Hey, wait!

Before he finished speaking, he was dragged away by Shirai Kuroko who was immersed in his own joy.

Throughout the whole process up to this point, Lin Mo had never spoken a word...

Lin Mo, who had been stunned on the street for a few minutes, came to his senses when he realized that it was raining lightly in the sky.

Forget it, go back...

Lin Mo murmured to himself, and Tohka's words suddenly rang in his mind, which shocked him.

Lin Mo murmured to himself, and Tohka's words suddenly rang in his mind, which shocked him.

Lin Mo? Can you remove the power of the elf? Qin Li and I have encountered a little trouble.

Telepathy, as a self-prepared function on the control ring, Lin Mo has not used for a long time. This is an emergency function that can only be used when in danger, because it can only be used once a day. Unless there is a last resort, the elves cannot Will use it.

Now that Tohka has used telekinesis, it means that she is now involved in a very troublesome incident.

Is it possible that there was an explosion just now...

Lin Mo didn't have time to think too much and directly released the sealing ability that had sealed Shixiang (cjcj).

As long as you're there, I'll be here right away. You try to delay it for a while!

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo ignored the gazes of the people around him and quickly used the spatial coordinates to find out Shixiang's specific target and hurried over.

On the other side of the camera, Toka was overjoyed when Lin Mo released the elf power, and looked at the dozen security guards holding firearms in front of them, and the young man lying in a pool of blood.

As long as the opponent has just fired, Tohka will directly summon his spiritual equipment, but if the opponent has no ill intentions, he will just leave.

After all, they remembered Lin Mo's words from the beginning to the end. Unless there is a dangerous moment, never expose your abilities to the public. Tohka, who knew this well, resisted the idea of ​​summoning the spiritual equipment.

Tch! Ordinary people? Since you've been seen, let's kill him!

Wait a minute, there are too many Kiharas!

Before the figure lying in a pool of blood could stop him, bursts of gunfire rang out around him.

But the next scene shocked everyone, including Accelerator who fell in a pool of blood.

(6/10, please subscribe and flowers!).

187 Ability shortcomings?

Purple starlight filled almost everyone's field of vision, and with the sound of gunshots, two girls were standing there intact.

That was the girl they had previously defined as an ordinary person!

Tohka, the next step is up to you.

After Kotori finished speaking, she retreated behind Tohka. She knew that she had no fighting power now, and standing next to Tohka would only hinder her.


Tohka, who was wrapped in purple armor and clothes like a princess dress, nodded lightly, and then looked at the people who fired. .

Ordinary people? You don't seem to want to? Academy City really has all kinds of strange abilities! What kind of abilities do you have? They seem very powerful!

Tohka frowned, the attitude of the man in white coat made her very unhappy.


Tohka snorted, and then pulled out a big sword from the throne behind him.

Kill the Duke fiercely!

Kihara Suda looked at the big sword with interest.

Shoot, shoot as many bullets as you want, let me see how capable the opponent is.

Bang bang bang!

Countless gunshots rang out, and also the sound of rain falling became louder and louder.

Tohka put one hand in front of him, and then, a protective shield condensed without warning, and sounds like weapons intertwined suddenly intertwined.

In less than a minute, the continuous and rapid sound of gunfire continued, but Tohka, who was standing inside the protective shield, was not harmed in any way.

This passive attack made Tohka gradually impatient. He raised the big sword in his left hand and dropped it violently in the void.

A crescent-shaped purple sword light suddenly appeared. It chopped up the ground, cut through the air, and struck towards the place where they were standing with unparalleled strength.


The violent explosion made several people present tremble.

A shocking scratch remained on the surface. It also proved how powerful the attack that Tohka just casually sent out was.

Oh, that's really incredible! Accelerator, it seems you saved your life!

Kihara Suda kicked Accelerator at his feet with disdain, then spit outside, got into the car, and left slowly.

He may have mistakenly thought that Tohka and the others were Accelerator's helpers, otherwise they would not have such powerful power.

He may have mistakenly thought that Tohka and the others were Accelerator's helpers, otherwise they would not have such powerful power.

Tohka, Kotori, are you okay?

Lin Mo's figure slowly fell from the void and he said breathlessly.

It's okay, they have escaped.

Shixiang shook her head, immediately removed the spiritual equipment from her body, and put the sealing ring on her hand again.

Speaking of which, why did you come so slowly! Kotori said dissatisfied.

Sorry, I originally wanted to rush here, but this body can't withstand the conditions of space travel.

Lin Mo said helplessly that he now finally knew how important it was to have a good body.

Previously, in order to reach Shixiang quickly, Lin Mo decided to use space to teleport directly to her side. As a result, his body could not bear the pressure caused by the teleportation, so he had to rush over bit by bit.

It seems that we need to refine our physical fitness. Although the human body limiter has been released, the speed of improvement is too slow!

