Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 417 The Blood King of Justice

As blood floated from the corpses around, it gathered madly towards Qin Ming.

If Qin Ming just now was the so-called King of the Holy Fork, then he who was controlling the blood at this time looked more like a villain than the Evil Duke.

A large amount of blood rushed from the front, and the Evil Duke was blasted away.

Before the Evil Duke who rolled to the ground struggled to get up, the blood that had penetrated into the armor through the gap in the armor coagulated on the spot, and was pulled by Qin Ming and swung hard.

With a rumble, the Evil Duke who was thrown directly flew up hit the pillar next to him and broke the stone pillar in an instant.

And before the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, Qin Ming, who was striding towards him, had raised his hand and swung it down fiercely.

With a crash, the floating blood gathered into a cone and fell like a rainstorm, hitting the Evil Duke on the opposite side and screaming.

With blood spikes all over his body, he roared and slapped the ground, and the whole person was directly ejected.

Then he waved the star hammer and rushed towards Qin Ming on the opposite side, trying to fight back.

But before he rushed to Qin Ming, as Qin Ming swung his hand to the side with a stern face, he flew out uncontrollably and hit the wall again.

Control blood! This is a terrifying ability!

As the blood spreads! These bloods are like Qin Ming's extended hands and feet! Drive them at will!

If there is enough blood around! Then even taking objects from a distance is a piece of cake!

And there is not much else on this battlefield, only as much blood as you want.

In other words! The battlefield belongs to Qin Ming's home court!

The evil duke, who was thrown away before he got close, suddenly felt lighter in the wall, and the next second he was pulled into the air by countless blood.

Without struggling hard, he suddenly felt the armor on his body tighten. He looked down and found that the blood around him was gathering towards him frantically, and it was constantly solidifying and shrinking.

These hardened blood squeezed the armor desperately, causing his gorgeous armor to begin to deform seriously and collapse inward.

Qin Ming! He was actually preparing to use blood to pinch him to death from a distance!

The evil grand duke looked up in panic when he found something wrong. He looked at Qin Ming, who was raising his hand to control the blood, with veins bulging on his forehead, and the armor that was shrinking tighter and tighter around him. He couldn't help but screamed.

He struggled desperately, but he couldn't get rid of the blood. Feeling the armor that had begun to oppress his body, he suddenly roared with a ferocious expression.

The next second! A terrifying shock wave centered on him! Swarmed in all directions!

Skills! Extreme impact!

The evil grand duke, who forcibly broke through Qin Ming's killing move with the burst of skills, fell heavily to the ground.

He looked up at Qin Ming with a ferocious look, watching Qin Ming controlling the blood and preparing to attack him.

A black light flashed in the hands of the evil grand duke, and he suddenly rotated the star hammer in his hand.

The star hammer dragging the chain really turned into a meteor at this moment, and a terrifying storm formed on the spot with the evil grand duke as the center.

Skill! Dark vortex!

The wind was raging, and all the decorations and furniture around were all swept up by the huge storm, and they were torn into pieces as soon as they approached the storm.

Not only the furniture, but even the enemies around and even their own people were torn away without distinguishing between enemies and friends.

Anyone who approached the storm would have their armor severely deformed by the wind in almost an instant, and they would die.

Under this storm, only a few people could barely stabilize their bodies, and Qin Ming was one of them.

And he was able to stabilize his figure, on the one hand because his attributes were high enough, and on the other hand because his body was heavy enough.

Looking at the storm that was rapidly forming in front of him and constantly rushing towards him.

Qin Ming, whose combat suit was rustling when being pulled, had a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

Facing such a large-scale skill, the intelligent core of the sound nest combat suit was no longer useful. After all, it was good for analyzing fist and foot skills, but expecting it to crack such a large-scale killing move? That was simply asking too much!

Just because the combat suit couldn't break the killing move didn't mean that Qin Ming couldn't break it either.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Ming suddenly spread his legs and let one hand hang down, and blood condensed wildly in his palm.

Blood splashed and spun at high speed with Qin Ming as the center.

Nirvana! Blood Luo destroys essence!

Storm against storm! Vortex against vortex!

The high-speed rotating chain meteor collided head-on with the blood tornado that was also rotating at high speed. When the two collided, an extremely harsh friction sound burst out for a while.

The hardened blood beads collided with various debris in the storm, and they continued to explode dazzling sparks.

Unexpectedly, facing his killer move, the enemy chose to attack instead of dodge, and was immediately enveloped by the bloody storm.

Instantly, he was hit with sparks flying all over his body and screamed.

Qin Ming, who also entered the range of the storm, stood in the storm, his body was covered with blood.

The fight between the two lasted for more than 30 seconds before it was declared over. When the storm stopped with a bang, both flew backwards. The originally extremely luxurious hall had become a mess and completely turned into ruins.

Qin Ming, who rolled to the ground, grabbed the ground with one hand and scratched five scratches on the ground, struggling to stand up.

With the activation of the skill, the wounds on the surface of the body healed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it was restored to its original state.

Compared with his rapid recovery from injuries, the evil grand duke was a bit miserable.

The evil duke, who had no self-healing ability, had his armor severely twisted and damaged, and his body was covered with blood.

But there was a reason why he could become the evil emperor.

