Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 449: Blood Clan's Natural Enemy

Qin Ming likes blood! Count Dracula also loves blood! Both have the power to control blood!

In this environment where blood is everywhere! Who can win! You can only rely on your own abilities!

On the rooftop, Qin Ming and Dracula looked up at each other and took action almost simultaneously the next second.

The same control of blood, the same ability to fly forward. Although they are of different races, their abilities are extremely similar.

The bloody battlefield that Count Dracula specially prepared for himself has now become the perfect arena for Qin Ming.

It's just that although the two have similar abilities, their fighting styles are completely opposite. One is elegant and the other is violent. One is good at long-range attacks, and the other is good at close combat.

Dracula waved his hand, and blood boiled in the surrounding blood pools. Countless blood turned into long whips and shot toward Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who was rushing out at high speed from the opposite side, waved his hands when he saw this, and blood surged on both sides, blocking the front.

In terms of flexibility, the flying Count Dracula is far superior to Qin Ming, and he is also better at controlling blood and bombardment.

If he was focused on flying kites, Qin Ming might not be his opponent.

It's just that Count Dracula, who is at home, is still as arrogant as ever. As a senior member of the vampire clan, he will not tolerate hiding when facing a human being.

Therefore, after fighting for a long time, he controlled the blood and directly chose to take the initiative in close combat!

Fly down! Arm clash! Fight with Qin Ming!

Although his skin is pale, his figure is actually very tall Count Dracula, grinning to reveal the fangs in his mouth.

"Boy! Don't think you can control blood! You can compete with the vampires! There is a world of difference between you and me in terms of blood!"

The words just fell! Dracula's body suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood!

Qin Ming raised his hand and punched, but the punch was empty.

Before he could stand firm, the blood mist surged in front of him and passed directly through him to the rear.

Count Dracula, who was condensed into shape in an instant, grabbed Qin Ming's back with one claw and tore open his combat uniform on the spot, leaving several blood stains on it.

Qin Ming, who was under attack, turned around and punched, but as soon as his arm was thrown out, Count Dracula turned into blood mist and exploded again.

Relying on the blood mist to move, Count Dracula flashed around Qin Ming, his movements erratic.

Even as the surrounding blood boiled, more and more blood merged into the blood mist, and the blood gradually enveloped Qin Ming completely.

Count Dracula, whose figure appeared in the blood mist, has completely merged with the blood and water.

The attack misses! No trace found! Qin Ming was even bitten from behind by him in a sneak attack!

Of course, although he bit it, it failed to draw blood.

After all, Qin Ming's blood viscosity is no joke! It’s almost jelly!

Qin Ming, who was constantly attacked from all directions by Count Dracula, was beaten for a while and was a little confused.

When he tried to control the blood around him and break the opponent's move, he found that the blood around him didn't obey his command at all. Instead, the blood he controlled in his hand was constantly being plundered by the opponent.

In terms of blood control! The abilities of the vampire clan are far superior to Qin Ming!

In just a moment, Qin Ming, who had already received a lot of wounds on his body, frowned and suddenly stomped to the ground.

With a buzzing sound, energy fluctuations spread, with Qin Ming as the center, and the blood that was constantly flowing around him solidified on the spot!

Bloody water showing shock ripples! Under the influence of Man of Steel's abilities! They hardened into blocks one after another! Like sharp daggers thrust into the ground! A red field was formed!

As the blood was condensed, Count Dracula, who had been absorbing the surrounding blood to replenish his own consumption, finally changed his expression.

Just as Qin Ming couldn't beat him in controlling blood, if Qin Ming condensed the blood into a solid substance, his claws would actually become numb.

After all, vampires are only famous for sucking blood. I have never heard of anyone who is good at sucking jelly.

You drink water quickly, can you eat ice cubes just as quickly?

Count Dracula, who had lost his blood supply, instantly retreated and distanced himself.

The blood mist that had been swirling around Qin Ming also followed him and flew away from Qin Ming on the spot.

As the body rotates, the blood mist shrinks, and in the blink of an eye, the blood in the sky has condensed into a human form again.

Count Dracula, who was wearing a formal suit and a livid face, looked at the frozen blood on the ground, and the corners of his mouth suddenly trembled.

"Not bad ability. I have to admit that you restrain me a little, but only a little."

Raising his hand and controlling the blood wrapped around his arm, Count Dracula looked arrogant.

"How long can you freeze this blood? In such a short time! Can you kill me?"

Qin Ming didn't answer when he heard this. He just took a deep breath and suddenly tensed up his muscles.

And in the next second, the bloodline was opened on the spot.

Dinosaur form! open!

Qin Ming's muscles swelled as he roared, a horn emerged from his forehead, and a dragon's tail emerged from his back.

His body instantly increased to three meters, with white flames burning all over his body, and he ran towards Count Dracula at high speed.

Before the person even got close, the terrifying temperature created by the white flame, which was already at full power, had already made Count Dracula on the opposite side look stiff.

fire! He has always been the nemesis of the vampires!

After all, blood itself is also a type of water! What water fears most is fire!

The only thing that can completely destroy water! Only high temperature!

It’s fine that he can freeze blood and prevent himself from absorbing it to recover from injuries, but the other party can actually control high-temperature flames.

Where did this natural enemy come from!

Count Dracula, who had always been calm in the duel, was not panicked even when he saw the blood frozen. He always maintained an elegant posture. The moment he saw Qin Ming turned into a fire man, he was really a little panicked.

With a bang, he turned into a blood mist and exploded. Before he could completely disperse, a column of fire had already sprayed towards him.

Qin Ming opened his mouth wide, with flames gushing out of his mouth, and shook his head to spray blood.

Wherever the blood mist around him fled, he chased and sprayed it.

Under the sweep of high-temperature flames, the blood mist that kept floating back and forth began to consume a large area.

And if these blood mists were really burned out! Then Count Dracula would really die!

Count Dracula, who also understood this, fled desperately. Seeing that he could not escape the flames, he soared into the sky with a whoosh.

He realized that something was wrong! He ran away!

Although he was a noble vampire, he was beaten by a mere human and ran away. This was indeed a bit embarrassing.

But which is more important, face or life? When there is no danger, you must always be elegant and maintain the nobility of your bloodline.

But in the face of life and death, Count Dracula wanted to throw his pants on the other person's face! To buy himself time to escape!

After all, as a member of the vampire clan with an extremely long lifespan, he understood one thing better than anyone else, that is, survival is more important than anything else.

This kid is not capable! He is so damn restrained! Retreat! Go out and hide for a hundred years!

Wait a hundred years later! Come back to dig up his grave for revenge! By the way, chop off all his descendants!

Count Dracula, who has lived for who knows how many years, is obviously a man who can bend and stretch! Run very decisively!

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