Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 447 Terrifying Bosses

The team that rushed into the castle was definitely not just Qin Ming and his group.

After all, even if they couldn't win head-on, couldn't others find a way to enter in a roundabout way? There were many adventurers with special means!

Not to mention that there were magic stone puppets blocking the door below, but there were none in the sky.

The vampire hunter Smith was brought into the castle from the sky, and directly avoided the many traps and ambushes, and fought with the vampire count on the spot.

Although there were quite a few people who rushed into the castle, the castle was too big.

This made it difficult for Qin Ming and others to meet their kind, but instead they ran into a lot of monsters.

When they rushed to the middle floor of the castle, they met a guy with an amazing aura in the hall in front.

In the hall, corpses were lying all over the ground, and in the middle, a knight in black armor was holding a big sword and stabbing the corpses around.

As the weapon pierced into the corpse, waves of black waves surged from the corpse and continued to merge into the big sword.

Hearing the noise coming from this side, the black knight who was frantically absorbing the remaining vitality inside the corpse suddenly turned his head to look over.

And the moment he turned his head, Qin Ming, who saw his face clearly, couldn't help but frown.

Because this guy who raised his head was not a knight, to be precise, he was not even a person!

Under that black helmet! There was nothing! This was a pure unmanned armor!

With a creaking sound, the black knight stood up and pulled out the big sword from the corpse, leaning on the weapon with both hands and looking over here.

And on the top of the black big sword, you can actually see a distorted face.

The armor is not the master! It is actually this magic sword that controls the armor!

[Name: Magic Sword Knight]

[Strength: 50]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 50]

[Spirit: 50]

[Skills: Magic Sword Puppet (S-level skill) Western Swordsmanship (B-level) Evil Blade Slash (B-level)]

[Introduction: The sword of death from another world, taking pleasure in slaughtering living beings]

"Human! Kill!"

A harsh voice came from the sword, and the next second, the Magic Sword Knight, who had discovered the new enemy, ran towards Qin Ming and others at high speed.

Its speed was amazing, and its murderous aura was overwhelming, but Qin Ming was not afraid of it, but was relieved.

Because compared with the monster at the door, which had terrifying attributes and could be resurrected continuously, the attributes of the Magic Sword Knight in front of him were not short, but at least not too high.

The most important thing is that the skill level is not very high, it can only be said to be a regular BOSS, easy to deal with.

Qin Ming jumped off the dinosaur, and his body was still in the air, and he had already raised his hand to throw his battle robe.

Instantly, blood spots splashed and covered like a rainstorm. Before the blood drops fell to the ground, they had already solidified into needles.

Faced with such intensive bombardment, the Demon Sword Knight who hurriedly stopped did not dodge or evade, but launched a counterattack on the spot.

With a swing of the greatsword in his hand, he directly slashed out a huge black sword energy. With a buzzing sound of breaking through the air, the two attacks hit each other almost at the same time.

Qin Ming, who was in the air, turned to avoid the sword energy, and the Demon Sword Knight standing below let his body be hit.

There were continuous clicks, and the Demon Sword Knight, whose body was hit and clanged, had his originally neat knight armor shot into a sieve.

After the fight ended, Qin Ming finally flew to the ground, looking at the Demon Sword Knight on the opposite side who was beaten to a thousand holes, and actually rushed towards him again as if nothing had happened, grabbing the battle robe and throwing it out again.

The battle robe fluttered on this side, and the greatsword whistled on the other side, and the two launched a violent face-to-face bombardment.

After fighting for more than a hundred moves, the winner was finally decided.

The Magic Sword Knight was inferior to Qin Ming in attributes, skills, and fighting skills, and was completely defeated.

He failed to keep up with the rhythm, and Qin Ming swung his arm and controlled the blood to forcibly cut off one of his legs.

Then he hit his chest with a palm, and flew backwards.

When he rolled to the ground, the armor on his chest was severely twisted, and the armor parts on his body were scattered all over the ground.

The Magic Sword Knight struggled to get up from the ground with one hand on the sword, and looked down at his already broken body.

The next second, he did not choose to continue rushing towards Qin Ming, but suddenly turned around and stabbed a corpse in the chest with all his strength.

As the black lines spread, the corpse was covered with lines in an instant.

As for the Black Knight, it made a loud noise and suddenly scattered on the ground, turning into a pile of ordinary armor.

A sharp creaking sound was heard, and the corpse with the magic sword stuck in its chest struggled to get up from the ground.

He raised his hand and pulled out the magic sword from his chest, roared to the sky, and actually became a new magic sword knight!

The most important thing is! All the attributes and skills! Also changed dramatically!

The magic sword is possessed! Control transfer!

The real BOSS has never been a black knight! It's the sword itself!

There is no use in killing the black knight. As long as there are corpses around, or even as long as there are objects that can be possessed, the magic sword knight can be resurrected infinitely in the most perfect posture!

The resurrected black knight raised the magic sword and roared and rushed towards Qin Ming again.

With his skills and attributes changed, he seemed to be a different person when fighting, and his attacks were extremely sharp.

It's a pity that facing the cracking ability of the sound nest combat suit, he still couldn't win with his fighting skills still at level B, and was even quickly solved by Qin Ming.

The sword knight, whose arm was cut off by a blow and whose head was then cut off, did not die. Instead, he turned around and threw the sword in his hand with all his strength.

The high-speed rotating sword stabbed into another corpse in the distance.

And this corpse! It was the corpse of the strongest among the corpses on the ground! The adventurer leader who possessed A-level fighting skills!

Fusion! Resurrection! The sword knight who reoccupied the body! Roaring to the sky!

Then he raised the sword in his hand again! Controlling the new body and rushing towards Qin Ming!

………… Then he was slapped to the ground by Qin Ming with a stern face.

He fell to the ground with a plop, and the sword knight who had no resistance was stunned at this time.

He quickly found that something was wrong and hurriedly checked the state of his new body. As a result, he found that the power of this new body was pitifully weak!


[Name: Magic Sword Knight]

[Strength: 15]

[Constitution: 20]

[Agility: 10]

[Spirit: 45]

[Skills: Magic Sword Puppet (S-level) Sword Mastery (A-level) Air Blade Triple Slash (A-level)]

[Introduction: A brand new Magic Sword Knight, but something seems to be wrong]

The new puppet holding the magic sword is indeed very powerful, but the problem is that its basic attributes are pitiful and scary.

Because the body of this Magic Sword Puppet has been severely shriveled at this time, and it looks like a mummy! Dry and shriveled!

To be precise, it's not just him! All the corpses lying on the ground around! At this time, they are all dry and shriveled!

The shocked Magic Sword Knight suddenly looked up, but saw Qin Ming standing opposite him, now with a stern face and raising one hand, with a high-speed rotating blood ball in his palm.

Streams of blood floated out from the corpses around and were constantly merging into the blood ball!

Blood and flesh absorption! Open!

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