Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 463 Invitation Letter for Selected Candidates

Carelessly adding all the attributes to strength, raising the strength to 38 points, Qin Ming immediately allocated all the free attribute points.

He was not in a hurry to break through the attributes to the second stage, mainly because a top adventurer kindly reminded him.

Attributes cannot be broken through randomly. If they are too extreme, it will further affect the imbalance of strength and cause the strength in the body to be out of control.

So if you want to strengthen multiple S-level skills, you must ensure that your attributes have no defects! This can increase the success rate of fusion!

The guys who can become top adventurers are all six-transformation warriors without exception.

Don’t look at them now. They are all miserable, as if they are a group of senior patients.

But ordinary high-level adventurers! They are not qualified to become them when they break through!

As long as you have any shortcomings in your attributes! The body will explode on the spot for you to see!

Since there is a suggestion from the senior, Qin Ming naturally cannot knowingly commit a crime.

Let’s develop comprehensively. Anyway, he is not even a high-level adventurer now, and there is no need to rush to break through the critical point of the second-stage attributes.

As the attribute points were finished, Qin Ming took out his title again.

Seeing that he only needed two silver titles to upgrade to gold with other titles, or even evolve to ordinary gold on the spot, Qin Ming sighed heavily and put the title away.

As the level increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to upgrade the title and equipment.

Equipment is not a big deal. He is now selling items in large quantities, so he has no shortage of points. He can just spend money to buy accessories to upgrade the equipment.

But the title is not the same. Titles cannot be purchased! You can only find ways to slowly collect them yourself!

After sorting everything out, Qin Ming finally looked at the treasure chest he got this time.

This time he got a total of four epic treasure chests, plus a clearance treasure chest, and a bunch of low-level treasure chests.

The harvest is higher than every previous mission!

If it were not a creature from the dark world, he might get more if he killed it without dropping anything.

He quickly opened the boxes one by one, and looked at the items he got this time with a frown on his face.

Among the four epic treasure chests, he had already opened the box of the vampire count.

As for the other three boxes, this time he got three epic items.

A sword, a bloodline, and a cloak.

[Name: Magic Sword]

[Category: Weapon (Dim Epic)]

[Equipment Requirements: None]

[Effect 1: Magic Sword Possession (All Attributes +20)]

[Effect 2: Corrupt Mind (The user's soul will be gradually devoured and fused by the magic sword until it becomes the new weapon spirit of the magic sword)]

[Effect 3: After becoming a new weapon spirit, it will abandon the body and use the magic sword as the body]

[Introduction: Is it the person who controls the sword? Or is it the sword that controls the person? ]

[Name: Mummy Pharaoh Bloodline]

[Grade: S-level]

[Effect: After fusion, you will gain the power to control the power of the yellow sand, and you can turn into yellow sand]

[Introduction: Desert! It's my home court! ]

[Name: Death Cloak]

[Classification: Special Equipment (Epic Darkness)]

[Equipment Requirements: Dark Bloodline]

[Effect 1: Blend into the Darkness (Wearing this cloak, you will be invisible in the dark)]

[Effect 2: Resist Light (Integrate the cloak into the world and forcibly create a dark area, which can be opened once each time)]

[Introduction: Death! Just the starting point! ]

The levels of the three items are higher than each other, and the effects are stronger than each other.

The effect of the magic sword is very terrifying. It can actually allow the user's soul to merge into the sword and become the so-called weapon spirit.

To know the power of this sword, Qin Ming has personally experienced it.

It can possess a corpse to obtain the power of the corpse before death.

It can be said that as long as the corpse does not use light, it can be resurrected infinitely.

Combined with the adventurer's storage space, if a few strong corpses are stuffed in it for backup, the combat power of this thing will be extremely outrageous!

This equipment can completely break the attribute restrictions of the nightmare space! Form a unique power system in your own way!

