Infinite World Projection

Chapter 196: At the end of the era

Scenes emerged before the eyes.

Stood on the altar, Chen Changming's face was calm, and scenes began to show in his hand.

In the picture in front of him, the black emperor in a black robe moves forward and backward at this moment, firmly suppressing the four kings.

The sword of the **** demon was trembling, spontaneously shaking at this moment.

In the hands of the kings, the four gods and magical soldier blades are now shining, and the power of them blooms to the extreme.

Under the recovery of the gods and demons, the strength of the four kings is gradually rising, and at this moment, it has reached a limit.

Especially King Chu and King Qi, at the moment under the blessing of the **** demon's weapon blade, has approached the field of **** and demon infinitely, even if it is not much worse than Chen Changming at the moment.

However, even if there is such a thing, under the full cooperation of four people, it is still not the opponent of the people in front of him. It is easily suppressed by the Heidi and has no resistance at all.

Looking down at this scene, the spirit kings of the past could not help but frown.

"Weird Qi machine, and that unique source, makes me feel familiar ..."

Below, a burst of sound sounded.

"That young man is terrible, and his strength has already reached the peak, reaching the ultimate of gods and demons ..."

A spirit king's face was solemn and he said, "If there is no change in the times, no real gods and demons will be allowed in this era. I'm afraid he will be transformed into gods and deities on the spot."

"No, this breath!"

"This is the life of the Black Dragon!"

"Heidi reincarnated?"

The sounds of suspense and uncertainty rang in place.

Every generation of spirit kings in front of them is a master. They can be promoted and returned to their origins in their respective eras. If they live here, they must be the supreme arrogance in their respective eras. No matter the qualifications or experience, they are the best in the world.

At this moment, observing the change in the breath of the Black Emperor, many spirit kings present reacted immediately.

"Actually Hei Di!"

Suddenly, among the many spirit kings, some people reacted quickly. At this time, his face was a little unsightly.

"The reincarnation of the Black Emperor, is this era at the end of the era?"

"Ancient prophecy, when the Black Emperor comes again, all gods and demons on the earth will be destroyed, and then a new holy place will be established."

"Could it be the time to respond?"

In situ, many spirit kings' faces were blue, and by this time, their faces were not very good-looking.

Obviously, as masters of all ages, they knew a lot, and they immediately responded.

"At the end of the times?"

Stood before the altar, and Chen Changming was keenly aware of this statement.

"The so-called end of the era is the reincarnation of the era."

In front, a sigh came.

"The world is constantly changing and the times are constantly changing."

"In ancient times, the earth is full of gods and demons, and mortals are like dust, which is not enough."

"Then, the end of the age came, and the Black Emperor and the Yellow Emperor were born one after another, sweeping all gods and demons, and cutting off all gods and demons in the world."

"Since then, this is the era before us. Gods and demons no longer appear in the world, many gods and demons inherit and spread, and bloom afterglow."

"In the next era, the inheritance of the gods and demons will disappear, and the kings will be unified and unified."

"The moment is the end of the era, when the two eras are replaced."

Below, a burst of sound rang continuously.

Stood on top, listening to the words of the kings, Chen Changming frowned.

Look like this, the kings are far more aware of what is happening in this era than he knows.

However, this is no wonder.

No matter how strong Chen Changming is, he is just a person, and his experience and information cannot be compared with those of the previous spiritual kings.

Every generation of the spirit king in front of him has lived through the ages.

Every Spirit King's message is not trivial.

And the information and information held by the nearly a thousand spirit kings in front of him are integrated, and there is bound to be a lot of things that can be known in the end, and he can understand more than he knows.

"End of the era .... A new era opens ..."

Stood still, Chen Changming muttered to himself, listening to the words of many spirit kings present, and a kind of enlightenment suddenly appeared in his heart.

Subconsciously, he began to make calculations, based on the aura that appeared just now, and began to make calculations.

Is different from the hazy and chaotic past. At this moment, a clear trajectory began to appear in front of Chen Changming.

Belongs to the corner of the future and begins to unfold.

It was a vast era.

The kings are withering away, and all the seas are unified. The original chaotic world is unified, leaving only one voice.

The original prosperous sacred places are withering away, and the gods and deities are gradually weakening, and only a huge dynasty stands.

Then, a new era will come.

When the black dragon fell, it was the yellow dragon that rose, overturning the turbidity of the past, and creating greater glories on the basis of the black dragon.

Black Dragon pioneering, Huanglong stable ...

Then, there was the beginning of an era.

This is the real trend of this era.

Dripping dripping ...

The sound of water drops dripping continuously.

Unconsciously, with the deduction, Chen Changming's body cracked again, and it seemed to have received some kind of backlash. At this moment, the body was injured.

This is the price of peeping into the future, and it is also the instinct of the instinct of heaven and earth. Even if it is the body of the **** and the devil, it will start to fluctuate at this moment.

