Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 414: Powerful Combat Suit


With a roar, the soldiers rushed towards the towering city wall like a tsunami.

And guarding the city wall was an elite corps, one of the ace knights under the evil grand duke, the knight of the double sword, Barford.

He was also the boss guarding the second level of the Knights of the Round Table.

Arcade games generally have a feature, that is, the difficulty difference between the first level and the second level is very large.

There are many extremely famous new killers, all of whom are the bosses of the second level.

For example, Barford of the Knights of the Round Table, Xiahou Yuan of the Three Kingdoms War, and Xiahou Dun of the Three Kingdoms, all of them are like this.

Their strength is completely different from the boss of the first level, as if they were monsters specially designed by the developer to harvest the game coins of players.

Knight Barford, who is famous for his mobility, is now carrying two swords, one long and one short, and is leading his knights to fight against the enemies who keep attacking.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​people below, and the militiamen who were wearing messy equipment and fighting bravely, Balford's expression was very livid at the moment.

He couldn't understand why these mud-legged people who usually didn't even dare to look up at him were so fearless this time.

Was it because their clothes and weapons were blessed? Or was it because their confidence was inflated due to the absolute advantage in numbers?

No! None of them!

Balford could clearly feel that the militiamen in front of him were really charging with their lives, just like a group of real elites.

And unlike the elites he trained at a high price, the elites on his side were fearless mainly because they had no worries. Even if they died in battle, their families would be properly settled.

And the militiamen in front of them didn't look like they had no worries. Instead, they looked like they had never doubted that they would lose!

They! They went to the battlefield with the determination to win!

Because they firmly believed that they would definitely win! That's why they were fearless!

Looking at the militia holding the pot lid, rushing up the ladder again, and starting an offensive and defensive battle with his troops.

Seeing that the soldiers could no longer bear it, Knight Balford gritted his teeth, raised his hands and drew his double swords, and led his guards to stride towards the crowd.

He was ready to join the battle in person to maintain the defense line.

Just as Knight Balford led his guards to enter the arena, Qin Ming, who saw that the troops had been unable to attack for a long time, had already taken action in the sea of ​​people below.

Qin Ming has never been a good leader, and he has never been a high official.

But with his strong strength, he is definitely a good warrior.

When he saw the battle situation was in a stalemate, Qin Ming's first reaction was to break the situation himself.

In fact, it was not only him, but in the world of the Knights of the Round Table, the so-called knights also had this style.

To be a leader in this world, you can have no command ability, but you must be able to fight.

Because people who can't fight! Can't be knights at all!

Just as Qin Ming began to move toward the city wall, King Arthur and others on the other side had already led the guards to charge. Both of them chose to climb up first and clear the way.

Blood flew in the sound of splashing, and several streams of blood turned into gun heads and directly penetrated the bodies of several soldiers.

And before the soldiers who were knocked out fell to the ground, their armor exploded behind them, and more blood gushed out, scattered and flew towards other enemies.

Qin Ming stepped on the city wall and quickly climbed up the city wall, raising his hand to control the blood to shuttle back and forth among the crowd.

Kasamoto Eri and Mai Zhuo who rushed up with them, one of them held a machine gun to shoot, and the other waved his claws to cut, and began to expand the battle so that more soldiers could climb up the ladder.

Qin Ming, who was walking on the city wall with big strides, controlled the blood to shoot out one after another, knocking away the enemies who kept rushing over, and his expression was serious at this moment.

And the enemies rushing from all around him were no longer just ordinary soldiers.

In addition to swordsmen and heavy-armored swordsmen, low-level knights such as horn knights and swift knights, which are between elite monsters and small bosses, have begun to appear on a large scale.

Even among the crowd, there are some real small bosses.

That is a group of knights wearing heavy plate armor, closed bird-pecking helmets on their heads, holding small steel shields and one-handed short axes.

They are the intermediate knights in the evil empire: heavy knights!

[Name: Heavy Knights]

[Strength: 30]

[Constitution: 50]

[Agility: 20]

[Spirit: 20]

[Skills: Heavy Armor (A-level) Throwing Axe (C-level) Knight Combat (C-level)]

[Introduction: As the cornerstone of the empire, the heavy knights are famous for their terrifying defense. As long as they go one step further, they can truly become the top of the empire and obtain the status of knights. Don't underestimate them because they haven't become knights, because in a sense, they are more terrifying than knights, because they always hunt strong people collectively! 】

Amid the harsh sound of armor rubbing against each other, four heavily armored knights wearing silver heavy armor, armed to the teeth, raised their shields and axes, knocked away the crowd, and rushed towards Qin Ming frantically.

Seeing their aggressive posture, Qin Ming's pupils shrank, and he swung his hand without thinking.

