149 Tokisaki Kurumi transformed into a spirit

For a while, the two of them wandered around in this extremely noisy city like a real couple.

Sit down and take a rest first! I'm a little thirsty after walking for so long. Lin Mo looked at Tokisaki Kurumi and said.

Since Lin Mojun said so, then just do it~!

Tokisaki Kuangsan twirled his somewhat messy bangs and agreed.

Arriving at a relatively comfortable park, Tokisaki Kurumi and Lin Mo took a rest.

I bought a few bottles of water from a distance and handed them to Tokisaki Kurumi.

“I really had a lot of fun playing today!”

Tokisaki Kurumi wiped his slightly dry lips and smiled. Then she took a sip of the water Lin Mo handed her.

That's right!

Lin Mo nodded and smiled, today he could see the little girl Tokisaki Kuangsan. It can be seen that the other party is sincere and is not trying to cover up others.

Several gunshots suddenly rang out in the quiet park, accompanied by several aiming calls.

Tokisaki Kurumi stood up without warning, and then walked straight towards the source.

Lin Mo frowned and quickly followed. As his vision continued to advance, the scenes inside also came into view one by one.

The four young men were holding something similar to a toy gun in their hands, and their target was the injured kitten on the ground.

Lin Mo suddenly remembered that in the original work, Kurumi Tokisaki killed several people because he saw them abusing animals.

A shocking killing intent emanated from Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes.

I'm sorry Lin Mojun, it seems that today's date can only end here...

Having seen all these behaviors, Tokisaki Kurumi said indifferently.

Then he walked out of the grass and came to several young people.

Who are you?

One of the young men with his face covered said doubtfully.

Let's play a game! The rules are very simple, that is, I will be the hunter, and you will be the prey...

Huh? Who are you? You are just talking about something incomprehensible to yourself.

Tokisaki Kurumi chuckled, and a trace of scarlet light flashed in his demonic eyes.

I... am the hunter!

Divine Powerful Spiritual Equipment, Third Stage!! (Elohim)

Divine Powerful Spiritual Equipment, Third Stage!! (Elohim)

As soon as he finished speaking, strip-shaped dark red ripples suddenly appeared around Tokisaki Kurumi, and they quickly circulated around. Red dots as big as sesame seeds swarmed out from the soles of her feet until they were completely enveloped in the current of dark red energy.

Kurumi Tokisaki's clothes changed from the original black princess dress to a gothic outfit that was a combination of black and blood.

Her hair has also turned into beautiful black hair with twin ponytails of different heights, and a Gothic headband is tied on top of her head. Under the bangs is a pair of eyes of different colors, a golden left eye, and clock-like pupils. The hour and minute hands are moving. It rotates click-click.


An ancient style rifle suddenly appeared in Tokisaki Kurumi's hand, and the long needle with golden eyes turned quickly.

············Please ask for flowers··· ·····

Sa~ Let's start!

Tokisaki Kuangsan laughed ferociously, and aimed the ancient style rifle in his hand at a figure.


A faint sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, followed by the sound of a gunshot that had just been fired.

The bullet tore through the barrier of space and passed through the figure.

On the chest, a large scarlet hole was unusually eye-catching. It seemed that he couldn't believe that he had been killed. His pupils shrank first, and then spread out at an extraordinary speed.

.. .. 0

Bang bang!

Several gunshots suddenly sounded again without any warning, and penetrated two figures one after another.

Blood spread all over the ground, and the big holes in the chests of the three figures were particularly eye-catching.


The figure looked at the tragedy happening in front of him in fear, but what greeted him... was the cold bullet!

In just a few seconds, several living people were now dead bodies that could not even be preserved intact.

You've really gone too far!

Licking her red lips, she immediately turned in another direction.

You clearly want to kill a certain creature, but you are not prepared to be killed. Lin Mojun, don't you think this mentality is strange? That's what the so-called pointing the gun at life is all about!

Tokisaki Kuangsan grinned with a strange arc.

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150 The attack of Takamiya Mana

In Ratatosk, everyone's eyes almost widened, as if they couldn't believe what Tokisaki Kurumi had done.

Some are timid and don't even dare to watch the bloody scenes on the big screen. Even Kotori's body was trembling slightly.

Lin Mo, get out of there quickly!

Suddenly remembering something, Kotori shouted loudly.

Lin Mo on the ground was unmoved. Even if he wanted to run away, the other party would not give him the slightest chance, not to mention that he had no such one-nine-three plan in the first place.

You can't escape, Lin Mojun~

Tokisaki laughed ferociously, and some big dark red hands suddenly appeared on the ground, tying up Lin Mo's body from all directions.

