, giving blood to others to create dependents, and super self-healing ability. Isn’t this the vampire in Western mythology? 】

[In the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, there must be a powerful vampire hidden behind the world view. 】

[So this snail boldly guesses that the medicine prepared by the Wuhan doctor must contain vampire blood. 】

[For example, when the doctor was collecting medicine in the forest, some of the medicinal materials were contaminated with the blood of vampires. The doctor collected them and made pills, which were accidentally taken by Wu Mei, forming the original ghost king Wu Mei. 】

[In other words, the reason why Ghost King Muzan obtained the ability of a vampire is simply because he happened to be the one who was "given blood" by a real vampire]

[No misfortune, but he is just a descendant of a powerful vampire. 】

When Qin Shi saw this speculation, he even criticized it online.

Now after listening to Ghost King Nai's self-narration, Qin Cai discovered that the birth of Ghost King might indeed be in line with that bar friend's guess.

This also explains that the ability of Muzan in [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba] is not enough when placed in the blue star inherited by monsters everywhere.

But Blue Star's Hundred Ghost Group has become the lifelong enemy of Demon Hunter Academy.

Because Muzan in [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba] is only a eater of the seven-star vampire blood and one of the ordinary familiars, the abilities of the ghosts given blood by him are naturally more average.

Blue Star's Ghost King Nai is a human who completely devoured the seven-star vampires and gained abilities close to those of a true vampire.

The ghost king who swallowed the seven-star monsters and vampires, and the descendants he formed with his blood, have abilities far beyond those of the ghosts in [Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba].

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