With the traction of his palm, the blood that was originally swirling around gathered together on the spot, turned into a javelin, and stabbed forward.

The blood with white flame and steel body can be said to be both offensive and defensive, and it is unstoppable.

However, the blood spear shot at high speed this time did not kill the opponent in one shot as usual, but was blocked by the opponent.

He raised the small steel shield in his hand and directly hit the blood spear with the shield. With the harsh friction sound, the heavy knight who was hit was shot and flew backwards.

But the blood spear that hit the shield also collapsed and scattered.

Taking this opportunity, the other three heavy knights rushed to Qin Ming.

Using the hard armor on their bodies to forcibly offset the cutting of the small blood blade, the three of them raised their shields and hit Qin Ming!

After forcing Qin Ming back! One swung the shield and the other swung the axe! Then they launched a set of violent joint attacks!

In the evil empire, the way to climb up is very simple and very difficult, that is, to establish military merits.

As long as you have enough military merits, you can become a knight, or even a knight.

This sounds easy, but the higher you climb, the more military merit you need. For example, if you advance from an intermediate knight to a senior knight, it is completely useless to rely on killing soldiers.

Even if you slaughtered a whole village and took the heads of the villagers as merit, you can't become a knight.

You must make great merits if you want to advance! That is the so-called beheading the generals and seizing the flags!

Therefore, the heavy knights generally like to act in groups of three or five, and work together to hunt down the generals in the enemy army. They have also honed a very exquisite joint attack skill!

As soon as this one swung the axe, the other person's shield had already hit it.

Before the shield hit the body, the third person's axe had already chopped at the sole of the foot.

With this kind of cooperation, plus their own defense that is as outrageous as an iron can, they can always defeat the strong above their level.

At this time, Qin Ming was facing the joint hunting of four iron cans. After all, who made his ability so eye-catching?

However, this time, as the two sides collided, the coordinated attack of the four heavy knights did not achieve any results.

Because facing the joint attack of the four people, Qin Ming reacted very quickly, and he actually dodged all their attacks and combos while retreating and dodging.

This made the four people who had missed consecutively show a look of astonishment on their faces.

Compared with the astonishment of the four people, Qin Ming was very excited at this time.

He did not choose to fight back, but kept dodging, his eyes flashing, and a lot of data appeared in front of him.

Sound Nest Combat Suit! The reconnaissance function is turned on!

The knight on the left raised his hand and raised his axe! According to the angle of the blade and the lifting range! Aim at the left shoulder!

The body of the knight on the right instinctively sank, preparing to charge with a shield, and the target of the attack was the chest.

The knight hiding behind him raised his axe and accumulated power, aiming at the knees of the lower body.

One after another, the battle data was counted by the Sound Nest Combat Suit, and even the various attack trajectories it had judged in advance appeared in front of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming doesn't need to do anything now, just pay attention to dodge these tracks, and he can avoid all attacks that haven't come yet.

This! This is the self-combat program of the Nest Combat Suit!

It allows ordinary people to wear combat suits! Instantly gain the terrifying technology comparable to the strength of a fighter!

Qin Ming has never lacked fighting skills, what he really lacks is actual combat experience.

Because he is a meat shield flow, and the enemies he encounters in each mission have completely different fighting methods, although Qin Ming has A-level fighting skills, he is not actually very proficient in fighting.

After all, in a new world, encountering new enemies and schools, you don't even know what the opponent's fighting style is, so what's the use of being good at fighting.

After adapting to the enemy's fighting style, it is the time when fighting skills can exert the greatest power.

But the problem is that after figuring out the enemy's fighting style, Qin Ming no longer needs to use fighting skills. Relying on his thick skin and thick flesh, he can directly find the enemy's weakness and attack fiercely.

This caused Qin Ming's fighting style to gradually become simple and rough, that is, first rely on being beaten to find out the enemy's routines and shortcomings, and then seize the shortcomings and smash the opponent's three-axe routine.

Every time, he was beaten first and then hit others. It was rare to fight back and forth with others.

The special living environment caused Qin Ming to develop a special fighting style that he always liked to fight with the enemy in a round-based system despite having superb fighting skills.

So he actually didn't have much experience in fighting with others, and all he knew were desperate moves.

At this time, the newly acquired sound nest battle suit, in a sense, has completely made up for Qin Ming's lack of fighting experience.

The battle suit that can simulate the enemy's attack trajectory, coupled with Qin Ming's superb fighting skills.

The combination of the two made Qin Ming, who was originally a master of fighting, become a real fighting master at this moment.

At least when facing these knights in front of him! The fighting level did not exceed the simulation range of the sound nest battle suit! This is the case!

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