Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 458 The Terrifying Skeleton Death

The few dark creatures that had just been resurrected suddenly rebelled. This situation was obviously beyond the expectations of the Skeleton Death God.

Although the situation was beyond his control, the Skeleton Death God did not panic.

Since he could resurrect the dead, he naturally had the means to deal with them.

With a swing of the sickle in his hand, the bodies of several bosses who were rushing towards him at high speed suddenly began to mist, and they screamed and rushed towards the weapon in his hand.

In just a moment, they were sucked into the sickle and disappeared.

The so-called resurrection was actually fake. The trick of the Skeleton Death God should be called summoning.

Any dead dark creature will be resurrected in the Dark Portal and sealed forever.

Count Dracula and others are naturally no exception. At the moment when the Dark Portal was opened from this world, all the dark creatures in this world died and were destined to become part of the Dark Portal.

The Skeleton Death God can summon them at will, and naturally he can take them back at will.

This is because Count Dracula and others had just died not long ago, so they had not yet re-condensed their bodies in the Dark Portal and regained consciousness.

If they were really resurrected in the Dark Portal and understood the identity and ability of the Skeleton Death God, then even if Count Dracula had to rebel due to his bloodline, other bosses would never dare to turn against the Skeleton Death God.

Because the Skeleton Death God really holds the power of life and death over these dead people!

Seeing that summoning the dead creatures in this world was ineffective, the Skeleton Death God's eyes flashed red, and with a wave of the sickle in his hand, a large amount of black air surged behind him.

The next second, as the black fog spread, a large number of monsters rushed out of the black fog and rushed towards Qin Ming and others like a tide. They had all kinds of strange shapes, and some of them were even Qin Ming and others had never heard of them. Obviously, they were not local creatures.

The Dark Portal is open! The Death God began to shake people!

After finally escaping from the seal of the Dark Portal, the monsters that rushed out roared and raged, and madly pounced on the living people in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Honghua hurriedly took out his peach wood sword, and with the operation of magic power, he began to summon the fire phoenix to help.

Angel and Kasamoto Eri also took out their weapons, fighting one far and one near.

Qin Ming turned his figure, and his body exploded into blood mist on the spot, turning into countless hard and tiny blood beads, and rushed straight towards the skeleton god of death on the opposite side.

The blood mist whistled past, and all the monsters along the way were directly beaten with holes.

And as soon as their bodies fell to the ground, the blood in their bodies was sucked out and became part of the blood mist.

Seeing the blood mist rushing towards him, the skeleton god of death's pupils shrank, and his body floated directly to the back.

It has no legs, and its flying speed is frighteningly fast, and the most important thing is that its whereabouts are erratic.

This caused the two to chase and flee for a while, with the black mist rushing in front and the blood mist chasing behind, and neither of them could do anything to the other.

Seeing that he couldn't catch the Skeleton God of Death, more and more monsters rushed out of the black fog.

Qin Ming gritted his teeth and finally gave up the idea of ​​killing the Skeleton God by force. Instead, he turned around and turned into a blood mist and rushed towards the crowd below.

He suddenly pierced through the chest of a werewolf, and his body was broken into pieces on the spot.

Qin Ming quickly condensed into a human form, raised his hand and grabbed it, extracted the blood from the werewolf's body, and directly condensed a javelin.

He threw it out, and the javelin broke by itself in the air, causing blood to flash for a while, and more than a dozen monsters on the opposite side were directly hit by the blood fragments in the sky, knocking people and horses down.

After doing all this, Qin Ming turned into a blood dance and exploded again, and just as he turned into mist, two cold lights had already slashed from behind him.

The two dark creatures who were wielding weapons to attack, slashed at nothing with their swords. The blades cut through the blood mist, tearing the mist apart the previous second, and the mist had merged together again the next second.

Qin Ming, who had dodged the sneak attack, turned into a human again, raised his hand and grabbed the back of the necks of the two dark creatures who were facing away from him.

As his ability was activated, a large amount of blood was forcibly drawn out by Qin Ming.

This caused the two monsters to twitch for a while, and their burly bodies shrank rapidly, turning into these two mummies in the blink of an eye!

Qin Ming, who casually threw the corpses away, saw that the enemies around him had already killed him, and once again pulled his battle robe with his hands, and performed atomization while rotating his body.

And this time, while turning into blood mist, a large amount of blood was thrown out as he rotated.

These blood beads shot in all directions hardened rapidly in mid-air, and their power was like shotguns. They could hit the dark creatures around and penetrate them on the spot!

In an instant, screams were heard all around, and the more than 30 dark creatures that surrounded them fell to the ground on their backs like wheat being cut, and stopped moving.

The strongest point of the blood race's atomization ability is that it is unpredictable, arbitrary, and extremely maneuverable.

Combined with the effect of the special equipment of the sound nest combat suit, it can be said that Qin Ming's combat power has at least doubled at this time!

Ordinary thirty or fifty monsters can't even get close to him.

As the blood mist moved, Qin Ming, who had once again returned to his human form, grabbed the battle robe with one hand and threw it, and once again looked up at the skeleton death god on the opposite side.

The skeleton death god on the opposite side, seeing that he couldn't take Qin Ming even after summoning so many monsters, immediately began to increase his strength.

As the sickle in his hand was waving, heavy footsteps were heard in the constantly rotating black mist.

The next second, an extremely tall minotaur emerged from inside!

Nearly five meters tall! Wearing simple armor! The minotaur holding a large axe in his hand! It was actually a BOSS level!

Seeing that the small monsters could not beat Qin Ming, the Skeleton Death God actually summoned the BOSS directly!

And behind the minotaur struggling to walk out of the fog, Qin Ming also vaguely saw the figures of some other monsters, and each of them was a BOSS level!

Qin Ming, who did not expect that the Skeleton Death God could summon even bosses in batches, was pale for a while.

With the fusion of blood, Qin Ming did become stronger. Ordinary BOSSes were not his opponents at all, but would be easily killed by him.

But this does not mean that he can withstand the siege of a large number of BOSSes.

Qin Ming, who found that the situation was not right, immediately threw his hand into a cannon and forcibly launched a bombing, forcibly blasting the second horse-headed monster that tried to crawl out of the black fog back.

Seeing this scene, the Minotaur, who had completely emerged from the black fog, roared, raised the super axe in his hand that was bigger than a human, and chopped it head-on at Qin Ming!

Hearing the sound of the wind, Qin Ming's body turned blood red on the spot, and he directly tried out the atomization technique.

He had just finished atomizing when the axe hit him from the front, splitting the blood mist that had condensed into a human figure into two.

Before the Minotaur could pull up the axe that was chopped on the ground, the blood mist that was directly split merged together again in the next second and hit it violently!

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