Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 424 Dragon Knight Qin Ming

Amid the continuous shouting and killing, the troops of both sides have now been in a melee.

Qin Ming, who led the troops to rush into the crowd first, has now fully opened his skills.

Qin Ming's ability is really suitable for the battlefield, with blood sucking and blood control in a group range, the dinosaur white flame that can reduce defense, and a body of steel.

With these three abilities, Qin Ming is completely a harvesting machine.

As long as there is enough blood around! Then he is an indestructible cockroach!

With a crash, blood flew out, condensed into a large number of high-speed rotating blood blades in the air, and continuously shot in all directions.

This caused the soldiers who were rushing around to scream and fly backwards on the spot.

When the blood of the wounds was splashed, either the body was pierced or the limbs were cut off.

Qin Ming, with blood flying around him, has now turned on the dinosaur form and is fighting head-on with several Knights of the Round Table.

He raised his hand to block the sword of one person and slashed it, and then he swung out his other arm to turn it into a hand knife. With the white flames above, he just chopped the sword in half with one palm.

Qin Ming, who threw the enemy away with a punch, saw another person rushing from the side and suddenly stretched out an arm towards him.

The moment his five fingers opened, a raging fire gushed out and enveloped the Knight of the Round Table on the spot.

With a scream, the Knight of the Round Table, whose armor melted quickly, was burned into charcoal in an instant.

After instantly killing one person, Qin Ming's pupils suddenly shrank before he had time to lower his arm.

He turned his head and bumped, sweeping the huge horn on his head to the side. The horn collided with the sword on the spot, and a lot of sparks shot out directly from the horn.

He used the horn to forcibly block the attack and looked up at the shocked expression of the Knight of the Round Table in front of him.

Qin Ming had a ferocious smile on his face, and suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck.

The arm that was burned milky white by the high temperature emitted waves of heat, looking like magma.

With a pop, the high-temperature palm actually dissolved the neck armor directly, forcibly burned a big hole in the armor, and pinched the neck of the Knight of the Round Table.

And in the next moment, it burned through the flesh and blood, directly dissolving the neck of the Knight of the Round Table.

As the head rolled to the ground, Qin Ming, who looked at the headless corpse shaking and falling, with his arms hanging down, looked fierce.

When he found that there were more and more enemies around him, he suddenly put his fingers into his mouth and blew a whistle hard.

As the piercing sound spread, the Knights of the Round Table who were rushing towards Qin Ming suddenly heard a series of rumbling sounds behind them.

They turned their heads in surprise, and before they had time to see what was behind them, their bodies had already lightened.

The next second! Several Knights of the Round Table actually flew up directly!

A huge one! On all fours! The skin on the body is tough and thick! The Triceratops with three huge horns on its head! It rushed out of the crowd like a heavy tank!

It was Qin Ming's mount! Super Triceratops!

It kept shaking its head, and at this moment it was so powerful.

The huge head hit the knights around, almost causing the knights' armor to deform on the spot and their bodies to shoot out.

In one breath, it pushed more than 20 knights away, forced its way out of the siege, rushed to the Triceratops mount in front of Qin Ming, and howled as it hit the chest of the enemy in front.

The sharp horns instantly penetrated the armor and directly lifted the enemy high.

Qin Ming, who passed by the Triceratops, saw this with a flash of eyes, and suddenly grabbed the saddle on the back of the Triceratops with one hand, and flipped onto the dragon with a force.

Looking at the crowds galloping on both sides, listening to the screams of the enemies in front.

Qin Ming, with a ferocious smile on his face, shook his hands to condense blood, and quickly used the blood to turn into two blood-bladed whips in his hands.

Then he rode on the triceratops and kept charging back and forth on the battlefield, waving his double whips to forcibly cut enemies in half one by one!

When passing the other side of the battlefield, he also reached out and pulled Kasamoto Eri and Mai Zhuo from the crowd onto the dragon's back.

One of the two women controlled a heavy machine gun, and the other controlled an energy cannon, bombarding the crowd around them, knocking people and horses to the ground.

Dinosaurs with hot weapons hanging! Drivers who can control blood! And special guns that fire energy balls!

These unrelated things were strangely put together at this moment and appeared on the battlefield.

Qin Ming was already powerful enough, but now he summoned a terrifying mount and fought with several others.

This caused Qin Ming, who had transformed into a dragon knight, to become a disaster on the battlefield for a while, and the corpses of enemies were everywhere.

He specifically rushed into the battle formation, and broke up a large number of small battle formations, disintegrating the biggest means used by the Knights of the Round Table to fight against the Pitchfork Knights.

Noticing the situation here, Lancelot, one of the generals of the Knights of the Round Table and known as the First Knight, tried to intercept by force.

But Lancelot was strong in skills, not strength.

Facing the rampaging Super Triceratops, even if he had all kinds of martial arts, he was helpless for a while.

He raised the curved sword in his hand and tried to forcibly stop the Triceratops.

But even if he used the killing move of the Knight's Invincible Slash, he couldn't stop the Triceratops's collision, but was knocked out on the spot.

Knocked down one knight after another! Trampled one enemy after another!

Even crashed through the wall with a bang and rushed into the town by force.

Just when Qin Ming was riding the Triceratops and rampaging, a dazzling sword light suddenly lit up.

As the space in front of him twisted, a figure appeared out of thin air, and the moment he landed, he rolled and swept out a sword.

And this person was King Arthur! He was teleported by the great wizard Merlin with magic! King Arthur launched a sneak attack!

With a click, King Arthur suddenly appeared and slashed, accurately hitting the forelimbs of the charging Triceratops.

The Triceratops, with a defense of up to 60 points, still couldn't withstand the power of the sword in the stone.

As blood flew, although the forelimbs were not cut off by one blow, the Triceratops was injured to the bone. It wailed and rolled to the ground, and its body slid more than 20 meters away before stopping.

During the slide, a large number of soldiers from both sides were knocked away.

Qin Ming and his three companions, who had been riding dragons and wreaking havoc, saw this and jumped up hurriedly to avoid being carried away.

Qin Ming flew to the ground, holding two bloody long whips, and looked up at King Arthur opposite him.

King Arthur, who was kneeling on one knee, also stood up slowly with his sword in both hands at this moment.

When enemies meet, their eyes are red. King Arthur, who stared at Qin Ming fiercely, suddenly roared and rushed towards him.

Seeing this, Qin Ming hurriedly held the whip with both hands and tried to fight back.

However, before King Arthur rushed to him, King Arthur's body suddenly twisted strangely, and the next second he disappeared from the spot.

Before Qin Ming could react from his astonishment, there was already a sound of wind behind him.

King Arthur appeared out of thin air from behind, holding the big sword high in both hands, and chopped at the back of Qin Ming's head with all his strength.

The ability of the great wizard Merlin! Space transfer!

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