············Please ask for flowers···· ······

Although the range within which I can perform spatial teleportation now covers most of the academy city, as long as I have a thought, I can go there, but the premise is that I have a better body. This can be regarded as a space messenger who has just been promoted to LV6 It brings instability! After all, I am not climbing up bit by bit, but there are bugs in the system.

In the past, Lin Mo was considered one of the best in Academy City in terms of spatial teleportation, among other things, but things were a little different after reaching LV6.

....... 0

He could clearly feel that his foundation was unstable. In the past, his freewheeling attitude of going wherever he wanted didn't seem to work now.

Although the attack and sensing aspects have improved a lot, but now I can clearly feel the sense of disobedience, as if it is something imposed on myself.

It gave him quite a headache.

However, the system also said that as long as he completely integrates the powerful strength brought by LV6, his combat power can reach at least 20 times!

How to integrate? The system also clearly pointed out that only through continuous practice.

No one’s strength comes from strong winds, but from countless experiences of enlightenment.

It seems that there is still a long way to go in the future. It seems that the task assigned to me by the system is to transform my mind, right?

Lin Mo thought helplessly, but the top priority is now, as long as Tohka and the others are fine.

Accelerator, who stood up slowly, caught Lin Mo's attention.

(7/10, there are three more updates to be made tomorrow! It’s really freezing cold when coding at night.).

188 War against Academy City

Hey, isn't this Accelerator? How did you get yourself into such a miserable state? Lin Mo joked.

Tch, I want you to take care of it! Cough cough cough...

Because of the fierce talking, Accelerator vomited a few mouthfuls of blood again, and his mangled body walked away bit by bit along the wall. But the serious damage to his body was almost beyond his imagination. Basically, he had to take a rest every step of the way.

We have to save... we have to save that brat...

Accelerator's words made Lin Mo frown, and then he quickly came to his side.

Is the 280 person you are talking about the Last Order?

You know that? Wait, I remember you defeated me to save Misaka sister, right?

Accelerator immediately figured out the cause and effect.

Lin Mo did not answer his words, but fell into deep thought.

There are many Kiharas, hound troops, and AIM diffusion fields. So, the war against Academy City has begun?

Lin Mo murmured to himself. And these words also entered Accelerator's ears without missing a beat.

Hey, what's the war about?

Accelerator's hysterical words brought Lin Mo back to his senses.

Tell me! What do you know!

Accelerator put his hands on Lin Mo's shoulders and said with red eyes.

Lin Mo didn't talk nonsense. He punched him and knocked him down. He looked at him condescendingly: Can you figure out your current identity? You are just a defeated general. Besides, what kind of attitude do you have to beg for help?

Lin Mo's cold words once again drove Accelerator into madness.

Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate...

Lin Mo watched everything with cold eyes, and then looked at Tohka and Kotori not far away.

You guys should go back first! The Academy City may be a little uneasy tonight.

Then... well, let's go back first. You should be more careful by yourself.

Kotori originally wanted to say that there was anything she could do to help, but after thinking about it, she decided not to. If he and others stay here, it will only hinder Lin Mo's actions.

After the two people's backs disappeared from his sight, Lin Mo turned to Accelerator.

After the two people's backs disappeared from his sight, Lin Mo turned to Accelerator.

Where's the final work? I guess you're not stupid enough to let her get hurt, right?

After not waiting for Accelerator's answer for a long time, Lin Mo sighed quietly and looked up at the completely dark sky. The heavy rain... seemed to be getting more intense.

at the same time. The powerful mental power suddenly turned into thousands of strands of silk and began to probe around.

This farce must have been caused by the magical world, and Aleister was not so stupid as to directly use the AIM diffusion field.

It seems that the current situation is not optimistic, so did you use your trump card?

Lin Mo thought secretly in his heart.

Finally, on a certain street, I found the 'last work' that was running away like crazy.

Lin Mo's face lit up, and when he was about to rush over, his feet were suddenly grabbed by Accelerator...

Please, take me there...

Seeing the determination in Accelerator's eyes, Lin Mo couldn't bear it, and finally sighed before agreeing to the other party.

Kihara, I want you to die this time!!!

A trace of crazy murderous intent flashed in Accelerator's eyes.

The next second, the two figures disappeared here, leaving only the wreckage and the burning car on the ground.

A petite figure kept running away in this street full of security guards. The shocking scars flashing across her calf further proved how much damage she had suffered.


Suddenly, she wasn't paying attention, and her body began to fall uncontrollably. A trace of despair flashed across the little girl's face.

This despair comes from the dozen or so figures holding machines in front of them.

At the critical moment, Lin Mo arrived in time, stretched out his hand and tapped lightly in the void, and the surrounding space seemed to have received some order from 2.6, crushing towards more than a dozen figures crazily. The sound of broken bones suddenly sounded, accompanied by extremely cruel screams. Eventually, it was swallowed into nothingness.

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