Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 465: Journey to the West to Release Evil

Blood God Ancestor, the vampire Qin Ming, was walking in the town at this time.

And this town was his territory, called Hongfeng Town, with a large population, and there was a big temple in it, where he was worshipped.

Therefore, Qin Ming was also a celebrity in this town. Along the way, the men, women, old and young around him respected him very much.

This made Qin Ming, who saw this scene, finally relieved.

During this period, he also checked his title tasks this time, and found that there were still three title tasks, and they were all very unique.

The most important thing is that the level is very high!

[Title Task 1: Just fucking call you Gold and Silver Boy! ]

[Task requirements: Completely kill one of the Gold and Silver Boys]

[Complete to get the Brilliant Silver Title: Powerful (All Attributes +20)]

[Title Introduction: Don't give face to Taishang Laojun! He's just an old man who refines pills! Why are you afraid of him! Kill him! ]

[Title Task 2: Just fucking call you Sun Wukong! 】

[Task requirements: Kill Sun Wukong]

[Complete the task to get the golden title: Ping Tian Da Sheng (each time you enter the task world, you can get an extra 10 free attribute points)]

[Title introduction: The Three Flames of True Fire can't refine you! But it doesn't mean I can't kill you! Just wait and see if I chop you down or not! 】

[Title Task 3: You're just called Jin Chanzi! 】

[Task requirements: Kill Tang Monk]

[Complete to get the golden title: Immortality (gain super self-healing ability)]

[Title introduction: Tenth Generation Jin Chanzi? Sha Monk can eat nine! Why can't I eat! Let's eat! 】

Walking on the street, Qin Ming looked at the three titles this time, his face was completely black.

Good guy! This time the title is really ruthless! Look at what he is asked to do!

Kill the golden and silver boy! Kill Sun Wukong! Even kill Tang Monk!

Not to mention that these four guys are not easy to mess with, the consequences of killing them are also not ordinary.

Behind the gold and silver boys stood Taishang Laojun. What? You ask who Taishang Laojun is?

Go to Sanqing and take a look! The one sitting in the middle is him!

Qin Ming didn't know how strong Taishang Laojun was, but he knew that Taishang Laojun's mount Qingniu and his two boys beat Sun Wukong with just a few of his magic weapons and became the top boss on the entire journey to the West.

Among those magic weapons, the diamond ring that once beat all the gods and Buddhas in the sky was helpless and even knocked Sun Wukong unconscious was Taishang Laojun's ox-binding ring.

The golden rope is a belt, the purple gold red gourd and the sheep fat jade bottle are utensils for holding elixir and water, and the banana fan is a prop for fanning the elixir furnace.

There is only one ornament hanging around the waist, the Seven Star Sword, which can barely be regarded as a weapon.

Just these few magic weapons can stun Sun Wukong and others. How powerful must Taishang Laojun be?

Even if he is not powerful, he is an elixir practitioner. Have you ever seen a top doctor who is unpopular?

If he gives others a few pills, I am afraid that people will line up to beat Qin Ming.

Blood God Patriarch? It is better to be beaten into a blood collapse Patriarch!

And that monkey and that monk! One is a well-known rolling meat! The other is the eldest disciple of Tathagata Buddha!

If Qin Ming roasts Tang Seng! He will probably be roasted by Tathagata Buddha in the next second!

For this crime, let alone being imprisoned for 500 years! He can't get out even if he is imprisoned for 5,000 years!

Looking at the three very high-level titles, Qin Ming has no intention of completing it at all.

It's not that it can't be completed! It's that he doesn't dare to complete it at all! Because he is afraid of being thrown into the elixir furnace to be refined!

Still work hard to complete the selected task, don't be too greedy.

The waters of the Journey to the West are too deep, and there are too many big guys. He, a little vampire marquis, can't afford to offend, so he must be a little timid.

After all, what kind of vampire marquis is this! If he is thrown into other worlds, he can still be called a big guy! In this world, he is just a bat spirit!

Just when Qin Ming frowned and thought about what to do next, he was suddenly stunned while moving forward.

The next second, Qin Ming raised his head suddenly, his pupils contracted, and his body exploded into blood mist on the spot and floated to the side.

