Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 489 Feio joins the team

"Boy! That's what happened! They want to lure the tiger to drive away the wolf! This piece of meat is not delicious! You have to be careful! Compared with Modern, some senior executives have begun to think that you are a greater threat, so you must be cautious and don't be careless."

"Oh, I know, I know, what's the big deal about playing tricks behind the scenes? The knife is hard and there are no tricks! If you dare to reach out, I will chop you! If I get angry, I will stab you directly!"

"That's what I said! But you still have to be careful! By the way! I sent my daughter to assist you! You two can communicate more when you have time!"

"Hey! Why did you throw your daughter over again! You are really not afraid of her death, right!"

"Don't worry! My daughter is lucky and won't die. Just be careful not to die. There are many people waiting for you to die now."

As the phone was hung up, Qin Ming, who threw away the phone, frowned.

As expected, the big action he recently launched aroused the anger of the federal high-level officials, and he was given a big task on the spot, which was to start a full-scale war with Modern.

This was also within his expectations. After all, how could others not be angry if you touched other people's cakes.

If Qin Ming's strength was not strong enough and his troops were large enough, which made the other party very afraid, Qin Ming would have been dismissed and investigated long ago.

If things went wrong, he would have been directly brought to the military court! He might even be shot on the spot!

Qin Ming's reaction to the anger of the federal high-level officials was no reaction.

If you are angry, you are angry. Anyway, it's not you who is angry. Just continue to do what you should do.

If you are really angry, then you have the guts to bring your troops to fight me! Then we will see who can fight better!

As I said! Those with knives are not afraid of those with mouths! You are quick-mouthed! His knife is faster!

Qin Ming's work of winning people's hearts has been very good recently, and resources have never been cut off.

Because he always believed in a concept, that is, there will be as many resources as there are people in the local area, and there will only be more, not less.

As long as all the resources are in hand! There will never be a situation where there are not enough resources to share! If there is! It can only mean that someone has taken too much!

What Qin Ming needs to solve now is never those who lack resources, but the small number of people with more resources.

As long as their resources are in hand! Qin Ming can do anything!

There are food! There are guns! There are people! There are people!

He has the final say here! No one can do it!

Haven’t you seen that the rebels have not shown up recently? After all, how can they show up? What reason do they have to show up?

Rebellion? Who are they rebelling against? Rebellion against Qin Ming? What are you thinking!

In the past two days, some underground rebels have abandoned the dark and joined the light, thinking that it is more promising to follow Qin Ming and help others.

With the help of this group of local revolutionaries, Qin Ming’s work will be easier for a while.

And through the intelligence of the informant, he has confirmed the location of the Baal Abbas Legion, and can start a war at any time to completely take over this place.

After all, the regular army here has been taken down by him, and only this rebel army is missing.

Qin Ming frowned and thought as he opened the map and looked at the marked area above.

Before he could figure out what to do next, the door of the room beside him was suddenly pushed open, and a figure strode in.

"Report! Intelligence department! Sparrow Team Sergeant: Fiorina! Come to report!"

Qin Ming was slightly stunned when he heard the voice.

Knowing that the protagonist daughter of the old man Jamie Fox had arrived, he waved his hand casually without looking back.

"Got it."

Kasamoto Eri, who was sitting next to him, saw his old friend appear, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he excitedly came over and gave him a warm hug on the spot.

"Fio! How are you! How have you been recently!"

Looking at the enthusiastic Kasamoto Eri, Fio shook his head and chuckled.

"It's the same as always. Just continue to follow orders. It seems that there is a lot of noise here. Do you need my help?"

It is not easy to make Feiou, a woman who comes from a military family but is not keen on joining the army, take the initiative to ask for help.

Qin Ming's charm is not so great, not to mention Kasamoto Eri. The reason why this woman is so enthusiastic is probably...

"Major General, although it is a bit inappropriate for me to say this, I still sincerely thank you for helping the local people. If there is anything I can do for you, please feel free to ask."

After a solemn salute, Feiou's expression became serious.

The reason why she was unwilling to obey her father's order to serve as a soldier and make meritorious deeds was that she did not want to fight and kill, and secondly, it was because she could not accept the various dirty deeds within the federal government.

The federal government was so corrupt that even her father, a stubborn veteran, had to choose to go along with it. No one could change it, and no one dared to change it.

Either you go along with them, or you can only stay out of it and stay away from that circle, otherwise there is only one way to go.

Feio chose the latter, but in her eyes, Qin Ming chose the dead end!

He dared to go against the wind! He tried to tear open the dark sky! A real warrior!

He had the courage that he could not have! He dared not have!

After all, Feio was still a member of the Jamie family, and in the eyes of outsiders, he represented the entire family.

If she openly confronted the federal government, the family would also bear the price, and she and her family could not bear the price.

So she could only choose to be alone and try to be a musician or a traveler to escape reality.

Unfortunately, her father was unwilling and insisted on letting her join the army and let her take over the job of admiral in the future.

In her father's words: The reason why the Federation is now full of trash! The reason why it is so rotten! It is because those righteous people chose to retreat in the face of difficulties! If they didn't retreat at the beginning! Then would the Federation be like this now! Those who retreated are these trash!

Seeing that a pioneer appeared on the road she had given up, and did it in a vivid way, forcing the federal government to compromise and give in, Feiou's eyes were shining at this time.

For the first time, she did not reject the work arranged by her father, but rushed over as quickly as possible!

However, Feiou obviously made a mistake, that is, the warriors she thought were not real warriors.

The reason why Qin Ming carried out major reforms and divided land, fields and resources was not because he wanted to be a hero, but simply because he didn't want to be compared with the rebels.

Anyway, the money and land are not his! I don't have much to lose! So just divide it!

Then give the locals a batch of guns and equipment! Let them make trouble on their own! As long as they don't get a bad reputation!

You can let Qin Ming be the villain! You can let him be the protagonist!

But you want him to be a second-rate guy who can't stand up to the stage? A lackey of the Imperial Army? That won't work!

If you want to be, then be the biggest one! Don't care about the pros and cons! He is an adventurer! Can he be bullied by these natives!

He is really angry! He will stab Modern to death today! Tomorrow he will stab all the high-level officials of the Federation to death! No one will have a good life!

Adventurers may not be heroes! They don't have any sense of justice! But they are definitely the biggest troublemakers! No one else!

Like the players of the Fourth Disaster! They are the same type of troublemakers! They do things according to their preferences!

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