Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 487 Disintegration Plan

The bad news is that Qin Ming is not too smart and doesn't know how to deal with trouble.

But the good news is that he's better at dealing with troublemakers.

So I saw these guys holding back and threatening me, and even threatened to remove me from my post.

Qin Ming decisively helped them physically shut their mouths.

The three commanders, together with several of their cronies, committed suicide by shooting themselves twelve times in the back that afternoon.

Qin Ming also took over the troops of these three guys as a matter of course, and fully obtained the command of all the legions in this area.

Qin Ming didn't want to know, and he didn't bother to know whether the federal leaders would believe that a dozen high-ranking guys committed suicide together.

He only knows that the big fist means justice! When his strength had not grown up back then! Officially appointed as a three-star major general! It has been possible to completely avoid the federal command!

Now he has completely risen! Shining back! Then why should he be subjected to other people's jealousy?

Command him? Why should a group of five-star generals command him, a three-star major general!

It should be a loyal federal empire! It’s only right to obey the command of this future five-star emperor!

Why is the other party so blind? I didn’t know how to give him a gift when I saw him coming back! Say hello! Treat me to a meal or something! They deserve to be only five-star generals! That’s all it takes to make a difference!

There are only 286 army groups! The total number of troops is less than 10 million! The advantage in military strength is not too great!

Facing an army of more than 30,000 hounds under his command! Who gave the other party the courage to tell me what to do! Against them!

A few hours later, as a large number of tanks and tanks drove back to the city, the scattered hound troops who were fighting fires everywhere finally regrouped.

Standing in the open square, the dark hound regiment was all looking up at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who was standing on the high platform, had already changed into a general's uniform and wore a military cap on his head.

Looking at the army below with his hands behind his back, Qin Ming spoke seriously.

"To be honest, I am very disappointed with you. Very disappointed. They are just a group of thugs. You have been suppressing them for more than a year and you still can't suppress them. This is too detrimental to the reputation of our hound unit! It is simply giving me trouble. General slander! It’s just a modern thing! Is it really that difficult to solve?”

After hearing Qin Ming's words, the two adjutants Shuke and Beta, who were standing at the front of the army, suddenly became bitter.

"Boss, it's not that we don't work hard, it's mainly because those pig teammates are too useless. As soon as we suppress them here, chaos will break out over there. As soon as we help them quell the rebellion, trouble will happen elsewhere."

"Then why is there chaos?"

"Because they are unpopular with the people, those losers will only arouse public anger everywhere."

"Then don't let them control it! Let's organize our own people to control it! How come that guy Modern can quickly form an army wherever he goes, but we can only follow behind them and get beaten everywhere? This is not us This way, we will drive them away! We will form an army to fight them wherever we go!”

Pacing back and forth on the high platform, Qin Ming frowned as he recalled what he saw and heard when he arrived.

"Yes! That's right! I also want to mobilize the masses! I also want to expand the corps! I want to use human sea tactics! I want to create a new hound unit! Let's do it from here first! Beta!"


"Go and gather supplies for me! This general is going to give year-end bonuses to the soldiers! Be more prepared! We will take over all the three nearby legions! From now on, they will be the Hounds No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4! Give them some benefits too! !”

When he said this, Qin Ming paused for a moment, and then added with a straight face.

"And the people! And the nearby citizens! Send it to them too! Send it to each one as you see it! I want to see whether our resources are more tempting! Or the modern word-of-mouth propaganda is more tempting! I want to make our army go where it has been ! The people are begging us to stay! Help us fight! Destroy the enemy's army from the root!"

The behavior of the rebel team they encountered before finally irritated Qin Ming.

It’s just that I haven’t been back for more than a year. When I suddenly came back, I looked up and saw that I had become a fucking villain!

no! He is doing his best to achieve military success here! It was not easy to climb to the official position of three-star major general! Then you tell him! Is he actually just a puppet soldier? Play!

no! Qin Ming should not be a puppet army! This status is so embarrassing! Even if it is a serious evil force! It’s better than being a bitch like this!

Isn’t it just to win over people’s hearts? Qin Ming still doesn’t believe that anyone can bribe him!

It's the same as sending things. What you send is a popular product, but Qin Ming can combine it into a top-quality product.

Eating the food he gave and holding the guns he distributed, Qin Ming did not believe that the people nearby would continue to follow the rebels and rebel against him!

With the further upgrade of his talent, Qin Ming no longer has to synthesize one by one as hard as before, but can smelt and synthesize in batches.

In other words, as long as there are enough resources, Qin Ming can completely supply a large number of people to squander resources.

Turn around and grab some arsenals! Take down some more food processing factories and clothing processing factories!

Have a production building in hand! Plus your own natural abilities! Qin Ming wants everyone to see it! What is assembly line reinforcement!

As Qin Ming's order was issued, the 30,000 hound troops immediately dispersed and launched operations.

They actually didn't know what the boss was crazy about, but they knew that the boss had gone crazy more than once or twice.

And they didn't care about this matter. They only knew that following the boss would get benefits, and that was enough.

Since there were benefits, whatever the boss said was what it was.

Let alone giving things to others, they would do it even if you asked them to rob others' things and give them to another person!

Because this so-called hound unit is essentially a group of private soldiers completely supported by Qin Ming!

Provide the best equipment, the best welfare, and completely obey Qin Ming's command.

As long as Qin Ming gave an order, they dared to fight with others, not to mention just doing some work.

In just a few days, the three nearby corps had been officially accepted by the hound unit.

As a result, the number of hound units increased from more than 30,000 to more than 100,000.

After distributing equipment and resources to them, the original veterans took these new recruits and began to execute the orders issued by their own boss, which was to send warmth door to door.

Arrive at the location, stop the car, knock on the door, and give food.

What? You don't dare to ask for food? Afraid that others will come to rob you?

Come on, tell us who is robbing you, and we will solve him immediately. You are not afraid now.

What? Still don't dare to ask? Because you are afraid that another group of people will appear to rob after the troops leave?

It doesn't matter! The convoy not only distributes food and resources! It also distributes guns! If you have a gun, you don't have to worry about others robbing you!

And if you want to join the army, you can sign up at any time if you see the Sky City in the distance! You can receive double resource benefits at that time! If you perform well, you will be promoted to a veteran! You can also receive three times or even more resources!

Qin Ming's way of winning people's hearts is always so simple and crude.

Give money, food, and guns! As long as you are willing to follow them! Then you are one of them! There will be many benefits in the future!

And facing this kind of sugar-coated bullet, someone soon couldn't resist...

The knocking sound rang out, and in a remote alley in a city, a team of soldiers quickly climbed out of the underground passage and came to the door.

They are part of the rebels, and this building is their base.

Under normal circumstances, they who came here as guerrillas would immediately be warmly welcomed by the owner of the building. After all, the people here still expect the rebels to help them get rid of the local government and completely liberate them.

But today the situation is a little different. When the knocking sound was heard, the door opened immediately.

But the owner of the house who poked his head out of it, after seeing the rebel team, actually quickly retracted his head and slammed the door.

Hearing a muffled sound from the door, the rebels outside looked at each other.

"No, fellow, it's us, our own people."

Hearing the captain's shouting, a reply came from behind the door immediately.

"I know it's you! You'd better leave quickly! Don't come again in the future! I'm afraid the hound troops will misunderstand!"


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