Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 27 The Fifth Adventurer

After agreeing to act together at night, Qin Ming happily sent the three people out of the room.

After seeing them completely disappear, Qin Ming's smile faded, and he suddenly raised his hand to close the door, pulled off the bed sheet and spread it on the table. While tapping his head with his fingers, he picked up the charcoal in the fireplace next to him and began to draw quickly on the bed sheet.

With a frown, Qin Ming quickly stopped his actions relying on the vague memory in his mind.

What appeared in front of him at this time was an extremely simple map!

This map! It was the map that the few people had shown just now! But the drawing was not so detailed! It only drew a few main routes and a few conspicuous landmarks for confirming the location!

And at the end of these routes! It was connected to the five soldiers' camps!

Memory, this has always been Qin Ming's best skill. After all, doing small business, the main thing is to be thrifty and good at thinking.

Just now, relying on that brief observation, Qin Ming managed to remember the general content of the map.

However, this method of memorization cannot guarantee the accuracy of the map, and Qin Ming himself is also aware of this.

Holding charcoal to light the simple map on the table, Qin Ming's eyebrows are getting tighter and tighter, and he keeps gesturing on it.

"This camp is not good, I didn't remember the route completely, and this one is not good either, there are too many forks, it takes time to find it, and this one, there are no sufficiently recognizable buildings and terrains nearby as references, it may not be able to be found quickly, and the distance is too far... Then these two!"

Using charcoal to draw a circle on the largest camp that Qin Ming tried his best to remember, and then point to the small camp next to it, Qin Ming's eyes can't help but light up.

Cooperation? Are you kidding! Only the weak will choose to cooperate!

I have the ability to eat alone! Why should I cooperate with them! And I can only get a small part of it!

The plan that the white wolf came up with is not bad, and he actually has the ability to ask the militia captain to help, and his means are also extraordinary.

You know, the militia captain is a ruthless man with a main attribute of 20 points. Although he is not as powerful as the protagonists, he is definitely a strong fighter.

It's a pity that they found him. I thought that even if I, a novice, knew the information, I could only choose to cooperate with them and could not act alone.

After all, there are more than a dozen people in that kind of camp, which is not something a novice alone, especially a novice who has only experienced one world, can do.

It's a pity...

Quickly took out the revolver, checked the bullets inside, and confirmed that the bullets were fine. Qin Ming stood up and pushed open the window.

After checking that there was no one on both sides, he quickly jumped out of the window and ran outside. With agility of 10 points, he was so fast that he easily jumped over the wall with a hurdle jump.

He planned to take down the big camp and the small camp he liked before taking action at night, and then come back to continue to cooperate with them.

If they found something wrong, then at most they could just blame the incident in the two camps on the fifth adventurer who was not present.

Anyway, I am just a rookie who has just lived through a world, they can't possibly suspect me, right?

Everyone present! Obviously, I am the weakest! The possibility of acting without authorization is the lowest, okay!

To be honest, Qin Ming really wanted to see how these three guys could ask the militia captain to take action, and what kind of expression he would have when he found that the camp had been eaten by someone.

Shuttled through the jungle, after running a distance, Qin Ming raised his pistol and suddenly fired a shot at the sky.

With a loud bang, three figures quickly emerged from the bushes and came in front of Qin Ming.

Equipment skills activated! The majesty of the boss!

Looking at the three guys who appeared this time, Qin Ming's face suddenly showed joy.

Because he found that he had won the prize this time, there was an elite monster among the three guys!

An old man with amazing tonnage is now standing in front of him with a cigar in his mouth.

Name: Fat Man (Dino Fighter Act 1)

Strength: 8

Constitution 10

Agility 3

Spirit 3

Skills: Meat Bomb Impact-D Level, High-Altitude Fall-D Level

Introduction: A high-level henchman under Terhune, whose main feature is to be strong and durable.

Seeing his boss looking over, this elite fat man with a big belly and a cigar in his mouth quickly grinned at him.

…………Then Qin Ming slapped him on the back of his head, making a muffled sound.

"What level are you! You dare to smoke a cigar!"

He snatched the cigar from the other person's mouth, wiped it hard, and then put it in his mouth.

Qin Ming, who had a cigar in his mouth, waved his hand and growled.

"Let's go! Follow me to kill people!"

With an order, the four-man team walked towards the end of the simple map in their hands with great momentum, aiming directly at the largest camp in the mouth of Bailang and his friends.

After arriving at this area and exploring around, Qin Ming indeed saw a sentry post.

Behind the wooden wall, a group of people were resting, and two soldiers wearing leather armor and daggers were standing guard at the door.

Hiding behind the stone, Qin Ming immediately adjusted his dinosaur glasses and looked at the crowd in the distance, quickly obtaining the data of the enemies in this world.

Name: Swordsman (Knights of the Round Table Act 1)

Strength 5

Constitution 5

Agility 5

Spirit 5

Skills: Sword Strike-D Level

Introduction: The lowest-level soldier under the command of the Terror Grand Duke, who doesn't even have a decent piece of armor.

Name: Heavy Armor Swordsman (Knights of the Round Table Act 1)

Strength 10

Constitution 10

Agility 5

Spirit 5

Skills: Heavy Slash-D Level, Sweeping Slash-D Level

Introduction: Becoming a heavy armor swordsman is the lifelong goal of every swordsman.

Hiding behind the stone and observing for a short while, Qin Ming saw at least eight heavy armor swordsmen appearing, that is, eight elite monsters.

In addition to these heavy armor swordsmen, there are also some small leaders wearing helmets on their heads among the ordinary swordsmen minions. Although their attributes are not as high as those of heavy armor swordsmen, they are not comparable to ordinary swordsmen.

Seeing that the opponent's strength is so strong and there are so many people, Qin Ming couldn't help but smack his lips and didn't dare to act rashly.

After all, although his pistol is powerful, they also have a lot of people, and the most important thing is that they are still soldiers!

The soldiers will not take your threat of having a few bullets in your hand. They really dare to rush up and risk their lives, so you must not be reckless this time.

The most important thing is, didn't Bailang and the others say that there is a small BOSS in this camp? Then you must confirm the attributes of the other party in advance, otherwise Qin Ming doesn't want to try to see if he can survive the second rampaging BOSS!

Therefore, he led people to squat behind the stone and smoked the whole cigar without moving.

The only thing he did was to call the fat man over, flipped his clothes unreasonably, and snatched a spare cigar from his pocket.

Qin Ming, who was holding a cigar and hiding behind the stone and waiting for half an hour, finally got something.

He! Finally saw the BOSS!

The most important thing is! In addition to the BOSS! He also saw an unexpected person!

Name: Heavy Armor Swordsman Leader - Kaido (Knights of the Round Table, Act 1)

Strength 20

Constitution 25

Agility 10

Spirit 5

Skills: Charge Slash - C-level, Heavy Slash - D-level, Sweep Slash - D-level

Introduction: One of Sir Scown's right-hand men, the leader of the heavy armor swordsmen.

Qin Ming only glanced at the attributes of this long-awaited BOSS and stopped paying attention.

Because his eyes were already locked on another guy next to the BOSS!

That guy! Qin Ming couldn't see the attributes!

In other words! He! Is an adventurer!

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