Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 479 The Terrifying Boss

Someone could actually chase into the nightmare space! This situation far exceeded Qin Ming's expectations!

After all, in his eyes, the nightmare space that allows his younger brother to freely travel through the world should be invincible.

But the situation now is! The Tathagata Buddha is anxious! He broke through the tunnel on the spot and chased him in! He tried to kill him by force in the nightmare space!

Looking at the huge palm that was getting closer and closer, Qin Ming, who quickly reacted from the shock, turned around and wanted to escape, but found that his body was frozen and did not listen to the command at all.

Not only him, even Kasamoto Eri beside him froze in place, unable to move even a little! Even the innate skills could not be activated!

Fifty meters! Thirty meters! Ten meters!

Seeing the palm getting closer and closer to him, Qin Ming was really panicked at this time.

Once caught by the other party, Qin Ming almost dared to guarantee that his life-saving trump card, that is, the resurrection coin, would be absolutely useless!

After all, he could even break through the space tunnel! Forcibly rush into the nightmare space to kill people! How could he be given a chance to revive!

So Qin Ming chose to use the last resort at this moment! That is to call for help!

"Nightmare! What the hell are you doing! Your little brother has been bullied to the door!"

A loud shout came from Qin Ming's mouth, and almost at the moment when his voice spread, the tunnel with five colors around it suddenly shook.

The next second! The tunnel actually began to shrink rapidly! And squirmed wildly!

The tunnel shrank together rapidly! It locked the arm of the Buddha like a solid entity! Causing his palm to stop completely in front of Qin Ming!

At the same time, a whisper sounded in the space, a whisper that was extremely cold, almost exactly the same as the female electronic synthesized voice that often sounded in Qin Ming's ears.

"Tathagata! Can't you afford to play!"

With a click, the end of the space shrank again, and it actually forcibly clamped off the golden arm of the Buddha that was stretched out.

The huge golden statue with one arm broken did not intend to continue the pursuit. It just stood in front of the closing gap in the space, looking at Qin Ming expressionlessly, with sharp eyes.

It was not until the moment when the space was about to be completely closed that it whispered.

"Good trick, kid, it's better not to enter the world of the deity again."


The moment the voice fell, the torn space tunnel was completely closed together, leaving only the frightened Qin Ming still frozen in the tunnel.

In front of him, the huge golden broken arm gradually shrank in the faint light, and finally turned into a normal-sized golden arm.

Seeing this broken arm, although Qin Ming was still in fear, his body instinctively moved over and picked up his hand.

After all, it was a trophy, so he didn't want to miss it.

And the next second after picking up the arm, when he saw this arm, Qin Ming was stunned.

[Name: Buddha's Broken Arm]

[Classification: Consumables (out of detection range)]

[Effect: After fusion, blood will mutate]

[Introduction: This is Buddha's broken... What the hell? ! ]

Out of detection range? Are there props of this level in the space? Why hasn't he heard of it?

Not only did he kill Tang Seng, but he also pitted Buddha Tathagata?

He is not allowed to enter the territory of Buddha Tathagata again? Are you kidding! The hatred is so big! Who dares to go there! Do I need him to remind me!

Shaking the golden arm in his hand, Qin Ming, who was stunned, instinctively raised his head and asked.

"No, space, what is this?"

Originally, he asked casually, and did not expect the space to answer.

But he never thought that the space would respond immediately this time.

"Your chance."

"Ah? Chance? No! You are wise?!"

Qin Ming was stunned after receiving the reply. After reacting, he quickly asked another question. However, no matter how he asked, the nightmare space did not respond.

This made Qin Ming shake his head helplessly and quickly walked to the other end of the passage.

When he passed through the passage, he had returned to his room.

And when he completely returned, his status as a selected person was completely determined.

From now on, he was also one of the members who enjoyed special treatment in the nightmare space, and he had three more privileges on the spot.

One! Possess the qualification to be promoted to a top adventurer! Or the qualification to be a transcendent!

Two! Each world has the right to change the mission world once!

Three! Possess the ability to return to the nightmare space by force! And it does not cost anything!

In other words, once he encounters danger or is dissatisfied with this world, Qin Ming can withdraw at any time.

These three rights are bigger than each other! Even high-level adventurers do not have such privileges! It can be described as ascending to heaven in one step!

In addition to the three privileges, Qin Ming also obtained three treasure chests this time, namely Tang Seng's, and the brothers Jinjiao King and Yinjiao King.

Plus a brilliant silver and a gold-level title.

But these are not the most important, Qin Ming doesn't care about them at all at this time.

What he really cares about now! Is the arm of Tathagata Buddha!

After all, he has seen many titles! It's not that he has never obtained the gold level!

The same is true for top-level equipment! Even if the three BOSS treasure chests this time are a stroke of luck! It's nothing more than opening a legendary equipment!

But even the nightmare space couldn't measure the level, and the nightmare space had to do it itself to barely chop off the Buddha's arm! He had never seen it before!

That's right! Just barely!

Qin Ming saw it clearly just now. It wasn't that Tathagata Buddha couldn't beat the nightmare space before. He could forcibly tear the space apart. How could he be powerless to resist?

The reason why his arm was chopped off was purely because he didn't resist.

His performance at that time was similar to the unlucky guy who couldn't beat others in billiards, secretly threw a ball into the basket, and was caught by the opponent.

In the face of guilt, he didn't even pull his arm away, and just let his claws be chopped off.

If he hadn't given up resistance, Qin Ming seriously suspected that even if the opponent's arm was chopped off, he would definitely raise his hand and slap him to death at the last moment.

After all, his fingers were less than two meters away from him at that time! His hand was just trapped! But he could still move! It's not easy to reach out and slap him!

In other words! That bald guy...that Buddha is a player of the same level as the Nightmare Space!

And this player's hand! Now it belongs to me!

Looking at the golden arm in his hand, Qin Ming's eyes flashed, and he made a decision without any hesitation.

Never mind what the effect of this thing is! He has decided to use it! The kind that no one can stop!

After all, if this thing is not used! God knows if he will have the chance to get the next one in this life!

If he meets someone with a bad temper next time! Then I may not be able to survive!

He! Wants to merge with the arm of Tathagata Buddha!

He doesn't want to be a vampire anymore! He wants to become a Buddha!

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