Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 428 Sudden enemy attack

A fierce siege was fought around King Arthur's royal city.

Although the Pitchfork Knights are large in number, they are well-equipped.

But King Arthur is also very skilled in martial arts and is by no means a good person.

Facing the defense led by King Arthur and others, the Pitchfork Knights failed to take down the city wall after several attacks.

Even when Qin Ming went to the battlefield in person in an attempt to open up the situation, the archmage Merlin on the opposite side used a spell to trick him and forcibly transferred his space to the Knights of the Round Table.

If it weren't for Qin Ming's body of steel, Qianqing rushed out from inside, and faced the siege of a large number of Knights of the Round Table, he would have died suddenly among them.

The formation of elite troops to attack failed, and Qin Ming could only command the troops to continue to fight against King Arthur and others.

Qin Ming, who had cut off all the enemy's food routes, was not in a hurry to break the city.

Due to the length of stay, Qin Ming had given up on challenging the real boss, the Evil Grand Duke.

His only goal now is to kill King Arthur and completely consolidate the territory he has swallowed, so as to prepare for his next entry.

In this case, it would be a good plan to fight a war of attrition with King Arthur.

Food is constantly coming to Qin Ming, but the food under King Arthur's command is getting less and less. Even if it is delayed, Qin Ming can wear him down!

However, King Arthur, who has been forced into a desperate situation and can only lead the remaining troops to defend the isolated city, can he really just wait to be dragged down...

As night falls, outside the city, there are tens of thousands of tents connected together, and Pitchfork Knights are everywhere.

The number of them surrounding the city far exceeds one hundred thousand. They are a genuine army of one hundred thousand.

In the city, King Arthur's troops had been damaged to the point where there were only about 10,000 soldiers left, and their morale was a little low at the moment.

The soldiers suffered heavy casualties and there was not much food and grass left. This army had really reached its limit.

Compared with the low morale of the soldiers, King Arthur, as the commander of the army, is still as calm as ever.

Standing on the city wall, looking at the sky in the distance and the endless camp below, King Arthur remained silent.

Also standing beside him were his right-hand men, the first knight Lancelot and the great magician Merlin.

In the past few days, King Arthur would come over almost every night to observe the situation outside, and his appearance had already made the Pitchfork Knights not surprised.

It's just that something is different today. Today's King Arthur looks very excited.

Lancelot, who was following him, frowned, and Archmage Merlin held the staff in his hand tightly.

Even though the night was deep, the three of them still had no intention of going back to rest. They kept looking up at King Arthur in the distance, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

Because on the opposite side, in the woods in the distance, a small red light suddenly rose.

Seeing this light, King Arthur suddenly turned his head and looked at the Archmage Merlin.

"Is it them?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Archmage Merlin nodded vigorously with a serious expression.

"That's right!"

King Arthur had a look of ecstasy on his face after receiving a positive reply. He was about to speak when he suddenly heard Lancelot, the first knight on the side, speaking first.

"Your Majesty, I still don't agree with cooperating with them. They are enemies!"

Upon hearing this, King Arthur turned his head and took a deep look at Lancelot.

"Sir Lancelot, to be precise, they were just enemies once."

"But they..."

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Holding a long sword tightly in his hand, he turned his head and looked at the company camp below. King Arthur's eyes were gloomy.

"Since we can cooperate with the Pitchfork Knights to destroy the evil empire, why can't we cooperate with the remaining forces of the evil empire to destroy the Pitchfork Knights? Regardless of good or evil, anyone who stands in front of me is an enemy! "

The reinforcements that King Arthur has been waiting for have finally arrived, and these reinforcements are the evil empire that has been fighting with King Arthur's army for several years!

Seeing that the Pitchfork Knights had become something of a threat, the two sides who were once mortal enemies suddenly formed a united front.

The real evil archduke led several ace legions under his command and came all the way to support him!

The dull horn sound suddenly sounded, and countless Pitchfork Knights who were resting in the tent were suddenly awakened by the sound, and hurriedly ran out of the tent while putting on their clothes.

And just as they got up, they saw the woods ahead shaking, and countless figures rushing out of them at high speeds.

The one who rushes to the front! It's a group of people wearing tight armor! A swift knight with a stabbing sword!

And in the middle! You can also see a guy holding a long and short double stabbing sword!

He is the commander of King Arthur's phantom army! It is also the original fourth level boss! Phantom Knight!

[Name: Phantom Knight]

【Strength: 40】

[Physique: 40]

[Agility: 60]


[Skills: Phantom Killing Array (Level A) Swift Swordsmanship (Level B) Swift Slash (Level B)]

[Introduction: No one can ignore the Phantom Knight’s phantom killing array, never before]

Leading a thousand swift knights and more than four thousand auxiliary soldiers, the Phantom Knight took the lead and rushed to the front. His figure suddenly flashed while running.

The next second, he split into four on the spot and became four people.

This is his famous signature stunt! Phantom killing array!

Behind the high-speed running Phantom Legion, there are two teams of people following closely. One team is a heavy infantry unit, the famous Beast Legion, and the leader is Barbas, who is known as a human-shaped beast.

This strong man, who is three meters tall, wearing heavy armor and holding a super hammer, can be said to be earth-shaking when he walks. From a distance, he is simply a moving human-shaped wall.

The soldiers of the Beast Legion around him are all horn knights and heavy armor swordsmen.

And behind these two ace troops, a cavalry unit can be seen.

A large number of knights wearing armor and holding axes and guns, riding tall horses, and a burly figure is standing in front of the crowd.

He is wearing golden armor and a crown on his head. He is the real evil Grand Duke Garibaldi! He is also the final boss of the world of the Knights of the Round Table!

And next to this Grand Duke Garibaldi, there is a figure standing quietly.

He was wearing samurai armor that didn't fit in with the knights around him, and he had a slender samurai sword on his back.

This figure wearing red armor and crossing his arms was actually a Japanese samurai!

He was the drifting ronin swordsman! Muramasa!

The original big boss of the sixth level! A super monster that is said to be as difficult to kill as the final boss!

The Beast Legion and the Phantom Legion are the ace troops under the command of Grand Duke Garibaldi. They usually live on both sides of the territory, responsible for helping the empire expand its territory and resist powerful enemies.

Now that there is a riot in the empire, Grand Duke Garibaldi finally called back these two ace troops.

And this time he also dispatched his personal guards, which are also the strongest legion in the entire evil empire: the Knight Legion!

A vanguard team composed purely of high-level knights like the knight!

Riding a warhorse, looking at the Beast Legion and the Phantom Legion that had already fought in the distance, relying on a sudden sneak attack, and directly penetrated the Pitchfork Knight camp.

The expressionless Grand Duke Garibaldi suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Muramasa! Go! Kill the Holy King!"

Hearing the order, the ronin warrior Muramasa, who had been crossing his arms, nodded heavily.

The next second, accompanied by the explosion of white smoke, he disappeared on the spot.

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