Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 484: See Metal Slug Again

[This world is: Metal Slug 2]

[Mission Difficulty: Grade A]

[Number of people entering: 500]

[Main Mission: Justice and Evil]

[Mission Requirements: Defeat the Abu Abbas Legion that has joined the Modern Rebels, or repel the regular army's ace unit: the Hound Legion that came to quell the rebellion. ]

[Mission Completion Reward: 10,000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[Mission Failure: No Penalty]

[Optional Mission: Participate in destroying the super-heavy bomber given to the Abu Abbas Legion by the Modern Rebels, or destroy the Sky City Fortress of the Hound Legion. ]

[Mission Completion Reward: 10,000 points, 10 free attribute points]

[Mission Failure: No Penalty]

[World Introduction: The war between justice and evil has just begun]

Metal Slug World, this can be regarded as Qin Ming's territory. Qin Ming is very familiar with this place, and even has the rank of a three-star major general.

Coming back here is naturally a good thing, but the problem is this mission...

Defeat the Hound Legion? Destroy the Sky City Fortress?

No! His troops have become the mission target!

The power he developed himself actually affected the Nightmare Space to issue the mission?

With a look of astonishment, Qin Ming checked the intelligence again and found that his troops were really written in it. For a moment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The legion he developed was so powerful that it was chosen by the Nightmare Space as the mission target. This can be regarded as an alternative recognition of the Nightmare Space, recognizing his influence on this world.

Shaking his head, Qin Ming showed a serious expression on his face, pushed the door and strode out of the room.

When he came outside, he found himself in a desert city at this time.

To be precise, it was a desert city that was fighting.

Artillery fire! Roaring!

Fighters were circling and chasing in the sky! Soldiers on the ground were passionately shooting! Both sides were fighting fiercely!

Just when Qin Ming was stunned, he suddenly heard a loud noise in his ears. The next second, a shell directly hit the building behind him, and the building was blown into pieces on the spot, and the rubble flew all over the sky.

Before the smoke dissipated, an X-type heavy tank developed by the rebels had broken through the wall and rushed to the battlefield in front at a high speed.

Following him, there was a whole team of rebel soldiers.

There was a cross on the helmets on their heads. These soldiers were gray and aggressive.

After seeing Qin Ming standing in front of the ruins, one of the captains was stunned, and after reacting, he hurriedly shook his hand at him.

"Civilians! Hide quickly! There will be a war here soon! Quick!"

The captain's voice had just fallen, and the harsh sound of machine gun fire had already sounded. The tank was immediately hit and sparks flew everywhere, frightening the soldiers in the rear to quickly disperse and find shelter.

At the opposite corner, with bursts of roars, several regular army tanks and chariots led dozens of soldiers to kill out!

The two teams met at the corner of the street and immediately started a close-range shootout.

Machine guns were firing here, and artillery fire was roaring there. As the fighting went on, soldiers from both sides continued to come to reinforce.

At this time, the city had completely turned into a huge battlefield, and all the buildings were turned into military bunkers.

The most tragic and exciting street fighting was constantly staged in various parts of the city.

Qin Ming, standing motionless in front of the ruins, looked at the two sides fighting in front of him, and frowned for a while.

As the two sides exchanged fire, the regular army was quickly suppressed.

The regular army's equipment was still as bad as ever, with old guns and chariots and tanks in disrepair.

When facing the rebels head-on, they still couldn't beat them.

In just a moment, two of their tanks had been destroyed and the entire street had been lost.

Looking at the defeated regular army, Qin Ming shook his head.

It was indeed a pack of wolves. After he was in charge, the soldiers of the Hounds were like desperate men, fearless and fearless.

But under the command of other generals, how could they be beaten into such a mess by the same number of enemies?

After finding a place to sit down, Qin Ming silently watched the development of the battle without any intention of intervening.

After half an hour, the encounter here finally ended, and the battle ended with a complete victory for the rebels.

Retake the streets and start to build a defense line without stopping.

The highest commander of this unit is still issuing orders.

"Teams one and two, strengthen vigilance! Team three, go to treat the wounded! Team four, spread out and search nearby to see if there are any civilians who have not yet evacuated! If there are, send them to a safe area!"


The soldiers who received the order scattered, and the captain who had asked Qin Ming to hide before walked over with a gun after seeing that Qin Ming had not left.

Before the person got close, the voice had already sounded.

"Are you a local civilian? Or a foreign merchant?"


"This city is no longer safe. You'd better leave quickly. You may not be able to leave if you are late."

He opened his backpack, took out some food and water from it, and threw them to Qin Ming from a distance.

The leader of the rebels had a very serious expression.

"The demon army is about to kill us. They may raze this city to the ground. Let's go."

Raising his hand to catch the food, Qin Ming looked at the item in his hand and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Demon Legion? Is there such a name in the regular army?"

"Yes, of course, and their name is very loud. Who doesn't know the group of demon soldiers and their demon generals now?"

"Why do you want to help me? Give me food?"

"Because we are the rebels! The army that resists the unfair oppression of the Federation! We will help anyone in trouble! This is the purpose of our establishment! Even if they send troops to suppress us a hundred times or a thousand times! We will stand up again! We..."

"No! Alert! Alert! The demon legion is coming!!!"

Before the captain with a proud look on his face finished speaking, a shrill scream suddenly came from a distance.

Hearing this sound, the rebel soldiers who were originally cleaning up the battlefield around them suddenly became chaotic.

Carrying ammunition boxes, they hurriedly looked for shelter, but before they found a good shelter, the sound of breaking wind was heard.

Accompanied by the raging wind, two fighters actually flew at a low altitude and fired at the ground while flying.

The bullets hit the ground and the building, forming a chain, causing dust to fly.

The rebel soldiers rolled to avoid the strafing, aiming their guns at the fighter planes flying low in the sky and shooting desperately, but the bullets hit the fighter planes, sparks flew everywhere, and they could not penetrate the iron sheet at all.

Before the fighter planes flew away, a roar came from the corner in front.

The next second! A light tank took the lead! Twenty soldiers followed closely! An assault team came from the front!

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