Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 38 Qin Ming's plan

Before the fight, Qin Ming whispered to the militia captain secretly. In fact, it was simple. He just made a battle plan with him.

What? Single duel? Are you kidding! You let an adventurer fight the boss? You are playing games like crazy!

Guess why the nightmare space assigned the same task to the five adventurers?

Even in the eyes of the nightmare space! This level boss Sir Scone! It is not something that one person can solve!

Qin Ming did not intend to fight a fair duel with the opponent from the beginning. His plan was very simple, that is, to lure Sir Scone to rush over, and then work together to kill him quickly!

As long as the leader died, the remaining soldiers would be a mob. Without anyone leading them, they would never fight the village to the end.

The militia captain also agreed with his simple and crude plan.

Because he often dealt with Sir Scone's men, he knew the other party's style of doing things very well.

This is not a person who will keep his promises. Even if you talk to him about chivalry and successfully beat him in a duel.

What awaits you is definitely not that he will lead his troops to withdraw, but that this guy will be angry and bring his men to press on! Beat you to death!

This is a bloodthirsty madman! The greatest pleasure is killing! Expect him to show mercy? That is absolutely impossible!

So either delay until the reinforcements arrive, or find a way to kill him directly. There are only these two ways to break the deadlock now.

The militia captain does not want to bet the life and death of the entire village on the reinforcements, so he can only cooperate with Qin Ming and try to kill this enemy by force.

Although it is the first time for the two to cooperate, the militia captain and Qin Ming cooperate very well at this moment.

The desperate entanglement of several people is to create an opportunity for Qin Ming to shoot at the face and go straight to the vital point.

And now! This opportunity has obviously arrived!

A gunshot rang out, and from a distance, they saw their boss showing off his power and killing two enemies in a blink of an eye.

Therefore, the soldiers who were shouting and cheering suddenly stopped, and everyone's eyes widened.

On the battlefield, Qin Ming, who found the right opportunity to rush over and shot Sir Scone in the face, shot Sir Scone's left eye directly!

In the blood splattering, Qin Ming, who hit the target with one shot, continued to pull the trigger without hesitation, ready to pursue the victory.

However, Sir Scone, as the big boss of the first level, was not someone to be trifled with.

He reacted almost immediately after being experienced in many battles. While screaming in pain, he turned his head and put his helmet on the muzzle of the gun.

There were several more gunshots, some of which rubbed the helmet and bounced away, while some penetrated the helmet and hit Sir Scone's head.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sir Scown, who had gone completely crazy, also threw away the militia captain who was hugging him, and his shoulder hit Qin Ming's chest, knocking him out on the spot.

Covering his bleeding eyes with his hands, Sir Scown stood there and waved his other arm randomly, shouting in pain.

Staring at Qin Ming opposite with his remaining right eye, Sir Scown, whose face was already stained with blood, saw Qin Ming's rapid reloading action, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Then he suddenly grabbed the axe gun next to him and threw it hard at Qin Ming, frightening Qin Ming to roll away from the spot.

When he stopped rolling, knelt on one knee and raised his revolver, ready to continue aiming and shooting, he found that Sir Scown, the big boss, had actually escaped.

He quickly retreated, covering his bleeding eyes with one hand, pointing his other hand directly at Qin Ming, and screaming as he retreated.

"What are you all standing there for! Go! Kill him! Skin him!!!"

Hearing the boss's roar, the soldiers in the rear finally woke up from their dreams and rushed over here with their weapons raised frantically.

Seeing the hundreds of people rushing towards him, Qin Ming was so scared that he trembled all over. He didn't dare to stay there and fight them to the death. He quickly fled to the village while shooting.

After running a few steps, he suddenly ran back and grabbed the militia captain who was already covered with scars and blood on his face. He was staggering and could hardly stand up, and dragged him to run towards the village with all his strength.

Qin Ming ran here, and the soldiers chased him from behind.

Just as they entered the village, they were immediately attacked by a storm.

A large number of villagers stood on the roof and threw stones at the crowd below frantically, hitting the soldiers with blood on their heads, screaming and stopping in a hurry.

This local force, which was composed entirely of swordsmen and had no archers at all, had no effective means of counterattack in the face of the enemy's high-altitude bombing. They could only struggle to climb onto the roof and kill them at close range.

But when they climbed onto the roof, the villagers on the roof had already retreated and directly pulled out the wooden boards connecting the roofs of each other.

Seeing this, the swordsmen cursed angrily, some hurriedly jumped off the roof to continue chasing, and some simply picked up the stones on the roof and started shooting at the villagers on the roof next door.

With the villagers joining the battle, the whole village was in chaos in an instant, with war everywhere, and many houses were directly set on fire by the angry swordsmen with torches.

As the fire burned fiercely, thick smoke billowed and gathered into a stream that rushed straight into the sky.

The billowing smoke here also quickly attracted the attention of a team that was resting in a forest in the distance.

This was a team of more than 30 swordsmen, all wearing simple armor and holding big swords.

The leader was a blond man with almost naked upper body, only a heavy shoulder armor hanging on his left shoulder, holding a short-handled giant axe.

Looking at the smoke in the distance, he couldn't help frowning and quickly took out the map to check the direction.

After discovering that it was the location of Passi Village, his face immediately changed and he stood up suddenly.

"It's bad! Something has happened in Passi Village! Everyone stop resting! Hurry up!"


Hearing the leader's words, the soldiers around stood up one after another, and everyone began to run at full speed towards the direction of the smoke.

The big man running in the front, holding a short-handled giant axe, his name is Percival.

This name may sound unfamiliar, but his legend is definitely well-known, because this guy is the legendary knight who is known as the most pure and upright of the Knights of the Round Table and found the Holy Grail! He is also the guardian chosen by the Holy Grail!

He is also one of the three main characters in this world of the Knights of the Round Table! He has the strongest attack power! The famous Axe Man!

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