It can be said that if Chen Changming was not a self-cultivator himself, I am afraid that just this one would kill him half a life.

"It turns out so ..."

Stood on the spot, Chen Changming slowly closed his eyes, a pair of golden eyes bloomed with dignity.

"An era ends with the Black Dragon's Order and the Yellow Dragon's Order ..."

Standed in place, I don't know why, Qin Han appeared inexplicably in Chen Changming's mind at this moment.

The trajectory of in the first world is the same.

The Qin king ruled the Liuhe, and he attacked the six kingdoms, and the four seas were unified, becoming the first emperor.

However, after the death of Qin II, a brand-new Han was born on top of Qin's corpse, which really stabilized and opened a new era.

And in this world, is it the same?

"A new era is coming, no one can avoid it ..."

Below, a burst of sound sounded, with a very dignified voice at this moment.

A line of sight began to stare, belonging to the spirit kings of all dynasties.

After a short discussion and deliberation, at this moment, they focused all their attention on Chen Changming's body.

"This generation of spirit king, what do you want to do?"

Looked at Chen Changming in front of them, they looked dignified and asked.

The wave of the times is coming, and under the wave, no one can completely avoid it.

Legacy of the Spirit King is one of the inheritances of the gods and demons, and the same is true.

This is the case in the original track.

After the Qin king unified the six kingdoms, he will suppress the Holy Land and destroy all inheritance.

After this, it is a new era.

As the spirit sect is one of the inheritances of gods and deities, how could it be possible to stay out of this wave.

At this moment, many spirit kings present realized the seriousness of the situation and could not help turning around, looking forward to Chen Changming.

Stood before the altar, feeling the gaze of many spirit kings present, and Chen Changming took a deep breath.

"Please help my ancestors help me!"

He took a deep breath and bowed to the King of Spirits before him, so pleadingly.

The voice fell, and the place was quiet.

"If possible, I will naturally want to help you ......"

Below, a king of spirits shook his head: "But I am now a dead person, although it can still manifest the form, only because of the speciality of this place."

"It is impossible to let us go out and fight with you side by side."

They spoke softly, with some sighs in their voices.

The dead cannot affect the living.

In the past era, many spirit kings in front of them may be extremely powerful, and they have once been in an era.

But now, they are already dead, and what is left at the moment is just the source.

Is reluctant to manifest here, but it is impossible to fight against others.

They couldn't do anything even if they wanted to help Chen Changming.

"No ancestors are required to contribute!"

Standing before the altar, Chen Changming looked up: "What I want is the source of the ancestors."


Below, many spirit kings are a bit puzzled.


Chen Changming nodded: "Please all ancestors connect the source with me, let go of your body and mind, and put your mind on me."

"Put your mind on you ..."

The faint words fell, and many spirit kings present could not help frowning.

Putting the source on the mind of others is a very dangerous practice.

The source is a combination of the original source and the soul, which is equivalent to the basis of their existence.

The reason why many spirit kings present at the moment can be manifested is because of the existence of this point source.

If Chen Changming said, put your own source on her body, if you trust your last point of existence to others.

To a certain extent, it is not good to say something. If it reaches that level, as long as Chen Changming thinks about it, they can make them disappear immediately.

Even the many spirit kings present, frowning after hearing Chen Changming's request.

Stood before the altar, looking at the spirits of the kings frowning below, Chen Changming's face was calm, his attitude seemed extremely calm, but he couldn't help but sigh.

This is currently the only feasible approach.

Projection ability If you want to project, you need others to have a good impression of him and have enough contact to do it.

If the connection degree is insufficient, projection is impossible at all.

In this respect, Chen Changming, as this generation of spirit king, has obvious advantages.

Previously, there were many past spirit kings who had contact with them and could project.

But this is not enough.

I want to allow many spirit kings present to be able to project in a short time, which is not possible with normal means.

Can only use extraordinary means.

Let the spirits of many spirit kings in front of them be happy, and put their mind on Chen Changming. This is one of them.

The existence of source is a kind of existence that is finally united by the combination of soul and soul.

If the kings in front of them let go of their minds and choose to host the source on top of Chen Changming, to some extent, it is equivalent to being integrated with Chen Changming, even their own will will be affected by Chen Changming's will.

Even if they were originally hostile to Chen Changming, under the influence of Chen Changming's own will, it will eventually transform into another form.

At this level, it is natural to project easily.

To some extent, this can be considered as a loophole of projection power.

The mechanism of projecting abilities can only be carried out when a person has a good impression of Chen Changming, and this kind of affection has accumulated to a certain degree.

Under normal circumstances, this belongs to the spontaneous reaction of others.

But what if the powerful spiritual power is used to influence the minds of others, so that others will feel good about Chen Changming under the influence of spiritual power?

If so, is it possible to project?

Previously, Chen Changming had experimented with this.

He experimented with the power of Lingwanglu to influence and suggest a few people who never knew each other, so that they would like Chen Changming.

