Inside the tent, Qin Shi's eyes suddenly opened.

All the hairs on his body stood up, like a cat with explosive hair.

"The aura of extreme darkness...has an enemy, and a very strong enemy!"

Qin Shi made a judgment instantly.

After mastering the three colors of Haki in the world of [One Piece] and raising them to high levels.

Qin Shi's perception of the surrounding environment had reached a terrifying level.

He pushed Pei Buwei, who was snoring beside him.

The other person turned around.

Didn't wake up.

"How long has it been since you could still sleep so deeply!?"

Qin Shi slapped him directly.


After a while, Pei Buze sat up covering his red mouth.

After hearing the other person describe his feelings to him.

Pei Buwei nodded, and a blue card suddenly appeared on his fingertips.

"Old Qin, don't worry, I will take good care of sister Mi Dou."

His inheritance is the young Yugi Muto who loves building blocks in the world of [Yu-Gi-Oh!].

The abilities used are all kinds of cards.

And at his fingertips is the magic card [Light Sealing Sword], which has the ability to seal enemy attacks.

There was a flash of light.

Three lightsabers appeared in the tent.

As he turned his fingers again, a red card appeared again.

The card is called [The Curse of the Six-Pointed Star]

By setting up a trap with a six-pointed star formation, enemies that rush into the territory will be immobilized.

After some movement between them, Mi Dou also rubbed his eyes and woke up.

Seeing the look on her companion's face as if they were facing an enemy, she immediately realized that the situation was not very good.

"Mi Dou, you can't keep up with Pei. If anything happens outside, run away."

Qin Shi took out his sword [Tian Tian Ya].

"Li Shanyi is still outside, I'll go over and take a look first."

He slowly opened the tent and walked out carefully.

Then he saw a handsome young man wearing a black coat standing in front of Li Shanyi.

Not only is he handsome, he even has a feminine temperament in his movements.

Like a weak man.

But with just a moment of perception, Qin Shi understood.

The young man in the black coat was the target that made him feel full of danger.

When Qin Shi saw him, the other party slowly looked over.

"Hello, boy."

The young man smiled.

"You must be Li Shanyi's roommate. Thank you for taking care of our children during this time."

"First time we meet, my name is Nai, and I am Li Shanyi's parent."

"Of course you can also call me by another name. Your Demon Hunter Academy has always called me that."

"Ghost King."

After the man finished speaking, he smiled and licked his lips.

Under the moonlight, the scarlet color in his eyes became more and more dazzling and strange.

Ghost...Ghost King!

Qin Shi's pupils instantly enlarged.

The leader of the Hyakki Group who has been hostile to Yaoshou Academy for 20 years, committed hundreds of crimes in Kyushu, and killed nearly a hundred teachers and students of the academy.

Ghost King!

Without hesitation, Qin Shi's spiritual energy surged.

In an instant, he used the Eight Gate Dunjia and forced the door to open to the Sixth Gate.

Dark blue aura surrounded him, and his hair all rose up.

"Leave Li Shanyi's side!"

Qin Shi held up his sword and said coldly.


Feeling the energy erupting from Qin Shi's body, the young man who claimed to be the Ghost King narrowed his eyes.

"This kind of power cannot even be matched by the long-famous Demon Hunter."

"Young man, it seems you have many secrets."

His tone was lazy.

"No wonder that common man Bai Qi dared to leave the real escort in your hands."

"It seems that the deaths of the first ghost and the sixth ghost are not accidents at all."

As he spoke, he stared at Li Shanyi, with a faint smile on his lips.

"You have a roommate like this, but why haven't you reported it to your parents..."

"Li Shanyi, you have become naughty..."

The young man's voice became a little deeper.

"what are you saying?"

Qin Shi was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed anger.

"Want to sow discord? This move won't work on me!"

"Li Shanyi, get away from him quickly, he is in danger."

Qin Shi said as spiritual power was injected into the blade.

The wind around him started to become turbulent.

This is the sign before using the move [Wind Wound].

"Young man, you are a bit old and young."

The young man's voice was still lazy, but his tone was even colder than before.

A bone pierced his skin and protruded from his arm.

The gray aura surrounds the bones.

This is a poisonous miasma.

Just before Qin Shi was about to attack the Ghost King, Li Shanyi suddenly stood up.

"Lord Ghost King, this student is not worthy of your personal action."

As he spoke, he turned around and faced Qin Shi.

His eyes looked straight at his roommate, without any warmth.

"Let me eradicate him for you, Lord Ghost King."

"Li Shanyi, you..."

Seeing his roommate's reaction, Qin Shi couldn't believe it.

The roommate who lived and died together and lived with him day and night made him feel extremely strange at this moment.

"My name is not Li Shanyi."

Li Shanshan said coldly.

"I am the first string of the Hundred Ghosts, the strongest ghost second only to the King of Ghosts. My codename is...Thunder God!"

He said, his body filled with electricity.

As if inspired by his power, the originally bright moonlit night sky was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds.

Thunder and lightning rolled in the dark clouds.


Three black magatama appeared in Qin Shi's eyes.

With the help of the Sharingan, Qin Shi found his familiar roommate in front of him.

The spiritual power of the body is skyrocketing crazily.

It was like a wild beast that had broken free from its chains and crawled out of its cage.

"what are you saying!!!"

Qin Shi raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of anger.

My roommate is actually the sworn enemy of the college!?

Qin Shi suddenly remembered that Principal Bai had spoken to him sincerely on Principal Rock the night before departure.

Even if you have the Sharingan, you can't see into people's hearts.

In this world, enemies can appear from any unexpected place.

It might even be your friend, lover, or loved one.

So you are really... my enemy!?


Qin Shi took a deep breath.

"Secret skill, wind injury!"

Wind Wound, a skill in the anime [Inuyasha], feels the gap between the collision of spiritual powers, and swings a hurricane with a powerful slashing effect.

The spiritual hurricane flew in the direction of Li Shanyi.

At the moment when he was about to attack Li Shanyi, the hurricane suddenly branched out, avoiding Li Shanyi, and attacked the Ghost King behind him.

The Ghost King just glanced at the powerful spiritual hurricane, with only mockery in his eyes.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky and collided with the spiritual hurricane formed by the wind injury.

Just for a moment, everything calmed down.

Qin Shi was slightly in a trance.

Because just now, he felt that the spiritual hurricane he controlled had disappeared into nothingness, as if it had never appeared before.

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