Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 468 A strong enemy arrives

Mai Shiranui, who was summoned for the first time, seemed very excited.

Especially when she learned that she had come to the world of Journey to the West this time, she was even more excited and tried to take a photo with Sun Wukong.

But she was forcibly stopped by Qin Ming.

After all, Mai Shiranui is now a vampire. You, a monster, want to take a photo with Sun Wukong? How can you take a photo with Sun Wukong? You are clearly going to give yourself up!

That monkey doesn't know how to be gentle with women at all! After freezing the seven fairies! The first reaction was to run and eat peaches crazily! Do you still expect him to show mercy to the beautiful women?

Mai Shiranui was very frustrated when she learned that she couldn't take a photo with Sun Wukong, but she didn't feel frustrated for too long, because she soon found a new thing to do, which was to make a statue for herself.

That's right! It's a statue!

After returning to the so-called Blood God Temple, she found that there was only Qin Ming's statue here, but not her own. The woman was unhappy on the spot.

She immediately mobilized the people who were worshiping and tried to make a statue for herself.

Although there was a female monster next to the Blood God Ancestor, the people around were very happy and did not resist.

Because this world is very chaotic, monsters are rampant everywhere. If you ordinary humans don’t have a backer to protect you, you will only become monster food and cannot survive at all.

There is an exposed female monster next to their own guardian god... No! It should be the goddess of mercy! This is a great thing!

After all, the more gods, the greater the power! They are safer now! Maybe they can expand their territory! Make more fields for planting!

Therefore, although Mai Shiranui appeared very abruptly and her request was very unreasonable, the people around her still started to make arrangements in a hurry, preparing to make a statue for her, and by the way, they also prepared to make one for another great immortal, Kasamoto Eri, who had never seen it before.

Even the titles of the two, the people have thought of it, they are called Blood Sword Ancestor and Blood Clothes Ancestor!

From now on! Their Hongye Town is also a treasure land with three guardian gods!

But before everyone finished the statue, a loud noise suddenly came into the ears.

The next second, accompanied by the whistling wind, a plaque actually flew straight in.

The plaque flew over the crowd and pierced into the statue in the middle of the hall, breaking Qin Ming's lifelike statue in half on the spot.

Qin Ming, who was sitting next to him and eating an apple, frowned as he looked at the plaque that was inserted directly into the last wall with a click.

Mai Shiranui and Eri Kasamoto, who were supervising the people to carve the statue and had been pointing fingers, also drew their weapons on the spot and looked forward vigilantly.

Before a few people could figure out what was going on, with the sound of the wind, several figures had already rushed into the store.

And as soon as they appeared, the leader had already roared.

"Hey! Monster! Give my master back!"

"That's right! If you don't, I'll tear down your broken temple!"

The one who rushed into the temple and smashed the statue on the spot was none other than Sun Wukong and others.

In addition to Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Bai Longma and Sha Wujing, there was actually a woman there.

It was the sister of Bai Longma, the dragon princess: Xiao Longnu, who happened to come to her brother to reminisce about the past!

The five people were aggressive and their faces were full of anger.

This made Qin Ming, who had already stood up, narrow his eyes after turning his head to look at the smashed statue.

"You guys?"

"Oh? So you know me, Sun?"

"Of course I do. You were imprisoned for stealing some peaches five hundred years ago and were recently released. I've heard a lot about you."

Sun Wukong, who couldn't help but smile proudly when he saw that Qin Ming knew him, froze when he heard what Qin Ming said next.

After reacting, his hairy face turned ferocious on the spot.

"Hey! You dare to make fun of your grandpa Sun? You're asking for a beating! Take my stick!"

As he spoke, Sun Wukong flew over and slashed at Qin Ming's head with a stick, but Qin Ming raised his hand to block it.

Hearing the loud noise after his arm collided with the golden hoop, Qin Ming suddenly grinned with a dark face, revealing four fangs.

"Damn monkey! You destroyed my temple for no reason! You smashed my statue! Are you kidding me? I'm going to beat you up!"

With a low roar, Qin Ming raised his hand and turned it into a cannon, aiming at Sun Wukong and firing a cannon, forcing him to retreat.

He didn't provoke others, but now he was bullied by others. How could Qin Ming tolerate this?

He didn't want to fight with Sun Wukong before, not because he was really afraid of him, but simply because in his eyes, Sun Wukong had a special aura.

Just like when he faced Guan Yu, he would always instinctively like him.

But liking is liking! If the other party really wants to be beaten! He doesn't mind turning the other party's eighty-one difficulties into eighty-two difficulties!

Flinging his cloak, Qin Ming spun up and fought with Sun Wukong holding the golden hoop on the spot.

The sound of metal clashing was endless, and the two fought with sparks flying, and for a while they were evenly matched.

Seeing this, Zhu Bajie and others looked at each other, and the next second they suddenly raised their weapons and roared as they rushed towards Mai Shiranui and Eri Kasamoto on the opposite side.

Everyone fought on the spot, causing the already messy temple to become even more chaotic.

As they were fighting, a wall suddenly exploded, and it turned out that Qin Ming and Sun Wukong flew out from it.

Qin Ming turned into a blood mist and soared into the sky, and Sun Wukong followed closely behind him on auspicious clouds.

He spun the golden hoop in his hand and smashed the blood rain that was coming from the sky. As the iron stick in Sun Wukong's hand extended, the golden hoop turned into a ten-meter-long stick! He swept it forward fiercely!

Qin Ming, who was hit hard, exploded on the spot, but condensed into a human shape in the next second.

Seeing Sun Wukong shooting from the front, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed forward.

In the howling wind! Blood gushed out! A huge blood claw was formed! It covered Sun Wukong on the spot! He knocked him down from mid-air to the ground!

The ground was hit hard by this claw and a huge palm mark was left. Sun Wukong, who fell in the mark, stood up from the ground with a carp jump, almost unscathed.

Looking up, Qin Ming had already fallen from the sky and rushed to him in the blink of an eye.

Sun Wukong's pupils shrank, and suddenly raised his hand to pinch the seal, and a fire flashed in his eyes.

As the energy surged through his body, he turned into a fire man on the spot, his whole body burning with blazing flames.

The terrifying high temperature instantly doubled the temperature around him.

One of the 72 transformations! Fire transformation! Heavenly Fire!


The raging fire gushed out of his eyes! He turned into two fire dragons on the spot!

It only took a short moment of fighting! Sun Wukong had actually seen through Qin Ming's weakness!

Blood fears fire!

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