It's just that at a low level, this thing does look very strong. At least for ordinary mid-level adventurers, it is definitely a supreme treasure.

If ordinary adventurers get it, they will be able to walk sideways with its power.

But the problem is that the power of this sword has an upper limit. Although the starting lower limit is very strong, the upper limit of power is too limited.

Once it is integrated with it, it will be a foolish dream to want to be promoted to a top adventurer.

At least for ordinary people, Qin Ming has a special talent that can improve the equipment level, and maybe he can break this limit.

But now his ability is pretty good, and the most important thing is that Qin Ming, who is fully equipped, can no longer use it.

The same is true for the mummy bloodline. It is too similar to the vampire bloodline, and Qin Ming can't use it either.

Only the last death cloak is useful. It doesn't occupy the equipment slot, and the accompanying effect is also very practical.

Putting the cloak on his body casually, looking down at the black sword in his hand, Qin Ming's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up.

He suddenly thought of a special use for this sword.

Even though he couldn't use it, it didn't mean that others couldn't use it either.

It just so happens that Kasamoto Eri's strength has gradually failed to keep up with his own. In this case, it is better to find a new place for Kasamoto Eri to live.

The magic sword lacks a weapon spirit! But it does not say that Qin Ming's soul must be used as the weapon spirit!

He raised his hand to take out Kasamoto Eri's head from the pistol and suddenly inserted the sword on it.

As the sword radiated light, the power of the magic sword quickly took effect.

Kasamoto Eri's soul was directly sucked into the sword and began to merge with it gradually.

The hyena pistol that followed Qin Ming all the way was finally eliminated.

It was replaced by a new summoning weapon: the magic sword!

Qin Ming, who hung the sword on his back, wore the sound nest combat suit, the death cloak, and a magic sword hanging inside, and nodded with satisfaction at his appearance.

Then he looked at the last piece of loot, which was the clearance treasure chest.

Qin Ming was still very much looking forward to the things in the clearance treasure chest.

After all, the items that can be opened in the box may not be of high quality! But the effect is absolutely powerful! None of them are waste!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ming solemnly opened the last treasure chest.

With the flash of light, a prop appeared in front of Qin Ming.

And the attributes of this prop! Qin Ming couldn't help but widen his eyes!

[Name: Invitation letter of the selected]

[Category: Special item (no attribute)]

[Effect: After use, the trial task will be opened. Once the task is completed, the adventurer will be officially promoted to the selected person of the nightmare space and obtain a special status]

The selected person! It turned out to be the invitation letter of the selected person mentioned by those top adventurers!

The things opened in this box! Completely exceeded Qin Ming's expectations!

The so-called selected person, to put it bluntly, is the seed player favored by the nightmare space.

Once you become a selected person, not only will you have many benefits and many privileges, but the most important point is that you will have the qualification for the final promotion.

You must know that it is not easy for high-level adventurers to go further.

To become a so-called selected person, it is an indispensable condition to gain recognition from the space.

If the Nightmare Space doesn't like you! Then you can only be a high-level adventurer in this life! Struggling in the Nightmare Space! Working all the time! No chance of retirement!

Only after becoming a selected person and completing the final task issued by the Nightmare Space, you can make the final choice.

In the end, go one step further, work towards becoming a shareholder, and challenge to become a top adventurer.

Or just lie down, enter the retirement life, and become a transcendent.

This choice is entirely in your hands, but the qualification for selection is in the hands of the Nightmare Space.

Although Qin Ming already knew that he would receive an invitation letter from the Nightmare Space to be selected one day by relying on his own talents and performance.

But he did not expect that this day would come so soon. He was not even a high-level adventurer, and the Nightmare Space couldn't wait to call him to join.

Of course, there is no shortage of monsters in the Nightmare Space. He can only be said to be fast, but not the fastest.

The fastest record was that a big guy just entered the nightmare space, and when he killed a small monster, an invitation letter for the selected candidate dropped out!

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