Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 456 Skeleton Death!

With the Egyptian Pharaoh being dealt with head-on, the enemies that kept rushing into the passenger plane were finally repelled.

It's just that the enemy has retreated, but the passenger plane that suffered serious damage has almost stopped operating.

Under the control of Miles Kasamoto with all his strength, the black smoke-belching passenger plane struggled to enter the city of science and technology and crashed into the ground.

Amidst the explosion, several figures landed safely.

Qin Ming, the newly promoted vampire marquis, and his three followers finally arrived at the second Dark Portal.

What awaits them here are massive monsters.

Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he looked at the terrifying sea of ​​monsters blocking the entrance.

Raising his hand to stop Zhao Honghua who was trying to rush forward, Qin Ming suddenly and calmly took out his satellite phone. To be precise, it was a satellite phone with a rice fork tied to the back, and skillfully dialed the button.

Many people? What Qin Ming is not afraid of the most is the crowd!

There are so many of them! How could there be so many people of their own!

Away from home! Everyone is just hanging out on the road! Who doesn’t have a few younger brothers?

Call up! Shake people!

The phone rings! The Hound Troops are here!

Appearing at the same time! And plenty of Pitchfork Knights!

King of Pitchfork and Federal Three-Star Major General! Lord Qin Ming! Remote support was called!

As the clouds tear apart! A large number of fighter jets roared down! While firing at the crowd in the distance! While constantly dropping paratroopers!

This method of support falling from the sky is the unique support method of the hound unit.

Compared with the scientific entrance method of the hound troops, the Pitchfork Knights on the other side are not so particular about their entrance.

Their entry method is not scientific at all! On the contrary, it is very fantasy! There was actually a portal opening in the back! Countless soldiers holding pitchforks! Came here directly!

The Pitchfork Knights who were summoned for the first time were very excited at this time, especially when they saw that the opposite side was full of monsters, they were even more excited.

Shouting slogans such as jihad, freedom, and justice, they rushed forward without waiting for Qin Ming to issue orders.

The hound troops who launched the attack from the air are actually very excited now, but they are not fanatical about what kind of holy war this is. They only know that they can make money by coming to fight!

So since there is money to be made! They don't care what kind of battle you are in!

The cooperation between ancient troops and modern legions was once again staged.

And this time it was even more outrageous than before, because this time the two sides cooperated to fight not humans, but a group of monsters!

Ancient fanatics + modern infantry team up to VS the evil monster army?

This sounds like something from an 18th-tier movie! Unfashionable scenes that only happen!

Looking at the people from both sides fighting in front, looking at the soldiers who were either holding machine guns and shooting, or wearing armors and charging.

Zhao Honghua, who was standing next to Qin Ming, had his eyes widened and his expression was confused.

"Who are they?"

"My king's soldiers."

"This king?"

"That's right! I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but all I got in exchange was alienation. Let's face it, it's a showdown. In fact, I am an emperor! A sacred emperor!"

"The Holy Vampire Emperor?"

"That's right! Three-star Major General! King of the Holy Fork! Hyena Corporal! Plus Vampire Marquis! I have many identities! The so-called Blood Marquis! It's just my most insignificant identity!"

Touching his hair with both hands, Qin Ming raised his chest and raised his head with a very arrogant expression.

Ignoring Zhao Honghua, who was obviously confused next to him, he took big steps and walked directly towards the palace in front of him.

"Hmph! What kind of dark door! Did you ask me for my opinion when it opened it? I haven't given my permission yet! Who made it open in a chaotic manner! It seems that he didn't let me, the Vampire Saint King, take it easy! It's simply It’s looking for death! Go and kill it!”

Under Qin Ming's lead, several people opened the door and walked into the hall.

Only Zhao Honghua was left standing there, still with a confused expression on his face.

"Vampire? Return to the Holy King? What the hell is this? Both parties have nothing to do with each other, okay!"

Qin Ming's identities are indeed a little confused and conflict with each other, but these don't matter, Qin Ming himself doesn't care anyway.

At this time, he had arrived in the hall and stopped suddenly.

Because on the opposite side, there was actually a figure floating in the sky, a figure with a very domineering appearance.

He was wearing a tattered black cloak and a hood on his head, only revealing a skull face underneath.

The guy opposite holding a huge scythe looks exactly like the legendary Western God of Death.

or it could be! He is the so-called Western God of Death!

[Name: God of Death]

【Strength: 25】

[Physique: 25]

[Agility: 25]


[Skill: Power of Death (S level)]

[Introduction: The guardian of the Dark Door, responsible for preventing the powerful monsters inside from escaping from the last shackles. 】

The skeleton Death God floating in mid-air, holding a black scythe in his hand, suddenly raised his head when he saw someone coming in.

The burning eyes stared at Qin Ming and others. After a second of silence, a hoarse sound suddenly came out of its mouth.

"Get out of here! Living!"

Qin Ming frowned as he looked at the big boss with a cool appearance but not very high attributes.

If he remembered correctly, this Skeleton Grim Reaper seemed to be the penultimate BOSS in the Midnight Killing game, and his abilities were very powerful.

I never thought that after reading this introduction, he didn't seem to be from the Dark Portal, but more like a friendly army intercepting monsters.

With his eyes flickering, Qin Ming took a step forward and opened his mouth to speak, but the Skeleton Grim Reaper, who didn't want to see him move, suddenly raised his hand and pointed the scythe at him, and the fire in his eyes instantly boiled.

"You! Dark creature! You are not allowed to leave! Go back to the Dark Portal!"


Qin Ming, who didn't expect this guy's attitude to change so much when facing him, was confused when he heard the words, and subconsciously pointed his finger at his nose.

"You mean me? No! I'm not from the Dark Portal! I'm local!"

"I don't care where you are from! You are a dark creature! And all dark creatures! Shouldn't appear in the world!"

Holding the scythe, the Skeleton Grim Reaper's voice became low.

"Go in by yourself! Or I'll take you in!"

Hearing this, Qin Ming's expression instantly collapsed as he looked at the fierce look of the Skeleton Death God.

Turning his head to look at Kasamoto Eri and Angel beside him, as well as Zhao Honghua who ran in with him, he shook his head helplessly.

"It's over, this guy is actually a racist, it seems there's no room for negotiation."

Raising his hand and swaying it, the blood in his hand boiled and entangled into a long sword. Qin Ming turned his head to look at the Skeleton Death God again, but this time his voice had become serious.

"Skeleton! You're stretching your hand too far! We are people from the East! But we are under the jurisdiction of the Yama Palace! How dare you, a Western Death God, enforce the law across the border? Have you applied for a law enforcement license?"

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