Just at the moment he escaped, with footsteps in front, a group of people and horses had walked out of the corner.

The shape of this group of people and horses is very unique. Walking in front is a human-shaped monkey wearing clothes, carrying an iron rod on his shoulder and holding a horse with the other hand.

Following behind him is a white BMW, and sitting on the horse is a monk with a proper shape and looks very handsome.

Behind him is a pig demon carrying a rake and a big man carrying a shoulder pole.

Several people were wearing monk robes, and because of the special shape, pedestrians around them avoided them.

The moment they walked out of the corner, the monkey demon who was walking in front and was originally talking and laughing with the pig demon suddenly stopped.

Loosening the reins, throwing the iron stick in his hand, and carrying it behind his back, he frowned and took two steps forward, looking around vigilantly.

Seeing him stop moving, the monk on horseback spoke in confusion.

"Wukong, what's wrong?"

"Master! There is a demonic aura! A very strong demonic aura!"

As he spoke, Sun Wukong's eyes became sharper and golden light flashed in his eyes. It was obvious that he had already activated the skill of Fiery Eyes and Golden Pupils and was observing the pedestrians around him.

Hearing his words, before Tang Seng could speak, Zhu Bajie, who was carrying a rake next to him, had already grinned and spoke, and his voice was so silly.

"Master, don't listen to what Monkey Brother says. This monkey is always startled. Where did the monsters come from in the city? If there were monsters, the pedestrians would have run away long ago. I think it's probably because this monkey didn't take a bath."

"Idiot! What are you talking about! Are you asking for a beating again?"

"Master, look at me! You are angry! This monkey is thin! He is not hungry! But are others not hungry? After a day's journey! Master is already starving!"

"I think it's you, the idiot, who are hungry!"

"Then! That's because Master, Junior Brother Sha and I are all hungry! Don't you think so, Junior Brother Sha!"

Listening to the quarrel coming from the front, Sha Seng, who had been carrying his luggage and following the team silently, quickly put down his shoulder pole.

"Second Senior Brother, just say less. Be careful that Senior Brother will really beat you."

Wipe the sweat off his head, look up at the sun again, and Sha Seng frowned.

"Big Brother, it's already noon. Master hasn't eaten for a day. Let's find a place to eat something. Master is a mortal and can't stand being so hungry."

Sun Wukong frowned at Sha Seng's words. After glancing around, he nodded slightly.

Then he suddenly jumped to the side of an old man passing by.

"Hey, old man, please ask if there are any Taoist temples or Buddhist temples nearby?"

The old man, who was frightened by Sun Wukong's appearance, took a step back subconsciously and gave an answer.

"Yes, there is a Blood God Temple in the center of the city. There is a Blood God Ancestor in the temple. I say, little monkey demon, don't mess around here. That ancestor is very powerful! Within a radius of 500 miles! No monster dares to come here and act recklessly! Those who come here are sucked dry of blood and die!"

"Roar? Blood God Ancestor? What a big tone."

With a turn of his eyes, Sun Wukong has roughly guessed the situation here through the attitude of the old man when he mentioned the Blood God Temple.

After returning to the team, he immediately spoke.

"Master, the source of the evil spirit has been found. There is a wild monster in this city, called the Blood God Ancestor. It seems that he is pretty good. The people in the city trust him."

Tang Seng was slightly stunned when he heard this.

"Monster? Wukong, since he can keep the area safe, he can't be called a monster. He should be called a venerable. Since there is no danger, let's find a place to beg for alms and rest."

"Okay! Idiot! You go beg for alms this time!"

"Ah? Old Pig! Why!"

"You do nothing all day! Why do you say! Go beg for alms!"

Seeing that Sun Wukong was obviously waiting for an opportunity to retaliate, Zhu Bajie dared not be angry but took the lead and walked away, muttering.

In a blink of an eye, the four masters and apprentices had gone far away, and after they were completely far away, Qin Ming regained his figure as the blood in the alley condensed.

Qin Ming leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and stared at the people walking away expressionlessly, his eyebrows furrowed.

He had already seen the attributes of Sun Wukong and others.

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