Since Lin Mo defeated the BOSS, the experience points and gold coins were basically taken by him.

The rich experience allowed Lin Mo's level to rise one level again!

And a reward for killing the BOSS first appeared in front of him. A midnight coat!

But Lin Mo's attention was not on this. At this time, his attention was attracted by the system prompts in his mind.

Ding! Congratulations to the host for liberating 1% of the limiter. The current unlocking progress is 5%.

Did you just add a little bit? It seems that to defeat the BOSS, you have to come alone.

Lin Mo thought in his heart.

Then his attention returned to reality and he took a look at the rewards brought by clearing the level.

Realizing that it was not what he wanted, he shook his head in disappointment. His dark eyes glanced sideways at the players behind him who were still immersed in great ecstasy.

Walk straight towards the steps in front.

The originally dazzling palace had dimmed with the fall of the BOSS. In the lobby, the ecstatic players gathered together formed a sharp contrast with a player walking alone on the steps...

Wait a moment!

Seeing that Lin Mo wanted to leave, Asuna yelled and trotted over. The cloak on her head was blown down by the icy cold wind while running, revealing the delicate and beautiful face under the cloak. face.

After Lin Mo heard someone calling him, he turned around and found Asuna's figure close at hand.

What caught his eye was a girl with long chestnut-colored hair flowing down like a waterfall.

The beautiful white face revealed a pair of brown pupils that exuded brilliant brilliance. Her thin cherry-colored lips were slightly open to breathe due to insufficient oxygen supply caused by strenuous exercise.

The only drawback was that she couldn't clearly see her curvy figure hidden under the cloak.

What's wrong?

Lin Mo looked at the other party and smiled. I don’t want to face the BOSS with a cruel and ruthless expression at all.

You obviously have such strong strength? Then why don't you team up with everyone to defeat the BOSS? At least it will be much easier than just you alone, right?

As soon as the girl opened her mouth, there was a strong questioning.

Lin Mo's wrinkled pupils slowly relaxed after thinking about it for a moment. The other party was also worried about his 2.5 safety, so he said these words.

Do you think that's possible?

Lin Mo's sarcastic words made Asuna feel very uncomfortable.

It was Lin Mo who defeated the BOSS alone, but no one came to congratulate him, as if he was seeing some sworn enemies. At least the enemy would come up and say hello, but these people did nothing, as if they didn't see Lin Mo, and were immersed in their own world.

(3/4, please subscribe and give me flowers. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I originally wanted to say Happy Valentine’s Day in the book, but in less than 1 second, I withdrew it. Hey! Not much. Having said that, I wish the singles here to get out of singles as soon as possible and say goodbye to their right and left hands.).

207 Asuna’s persuasion!

Lin Mo looked at Asuna's delicate little face and smiled nonchalantly.

You are different from me. If someone invites you to join the guild in the future, then join without hesitation! Your future is a sea of ​​stars! In my opinion, your strength is already strong enough. Among players, it can be considered unique. But everything has a degree, and the most important thing is to do it without compromising your own interests.

After Lin Mo finished speaking, he turned around.

Asuna looked at Lin Mo's back, eager to say something more. But the words were stuck in my mouth and I could never say them out.


Lin Mo's footsteps suddenly stopped. Asuna thought he had figured it out and looked at him closely.

But ending 29 was destined to disappoint her, as a small book was thrown from the sky.

After Asuna took it, she looked at him with some confusion.

This is a recipe. Girls should be kind to themselves. Why force themselves to eat things they don't like? I'm quite confident in my cooking skills.


Asuna whispered, but Lin Mo just smiled and waved. Walk towards the end of the palace.

He gently put his hand on the stone door, and a thick sound mixed with the opening of a mechanism sounded in the palace hall.

Lin Mo stepped forward slightly, and the surrounding space seemed to have ripples like water. In the blink of an eye, the figure disappeared from the palace hall and out of the player's sight.

The players looked at each other and could see the helplessness and bitterness in each other's eyes.

That guy... is too strong! I really don't know what to do next?

Agil, who had a black face and a burly figure, smiled bitterly, but no one answered his words, and the surroundings seemed to fall into deathly silence.

Only the flashing ripples right in front tell everyone that the first level has been cleared!


Lin Mo has no way of knowing the inner activities of the players. When he passed through the first floor passage and arrived at the second floor, his eyes could not stop being excited.

Lin Mo has no way of knowing the inner activities of the players. When he passed through the first floor passage and arrived at the second floor, his eyes could not stop being excited.

Because he finally doesn't have to stay on the first floor where nothing matters!

The winding paths are covered with fresh and colorful flowers. The flowers are exuding a pleasant floral fragrance.

In the blue sky, a few dancing butterflies passed by from time to time, flapping their wings excitedly and landing on the petals of the flowers.

Lin Mo looked around curiously. Generally speaking, it was no different from the first floor. If I have to say it, there are many animals and plants here that are not found on the first level.

Towns are still led by NPCs and are working non-stop. ‘They’ did whatever they were supposed to do according to the pre-set route, just like cash puppets, lifeless at all.

Although in the eyes of players, he is just a pile of data...

Went to the weapon shop to repair the ‘Abyss Devourer’ whose durability was somewhat reduced.

As the only treasure in Lin Mo's body, Lin Mo naturally had to deal with it carefully.

After all, once the durability of the weapon itself drops to 0, the weapon will be broken without any suspense, and at the same time, it will never be repaired!

