Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 495 The Origin of the Lamp God


In the howling wind! A large number of fighter jets rushed out of the clouds! They launched a surprise attack on the distance point below!

Just when Qin Ming solved the defenders in the pyramid and took the treasures they dug out for himself, the Hounds were not idle either. They were now chasing the rebels all over the world and spending money to build momentum for themselves.

After their momentum, the federal army had to admit that the world was even more chaotic!

After all, they not only distributed food! They also distributed guns to others!

And with food and guns! Even better guns than the regular army! Then do you think the citizens who were originally rebellious can still be honest!

As soon as the Hounds left, they began to gather together to rebel, making the regular army anxious.

And this is what Qin Ming wanted to see.

He did not believe that these regular army leaders would keep their promises and really give him the title of general and private territory after they dealt with the rebels.

The other party just wanted him and the rebels to lose both sides!

So Qin Ming had to find something for them to do! Only they were in trouble! Qin Ming can be safe!

At this time, Qin Ming and others were sitting in the plane team, preparing to follow the troops to attack a rebel stronghold.

And it was a very important stronghold! I heard that the rebels were doing some secret experiments in it!

Qin Ming, who was sitting in his seat, was now looking down at his palm, or more precisely, a ball of energy in his palm, with a very surprised expression.

Because the ball of energy in his hand could actually be commanded by him! Fly and move at will!

This! Is the new ability he just learned! A-level skill: Tracking wave fist!

It was taught by a special prisoner of war: Ichimonji Hyakutaro, and Qin Ming relied on the fusion ability to forcibly replace the heavenly sliding skill and upgrade it to A-level.

The ability is very simple and crude, that is, you can arbitrarily control the movement of energy and control it at will.

Although this ability is simple! But it is very terrifying! Especially after the level is raised!

After all, it is a wave fist that can make a sharp turn! Just say whether you are afraid or not!

The reason why Ichimonji Hyakutaro has this special ability is because he participated in a special program, a demon experiment program launched by the federal government!

By transforming the soldiers' bodies, they tried to give them special powers, and Ichimonji Hyakutaro was one of the successful ones.

The reason why the rebels also know the transformation technology is that some of them have participated in the federal government's transformation plan and learned it secretly.

With a flick of his finger, the wave fist shot out at a high speed, dodging various shelters, and accurately hitting the target.

Seeing that he could do it as if his arm was driving, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction. At this time, a voice suddenly came to his ears, belonging to the voice of the lamp god.

"Hey, kid."

Hearing the sudden movement, Qin Ming was stunned, turned his head and looked around, and the people around him had no reaction. It was obvious that they did not hear it, and his eyebrows twitched slightly.

"I'm not called kid, I have a name."

"Tsk, let me ask you, how did you manage to raise the level of this tracking wave fist to such a high level? The original tracking wave fist was not so strong."

"I have no obligation to answer your question."


"If you want me to answer the question, we can each ask one question, it's fair and just."

Qin Ming's words made the lamp god silent for a while before giving an answer.

"Okay, let me ask you first, how did you manage to improve your skill level."

"Relying on my innate skills, what exactly are you? A product of mythology?"

"No, can you only fuse skills? Can other things be fused?"

"Yes, anything is fine. Tell me the specific location. What exactly are you?"

"…………I am the Nightmare Space."


"The same kind of Nightmare Space, the same existence as it, but not as lucky as it, was defeated, sealed in its body, sealed in this world."

"The same desperately creates soldiers just to defeat you?"

"Yes, just like you, our abilities are also different. I am not its opponent, so I lost. It can't kill me and can't let me go, so it sealed me in the equipment. It's that simple. Although I can't leave here! But I can appear in all Metal Slug worlds! Anywhere! I have killed quite a few adventurers! After all, not everyone has such a fast reaction as you!"

The words of the lamp god made Qin Ming's face reveal a look of realization.

No wonder he knew the nightmare space, but was restricted by it. After all this time, he was a loser sentenced to life imprisonment.

A member of the nightmare space, another nightmare space that has not grown up, this is really...

Just when Qin Ming was thinking, his plane suddenly shook. It turned out that the plane was hit by artillery fire continuously and had already shown signs of damage.

Seeing this, Qin Ming shook his head helplessly and opened the door and jumped out.

His body fell freely in mid-air, and before he could land on the ground, he had already turned into blood mist and exploded.

He flew through the crowd and flew directly into the underground base. As soon as he entered, he was shot by a large amount of firepower.

It was just that the bullets kept hitting his golden body, but they were all bounced off on the spot and could not break the defense at all.

He turned into a golden body with active skills! The defense is at least five times that of before! Let alone others! Even Qin Ming can't hit himself!

Qin Ming rushed all the way and quickly broke into the depths of the building. After he pushed the door open, a piercing alarm suddenly sounded in his ears.

Looking at the passage in front of him that was constantly flashing red light, he was slightly stunned. Before he could react, there was a rustling sound in front of him.

The next second! A large number of monsters with blood red bodies! No hair on their bodies! Climbing from the top of the cave and even the walls on both sides!

They flew towards Qin Ming just after approaching!

Qin Ming, who saw this scene, instinctively raised his hand and grabbed it, ready to forcibly suck out the blood in the other party's body.

However, as the ability was activated, the blood was not sucked out, but the red monster on the opposite side exploded on the spot.

The powerful shock wave formed by the huge explosion forced Qin Ming to slide half a step away.

This is! Self-explosion!

[Name: Failed Experimental Subject]

[Strength: 2]

[Constitution: 2]

[Agility: 10]

[Spirit: 1]

[Skill: Self-destruction (B-level)]

[Introduction: The Modern Army's soldiers volunteered to participate in the transformation experiment, and the product of failure. ]

The attributes are extremely low! But it has a B-level skill! The most important thing is that this skill is a skill of mutual destruction!

Looking at the countless red experimental subjects swarming out from the opposite side and quickly crawling towards him, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and a red air wave suddenly emanated from his body.

Raise your hand to charge! The energy ball shoots out!

Skill! Killing Intent Tracking Hadoken!

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