
The long words made Teacher Wang’s wounds crack a little.

The woman on the side had a twinkle in her eye.

"Hey, Fourth Sister, what are you waiting for?"

A cold laughter came from the forest, like a python spitting a message.

A middle-aged man wearing a black robe and holding a white staff walked out of the woods.

Wrapped around his body was a python.

"Let me introduce myself to this stupid academy lecturer. I am the third member of the Hundred Demons, the Three Demons on the String, and the Dark Lord."

"My heritage is Voldemort, the most powerful wizard in the Harry Potter world. You must have heard of my name in the academy."

The middle-aged man saluted the man politely.

"Good evening, Lecturer of Monster Academy, it seems that you had a good time with my female disciple."

With that said, the Dark Lord walked up to the woman.

He gently touched the woman's face and whispered.

"You are indeed my best female disciple. I taught you how to make Horcruxes, and you actually learned how to awaken your abilities without any teacher."

"Originally, your target fruit ability can only throw inanimate dead objects like steel needles."

"But your understanding is so strong that you can actually throw conceptual objects...even souls! What a terrifying ability this is."

"Throwing your soul into dead things, in addition to the ghost king's ability, you actually found another way to achieve eternal life."

"I set my Horcrux...in your soul. As long as you don't die, I won't die. You are the most beautiful work of art in my life."

"But what are you doing? Why do I feel that you are throwing life force into this man's body?"

The Dark Lord smiled sinisterly.

"You don't want to save him, do you? Hehehehehe"

As he spoke, he looked at the dying young Taoist Master Wang on the ground.

"What a little fool."

"I discovered the clues early, but I couldn't bring myself to kill the enemies around me."

"So much like you...my lovely apprentice."

The Dark Lord raised his head and looked at the expressionless woman beside him.

"Tell me, should I use Avada Kedavra to destroy this man's soul, or should I let him become food for my pet snake?"

"Oh, by the way, this is your prey, I'm just responsible for monitoring you."

"Are you going to let your human friends go and let them come back to hunt you like you did before?"

"Come on, good disciple, listen to the master, take a bite on this man's neck and taste the delicious taste of human blood. You will definitely feel the pleasure of softening your bones."

As the Dark Lord spoke, he gently scratched Teacher Wang's wound with his wand. The wound was torn open, making him gasp involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

The woman's little finger turned white from being pinched by herself, but there was no expression on her face.

After a while, she chuckled, her voice sounding like a bell.

"How could it be, Master?"

"Humans and ghosts are incompatible, I've known this for a long time."

"Since you turned me into a ghost, I have suffered from the cold eyes of my relatives and friends. No one is willing to save me and they all want me to die."

"But I just can't do what they want!"

The woman said with clenched teeth and a fierce tone.

"I just want to live. I want them to see that even if I am an evil ghost, I am not something they can despise and hate."

"However, this little Taoist priest is really cute, smart and stupid at the same time."

As she spoke, the woman knelt down, picked up Teacher Wang's hair, and the two looked at each other.

"You should be able to guess my identity. Your college has information about all our ghosts. Naturally, you know that my fruit power needs to be touched to activate."

"But you foolishly handed me your wine bottle, creating a chance for me."

"It's even more stupid to play hero and save the beauty in front of a female ghost who is much more powerful than you under Zhen Yu's attack."

"What a stupid Taoist priest blinded by lust."

As the woman spoke, a blue energy flowed from her hands through Teacher Wang's hair into his body.

Teacher Wang's eyes opened wider.

He felt that the injuries to his limbs were healing quickly.

The blood that was lost in large quantities was also rapidly generated under the influence of blue energy at this moment.

In just a moment, he went from near-death to seriously injured.

It's like coming back from hell.

But the woman's face is aging a little bit, and wrinkles are gradually appearing.

"What are you doing!!!"

The Dark Lord of the Three Ghosts on the Upper String was stunned for a moment, then said coldly, and the snake on his shoulder also neighed.

"It's just because you haven't completely eliminated your kindness yet, so you obviously have such a powerful ability, but you're still only at the bottom of it."

"Since you don't want to do it, then I'll do it."

As he spoke, the Dark Lord waved the wand in his hand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Black magic energy was released from his wand and flew towards Teacher Wang lying on the ground.

But the woman only glanced at the energy.

The black magic turned sharply in the air and flew towards the Dark Lord.


The Dark Lord was startled and hid quickly.

But the black magical energy still hit the giant snake wrapped around him.

With a cry, the giant snake's body trembled violently. Then it fell off the man's body like a dead branch.


The giant snake died, and the man actually let out a painful cry.

Like Voldemort in the Harry Potter world, he has installed several Horcruxes, and the giant snake is one of the containers of the soul.

"You crazy woman!"

"Why can you control my magical energy?...Is it because my Horcrux remains in your body!?"

The man covered his head in pain, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

He said this, but at this moment his wizard robe suddenly bulged.

This was a sign before he used the flying spell.

A strong instinct told him that it would be very dangerous for him to stay here.

If he wants to run away, run away quickly.

As long as he leaves here, he has plenty of ways to kill this woman.

But his wizard robe had just puffed up, and all the magical energy escaped like wind.

"Throwing, energy escapes..."

The woman did not raise her head, but looked at the man in her arms tenderly.

Then the woman gently put the man down and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

"Idiot." She said softly.

"You... have to live a good life and don't do stupid things again."

Then she stood up and faced the tall Dark Lord, her eyes full of mockery.

"When you placed the Horcrux in my body, I never thought that one day I would be able to rely on the connection between the Horcrux and you to choose the target of your magical energy."

The woman walked slowly as she spoke.

In her hand, a round ball of light slowly rose.

The mere appearance of the ball of light quickly caused her hand to rot.

Facing the pain of rotting bones and flesh, the woman still showed no pain on her face, but a hint of joy.

"Master? Haha, thank you for doing a lot for me."

"Turning me into a ghost when I was young, and corrupting the hearts of my family and friends, making me feel despair and pain, and making me fall into the abyss for ten years!"

"How should I repay you? Master."

"I spent a whole year collecting these sunshine, I think you must like it very much."

As she spoke, she raised the ball of light in her hand high.

"Throw the sun, target the Dark Lord!"

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