After Lin Mo purchased some necessary materials, he went directly through the wild area and headed towards the maze!

For him, upgrading is the top priority!

It was precisely because of Lin Mo's persistence in becoming stronger that he was able to endure the lonely days in the maze area.

Only when you have goals can you have the motivation to move forward.

Once he entered the maze area, Lin Mo would lose the so-called concept of time. In the maze area, there is no distinction between day and night. There are just endless wild monsters and treasure chests hidden in every corner.

Lin Mo looked at the strange creatures in front of him, and the 'Abyss Devourer' behind him had already been grasped tightly in his hand.

It is different from the first level. The attack power, defense power and various attributes of wild monsters have been significantly improved. If Lin Mo didn't have a level beyond ordinary people, it would be difficult to face wild monsters alone.

(Please subscribe, flowers, it’s Chinese New Year, it’s not easy to write words alone at home, I beg for support T, T).

208 Moonlight Black Cat Group?

Clearing the first level of SAO undoubtedly gave players who were still in the starting town a huge boost of confidence. Especially since it’s only less than 4 days to clear the second level!

As for who cleared the second level? Most of the blame points at Lin Mo! In fact, when Lin Mo was browsing the maze area on the second floor, he discovered the BOSS's room early in the morning.

But at that time, he was a little tired. After weighing the pros and cons, he returned along the original route and went to the hotel to rest for a night.

Otherwise, he could actually complete the level the next day!

Despite this, it still gave players a very shocking feeling. Especially those who had ridiculed Lin Mo.

By now, the story about Lin Mo being a 'murderous maniac' has slowly dissipated. In turn, many people worshiped him.

Lin Mo also laughed at this, man! Sometimes that's it, always put your own interests first!

If he hadn't been particularly powerful, perhaps those people would have been unable to restrain themselves from taking action, right?

Looking at the already darkened sky, Lin Mo sighed faintly.

Let's take a break for now! Keeping going like this is not an option. I've been looking for nearly three days, but I still can't find the BOSS's room on the third floor...

Lin Mo thought painfully.

In the quiet forest, there are several wild monsters squatting in the grass from time to time, ready to attack.

Lin Mo was walking alone on the path leading to the town. To outsiders, he was simply desperate for his life!

Any player with a sense of crisis knows that it is best not to level up at night! Because it is undoubtedly much more difficult to face wild monsters at night.

Especially in the forest where battles may occur at any time, even if there are some unavoidable circumstances, they will always be in groups of three. A lone player like Lin Mo bravely ventures into the forest, which seems incredible to outsiders!

Of course, there are also some people who specifically choose to level up at night, and they are the real ‘closed beta players’.

They have mastered the changes of various wild monsters, and they are the most experienced in how to safely brush the map.

Tetsuo, go and protect Haoxing! I'll be responsible for opening the way in front, and the people behind will follow quickly.¨!

A young man shouted from a certain direction. So much so that Lin Mo, who was a few meters away, could hear it clearly.

Huh, I'm sorry Keita. If it weren't for the hidden mission I took, we wouldn't be in this situation now.

One of the team members said blaming himself.

It's okay, let's think about how to break out first! The current situation is not optimistic! My HP has almost dropped to the yellow bar, but the wild monsters have not decreased at all.

Keita tried his best to kick away the wild monster in front of him, and quickly returned to the front of the team.

Several team members panted and looked at the surrounding surroundings, with a trace of despair in their eyes.

And the only girl in their team was already shaking so badly.

And the only girl in their team was already shaking so badly.


A wild monster aimed at the gap in the team and pounced forward.

The formation of the team was suddenly in chaos.


Just then, the wild monster used its sharp teeth to bite the slender neck of the destined girl Bai Ze.

At this time, a dagger that turned into a meteor from a distance instantly penetrated the figure of the wild monster.

Under the huge impact, the figure of the wild monster rolled a few times, and then collapsed to the ground unable to die.

At the critical moment, Lin Mo finally arrived!

When he heard the words Keita, Xing, Lin Mo had already guessed the other party's identity. Fortunately, I had a few extra daggers on me for long-range damage.

Rush into the wild monsters and start killing them. The wild monster that originally looked like a devil in Keita's eyes was as easy and neat as cutting a watermelon in Lin Mo's hands.

For a while, several people were stagnant in place.

The people who reacted quickly broke out from the group of wild monsters.

After a few minutes, with Lin Mo's help, those who deserved to be killed were killed and those who deserved to run ran away. Keita and the others were too tired to talk and collapsed on the ground.

Hello, my name is Keita. I am the leader of the Moonlight Black Cat Group. I feel that your help just now, if it weren't for your help, our group might have been wiped out, but I don't know.

Keita looked at Lin Mo with a wry smile and said.


Lin Mo said nonchalantly, putting the sword in his hand into the scabbard behind him.

Turning around, he looked at the people present, his eyes drifted between them, and finally settled on a figure.

Xin! She is the cute girl who died as soon as she appeared in the original work.

When Xin Mei died, Lin Mo felt sorry for her for a long time.

Feeling regretful, he looked at the other person for a few seconds and then shifted his gaze.

He doesn't want to leave a bad impression on the other party as soon as he appears!

(Please subscribe and give me flowers. One of the tendons in my arm is so tight that I feel a little uncomfortable. The distribution will begin at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning! Please give me everything! I also forgot to say, Happy New Year! Although some are late... .).

209 Hidden mission?

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