The final result was successful.

Facts have proved that this kind of thing is greatly influenced by external forces.

A person's appearance, temperament, and status will affect other people's senses to you, resulting in different feelings.

Now that these things are ok, the influence of mental power can naturally be counted.

That discovery finally opened a new world to Chen Changming, let him understand the brand-new usage of projection ability.

And the same is true in front of us.

There are a large number of spiritual kings in front of them. Among them, it is impossible for everyone to have a good impression of Chen Changming, and even many people may even hold malicious in their hearts.

This is not surprising.

After all, the existence of the spirit king is affected by the power of the spirit king, and most of the distorted and surly characters are not surprised.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Changming wants to quickly obtain the contact degrees of these people and project them, which is completely unlikely.

But if many spirit kings lodge their own source on Chen Changming and completely release their minds, then the result will be different.

Under the influence of the mind and spirit, the sources of many spirit kings in front of them will be inevitably affected by Chen Changming's will, and eventually produce the same effect as the spiritual powers.

By then, projection will not be a problem.

It is no doubt that this condition is also very harsh.

No one wants to let go of their own mind without reason and let their will be influenced by outsiders.

Even if it is his own generation.

The same is true of the spirit kings in the past.

Under Chen Changming's eyes, his eyes gradually fell into silence.

Chen Changming's face was calm, and his heart was gradually tense.

Under his gaze, the kings in front of him slowly lowered their heads and began to fall into thought.

It wasn't long before someone raised his head.

"Forget it ..."

A sound came slowly from below.

Started, a spirit king smiled and finally said: "The meaning of my existence is to witness the continuation and glory of the spirit king's heritage."

"If in this era, the spirit king inheritance cannot survive under the black emperor, then our existence is meaningless."

"It is better to believe you once more than that."

"Not bad."

Beside him, another spirit king opened his mouth, and his face was calm at this moment: "What are you going to do, we can't control it."

"I only hope, the inheritance of the spirit king, don't interrupt it in your hand."

A king of spirits kept talking and finally reached a consensus slowly.

In addition to a small number of Ling Wang's faces still hesitating, most people chose to believe Chen Changming, willing to pin their own sources.

"Thank you ..."

Stood before the altar, looking at the spirit kings in front of him, and Chen Changming took a deep breath. At this moment, his emotions became complicated.

He still underestimated the importance of the spiritual kings to the inheritance of the spiritual kings.

Originally, he thought that not many spirit kings would agree, and he had prepared the countermeasures.

But now it seems that it must not be used.

The kings in front of him paid more attention to inheritance than Chen Changming imagined, even if such a request was accepted, even if some people hesitated, no one refused.

This situation was not previously thought by Chen Changming.

Perhaps this is true of people in this world, who value the inheritance far beyond their own lives.

Stood in place, Chen Changming thought of the spirit in the sword and the king of the gold sword, and this thought flashed in his heart.

"it is good."

Below, looking at Chen Changming, a King of Spirits nodded slowly, and then began to move.

In situ, a change began to take place slowly.

All around, within the stone walls, a glimmer of light began to flicker, and at this moment there was a golden light shining like a small sun, emitting light.

The light is nothing but pure light of origin and spirit, representing the last mark of a spiritual king.

At this moment, with the decision of a King of Spirits, a ray of light began to rush out towards the body of Chen Changming.

The light of the sky began to fly.

The force began to boil.

In front of Chen Changming's eyes, a glimmer of light flashed continuously, so he rushed towards his body constantly.

An inexplicable change began to take place.

Strength: 27.78. Agility: 28.58. Constitution: 28.51.

Projection: Gold Knife, Bai Ling, Hou Sheng, Zhao Zheng, Shang Jun .......

Talent: Incarnation.

In front of me, the familiar projection interface began to show, and the uncontrolled emerged at this moment.

It was only at this moment that the handwriting in the column of projection began to become blurred.

With the source of the spirit kings thrown into Chen Changming's body, on the column of projection, the names also began to appear, spontaneously emerged at this moment.

And the rate of increase is very fast, just a moment, it increased by hundreds.

Even, this step is not over.

On the column of projection, the names in it are still increasing, as if there is no limit ~ ~ standing still, Chen Changming suddenly opened his eyes.

A change began to take place.

In front of me, lines of writing began to emerge.

"Get the Secret Code of the Spirit King ..."

"Obtained for nine days ..."


Familiar handwriting began to show in front of my eyes.

The inheritance of the spirit kings of various dynasties began to be manifested continuously, and it was thus displayed on Chen Changming.

Is the same as the past masters of several golden swords. The spirit kings in the past are dead, and only their own spirits are left at this moment.

Therefore, if you want to project them, you don't need Chen Changming to do it, you can directly realize it.

And at this moment, with the source of the spirit kings of successive dynasties continually plunging into Chen Changming's body, a handful of writing appeared in front of Chen Changming.

With all this happening, Chen Changming's breath began to change.


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