Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 432 Demon Sword Muramasa

With a roar, Muramasa rushed up again with the magic sword in hand, and this time the attack was even more fierce than before.

After all, just like when he stopped Qin Ming before, Qin Ming knew that he could not get away without him.

Facing Qin Ming, who also had good displacement ability, Muramasa also knew that if he did not solve him, it would be difficult for him to escape.

The long sword swung and chopped continuously, and once again collided with Qin Ming's battle robe.

In the sparks, Muramasa suddenly spun up and shot straight at Qin Ming.

Without waiting for the blood to be splashed out and turned into countless blood drops, Qin Ming attacked Muramasa with a large range of attacks. Muramasa, whose body had already jumped into the air, suddenly exploded with a lot of smoke around him.

In the howling wind, countless blood flew out through the smoke and dust, but there was no trace of the enemy in it.

The real Muramasa had already covered himself with smoke and came to Qin Ming's back strangely. He swung his hands and chopped him with a knife.

Feeling the wind behind him, listening to the alarms coming from his combat uniform.

Qin Ming, who was standing in place, suddenly roared, turned around abruptly, and turned his hand into a cone, spinning at high speed to stab behind him.

The blade and the electric drill collided so fiercely, and countless sparks burst out.

Amid the harsh cutting sound, the blood-red Muramasa demon sword was directly shattered by the collision.

The fragments flew all over the sky and shot at Qin Ming, bringing a lot of blood arrows.

Muramasa himself, who fell down, directly hit the arm of Qin Ming's electric drill, and screamed, his body was directly pierced by a punch.

The armor on his chest was broken, and Muramasa, with blood gushing out, looked at the enemy in front of him, and suddenly roared and swung a knife.

The broken knife in his hand chopped on Qin Ming's arm, and with the blessing of skills, he actually cut off his arm in an instant.

Moreover, the blood from the wound was still floating up strangely in the splashing, constantly entangled with the broken sword of Muramasa, causing the blade of the demon sword to condense again.

With a crash, Qin Ming, whose arm was cut off, staggered back, and Muramasa, with a broken arm stuck in his chest, fell to the ground with a bang.

Leaning on the restored Muramasa demon sword, Muramasa knelt on one knee, panting.

As the blade in his hand flashed blood red, a large number of blood vessels were connected to his arm along the handle.

The next second, the arm inserted in his chest was squeezed out, and the piercing wound healed strangely.

This demon sword! It can actually rely on sucking the enemy's blood! Help the user recover from injuries!

In just a blink of an eye, Muramasa has returned to its peak state, and the healing speed is even higher than Qin Ming.

Standing up and swinging the samurai sword in his hand, Muramasa's expression is gloomy.

Qin Ming on the opposite side also forcibly tore the wound, separating the flesh and blood of the broken limb, breaking the seal of the demon sword in this way, and relying on blood to grow back his arm.

The two looked at each other again, with fierce eyes flashing, and rushed towards each other again.

During the charge, Muramasa suddenly shouted and opened his own ability.

The dust on the ground was flying, blocking all of Qin Ming's vision, and he took the opportunity to stab the weapon with all his strength.

Looking at the cold light that lit up in the smoke and dust, Qin Ming's pupils contracted, and he clapped his hands with all his strength. In fact, with a ding sound, he forcibly clamped the tip of the knife that stabbed in front of him!

The blood-red blade stopped in front of Qin Ming's chest, and under Muramasa's full push, it slowly moved forward.

Qin Ming, who had exerted so much force that the veins on his hands were bulging, saw that he could not stop the advance of the demon sword. The most important thing was that as his palm touched the demon sword, the blade was still eating his blood.

The corners of his eyes trembled wildly, and he suddenly roared and released his palm.

With a buzz, the uncontrolled demon sword pierced Qin Ming's chest directly and began to devour blood crazily.

Qin Ming, who had been sucking other people's blood for the first time, roared and turned his hands into hammers, and punched the blade inserted in his chest.

With a crisp sound of ding, the Muramasa demon sword was broken at the root, and the blade connected to the handle was less than half a palm.

Muramasa was shocked to see this scene, and Qin Ming, who had the blade stuck in his chest, was furious.

"I let you suck! I don't see how you can suck without the blade!"

Raise your hand! Turn into a cannon! Qin Ming fired several cannons at Muramasa at close range!

The blood cannonballs hit Muramasa's chest, splashing blood, breaking his armor, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably.

After rolling twice in a row, struggling to avoid Qin Ming's continuous bombardment, Muramasa, with blood flowing from his chest, held the magic sword that was not as long as a dagger at this time, and looked up at Qin Ming with a fierce face.

Most of Muramasa's abilities are in the Muramasa magic sword.

Although his own abilities are also very strong, without the assistance of the magic sword, he can't pose a threat to Qin Ming at all.

Now that most of the blade has been broken, it can be said that his combat effectiveness has been greatly damaged.

As for sucking blood to restore the blade? Looking at Qin Ming who raised his hand to condense a blood ball and quickly drained the blood around him, not giving any chance to suck blood, Muramasa's face was extremely gloomy.

With his eyes flickering slightly, Muramasa stood up and secretly looked around, and he had already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.

The reason why Muramasa fought so hard was just for the status he had now.

The so-called surrender and the so-called abandonment of darkness to light are just empty words.

If there was a chance, how could he give up killing the leader on the opposite side to help the evil duke turn defeat into victory?

Risking his life with Qin Ming like this is nothing more than still having illusions and trying to preserve his own wealth and glory.

And now, he is no match for the other party, and the army of the evil duke has been defeated.

Then there is no point in fighting.

With his own ability and the weapon in his hand, as long as he can escape, he can get a position anywhere, so why stay here and be buried with others.

Then give up the wealth.

He quickly came up with an idea, and Muramasa's eyes suddenly condensed. The next second, he raised his hand and slapped the ground.

Seeing his action, Qin Ming on the opposite side immediately felt bad, and used a move of heaven sliding, speeding towards this side.

However, his block was still a step late, and with the explosion of smoke, Muramasa had already disappeared.

Qin Ming hurriedly stopped moving and turned his head to observe the surroundings, but he could not find any trace of the enemy, which made Qin Ming look astonished.

Originally, he thought that Muramasa's displacement technique was a skill similar to space teleportation, but it had the effect of smoke covering.

But now the smoke has dissipated, and Muramasa has not appeared yet. His ability is not space displacement? !

Before Qin Ming could recover from his shock, a figure suddenly jumped out of the ground in the silence, and a scream came out of his mouth.

Muramasa, who used the wind method in the Fenghuoshan Forest Method, which is actually the earth escape technique in essence, actually jumped out of the ground by himself.

And just after landing, he struggled to tear his arm hard.

To be precise, it was the Muramasa Demon Sword that was connected to his arm, with only a small piece left!

The samurai sword that he had originally held tightly now actually spread a large number of blood vessels, which were wrapped around his arm and madly devoured his blood!

Every time it devoured a part, the broken blade would grow a small piece.

In just a moment, the Muramasa Demon Sword had recovered more than half.

In contrast, Muramasa himself became skinny!

Demon Sword! Killing the master!

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