Feeling the tightness coming from his body, Lin Mo sighed softly.

I thought I could have fun all day today, but it's a pity...

After saying that, he shook his head regretfully and felt a little bit of the surging space power around him. He hadn't used it for a long time, and even he felt like he was getting together with old friends.

A subtle sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and Lin Mo's big dark red hand seemed to be cut by something, cut in two, and merged into the ground.

That's how it has to be!

Tokisaki Kurumi was stunned for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed.

Suddenly, three blue rays of light came from the sky, penetrating a medium-sized hole in Tokisaki Kurumi's body.

Looking at Tokisaki Kurumi who was gradually falling down, a trace of anger flashed across Lin Mo's face.

Of course, he couldn't believe that Kurumi Tokisaki would die so easily. What is lying on the ground now is just the clone that existed in Tokisaki Kurumi's timeline in the past. But it was this that made Lin Mo angry.

In any case, the clone does exist in the past timeline.

Without giving Lin Mo any time to think about it, a girl who looked 70% similar to Wuhe Shizhi slowly descended from the sky.

Looking at Tokisaki Kurumi who fell to the ground, his face was expressionless. Then he turned to Lin Mo's direction, looked at the pool of blood on the ground, and frowned deeply.

Tokisaki Kurumi, I didn't expect that you would cause such a big trouble for me again after not seeing you for just two days.

As the girl spoke, there was a shuddering chill.

Isn't it the same with you? Every time you come over and disturb my good things.

Isn't it the same with you? Every time you come over and disturb my good things.

Kurumi Tokisaki, who fell to the ground, did not have any despair of death. Instead, he looked at the girl with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Really? You can talk nonsense now!

The girl snorted coldly, clutched the lightsaber in her hand, and walked towards Tokisaki Kurumi step by step.

Are you coming to kill me again?

Tokisaki Kuangsan sneered.

Yes, suffer death!

The lightsaber in his hand was about to fall into Tokisaki Kurumi's body, but was suddenly bounced away by a force.

Stop it!

Lin Mo stood up and looked at Sheng Shizaki Kurumi who fell on the ground, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

He happened to be caught by Tokisaki Kurumi, and his heart trembled.

What? Do you want to be my enemy?

The girl said coldly, the lightsaber in her hand ready to go.

So what if it is?

Lin Mo turned his indifferent eyes to the girl. If a fight really happened, he did not recommend giving the other party a painful lesson, even if she was Itsuka Shizhi's sister!

The girl didn't speak, but her actions said everything!

Blue-white light swarmed out of the machinery on the 5.7, rushing towards Lin Mo erratically.

He arrived in front of Lin Mo in the blink of an eye, but when he was about to penetrate Lin Mo's body, he disappeared without a trace.

An invisible protective shield enveloped the two of them.

It is obviously invisible, but the abnormal fluctuations flickering in the surrounding space prove its real existence.

(7/7, please subscribe!).

151 I know your sister!

In the quiet park, two figures looked at each other. The machine that looked like a gun but not a gun in the girl's hand was flowing with blue energy, pointing straight at Lin Mo.

Are you an elf too?

Unfortunately, I'm not...

Faced with the girl's question, Lin Mo replied calmly.

Don't be ridiculous, only elves have powers beyond ordinary people. In this way, your plea for Tokisaki Kurumi will make sense. The girl said in a deep voice.

A light breeze carries the green leaves on the ground and dances in the air.

The girl's figure suddenly disappeared in the next second, and at the same time, more than a dozen blue energy came from all directions.

Are you invisible? However, this trick doesn't seem to work on me!

Lin Mo looked at the lasers flying in the sky without changing his expression, his fists clenched. Suddenly he tilted his head, and a bright strong wind whizzed past his ears.

A flash of light flashed in Lin Mo's eyes, and the power of space in his hands gathered crazily. At the same time, his arms bulged as if he had blown some balloons.

The energy seemed to have reached a critical point, and it blasted towards the empty rear.


The girl's eyes flashed with disbelief. How did he find me? I've obviously become invisible!

Without time to think too much, the girl felt the explosive energy in her chest and quickly mobilized the machine's defense capabilities.

Despite this, her body still hit the big tree behind her like a beautiful parabola.

The space vortex on the girl's chest still did not stop. The irregularity of space is reflected at this moment. Like a sharp blade, like a vortex that swallows everything, the energy that seems to destroy everything is constantly flowing through the girl's body.

Until a certain moment, it suddenly disappeared. The girl had been blasted 10 meters away. A shocking scratch and the appalling broken wall flickered in and out under the sunlight.

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