Although this guy was not as good at fighting as his brother, he was also one of the strongest in this era and a pioneer general on the battlefield.

Therefore, even if he took Qin Ming's super-killing move, he could still stand up, and it seemed that he was not seriously injured.

He slowly stood up, raised his hand and pulled off the mask, his eyes locked on the evil duke opposite Qin Ming, his eyes were extremely fierce.

When he turned around and found that as the storm stopped, those damn militiamen who had obviously died around him, actually rushed up again and surrounded him. He was silent for a second and suddenly spoke in a cold voice.

"Answer me, the king chosen by the Holy Fork, how did you make them so fearless and fearless."

As he spoke, the evil duke began to tear the damaged armor on his body with force.

He has discovered that this set of armor can't help him resist the enemy's attack. The enemy's blood that can penetrate into the gaps and kill people is not affected by armor at all.

And now the armor is damaged and can no longer provide protection. Instead, it will seriously limit his flexibility.

In this case! Just take it off!

The evil duke tore off the armor in a few strokes, holding the star hammer with his upper body naked, and shouted again.

"Use the blood of the dead to fight! Even absorb the blood of the dead to recover from injuries! You are a hero again! Why can they pursue you wholeheartedly!"

The evil duke really didn't understand at this moment. If he was defeated by King Arthur next to him, he could accept it. After all, that guy is a standard knight of justice in terms of appearance and ability.

But the guy in front of him is more cruel and dark than himself. Why can he beat himself on behalf of justice!

It's like you are a bad guy who leads people to rob houses everywhere, and suddenly one day the village starts to resist and invites a hero who can defeat you.

As a result, you find out that this hero is not a Paladin or a Hero, but a Necromancer who can resurrect corpses!

Isn't this the other way around! What's the difference between you and asking a worse demon king to help you in order to defeat one of the Four Heavenly Kings!

The ability of this kid in front of you! He is the standard final villain in any story!

Hearing the question of the evil archduke, the pitchfork knights who surrounded him on all sides suddenly became indignant.

"Shut up! You evil tyrant! Don't slander His Majesty the Holy King!"

"That's right! How can controlling blood be an evil power! Blood flows out of the human body! How is it evil!"

"Your Majesty even didn't want to kill people! He was chosen by the Holy Fork, which was not born for killing people! How is this evil! Monsters like you who kill people with a hammer are the real evil!"

The chaotic shouts around him made the evil archduke look livid.

At this time, he realized that the group of farmers in front of him no longer cared about the ability of their boss.

Let alone controlling blood, that guy can revive corpses. This group of people will probably say against their conscience that he summoned the dead to revive and fight after the dead allowed him to.

Otherwise, why can he revive corpses! But you can't revive!

When you stand on the side of justice, you are good even if you can create plague!

When you stand on the side of evil, you are bad even if you can revive everything!

As for which side is justice? The answer is simple! Whoever wins is justice!

In order to consolidate his royal power, the evil grand duke constantly exploited the people and strengthened the soldiers, so he was hated by the people, but won the love of the legion.

With a huge force in hand and dark power, the evil grand duke has ruled the world for more than two hundred years.

In the eyes of the soldiers, the grand duke is a symbol of justice.

And now, Qin Ming, who has armed peasants and quickly destroyed a large number of corps and put the evil grand duke into a desperate situation, has no corps in his hands, but has countless militias who can fight and love him.

Then at this moment, you are the king of heaven, and he is also the monarch of justice!

Even if God came! The militia dared to tie God to the cross and burn him to death! And called him a false god!

This is the reality. What is the power that represents justice and the power that symbolizes evil? The justice and evil of power are not determined by people!

When this power can help yourself! And it is completely harmless!

You can pull down a meteorite and destroy the other country with one shot! Kill tens of millions of people on the spot! That is also a just punishment from God!

Looking at the enemies who were holding pitchforks and surrounded them aggressively.

The evil grand duke, who had taken off his armor, knew that he was doomed.

Maybe his brother who ran out to gather troops and prepare to mobilize a powerful naval fleet and several other ace legions, or even unfinished secret weapons to fight back, will eventually defeat this group of rebellious guys.

But at this time, he would never be able to leave here alive.

Therefore, he glanced around and suddenly locked his eyes on Qin Ming again, and slowly raised the star hammer in his hand and placed it horizontally in front of him.

"My king who is good at bewitching people! I now invite you as a knight! Let's have a glorious knight duel here!"

Hearing this, seeing that the other party actually proposed a duel, the pitchfork knights who were not knights, immediately shouted and tried to stop Qin Ming from accepting the challenge.

After all, they had an absolute advantage in numbers, so why should they challenge him in a duel.

If it was really so fair! When they burned the village before! Why didn't they get off their horses and take off their armor! Have a fair one-on-one duel with the peasants?

Instead, they were wearing armor and riding horses! Chasing people everywhere!

Hearing the messy noises around, Qin Ming suddenly waved his hand with a stern face.

Then he pushed the crowd away and strode to the evil duke.

Raising his hand to take the enhanced pitchfork in the hands of the captain Torretia, Qin Ming said with a stern face and a cold voice.

"Then your head and key! I have reserved them in advance!"

For the treasure chest... No! It's for justice! Qin Ming will fight!

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