The classroom that was originally silent after Tokisaki Kurumi entered, the moment she finished speaking, erupted into a more enthusiastic response than before.

But the three words spoken by Tokisaki Kuang made the scene weird again.

I... am an elf!

Even the air seemed to freeze with Tokisaki Kurumi's words.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Teacher Xiaozhu quickly smoothed things over, and then dropped the topic in order to prevent Kurumi Tokisaki from saying something shocking.

That... is a very personal self-introduction! Then let me help you find a seat...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again by Tokisaki Kurumi.

Before that, can I make a request of you?

Before that, can I make a request of you?

What's up?

Teacher Xiaozhu looked at Kurumi Tokisaki in confusion.

It's like this. I'm not very familiar with this school, so I'd like to ask you to help me find someone to visit the school. It doesn't matter after school...

After Tokisaki Kurumi finished speaking, he glanced at everyone sitting there, and his pupils finally focused on one person.

I come!!

There was a lot of copywriting in the classroom again, but Kurumi Tokisaki seemed to pretend not to hear and walked straight towards the direction where Lin Mo seemed to be.

Can you please give me a tour after school? Classmate Lin Mo...

The demonic pupils looked at Lin Mo unblinkingly, and the corners of his mouth always maintained a faint smile...

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

no problem!

The boys around him looked at Lin Mo with envy and hatred. I wish I could tear him apart with my hands. He already has Toh-hsiang, and now he comes with us to snatch the transfer student. Isn’t this a bitch?

However, they seemed to have forgotten... Lin Mo never said a word from beginning to end. It was simply Kurumi Tokisaki who took the initiative to speak.

While Kurumi Tokisaki was talking to Lin Mo, the air battleship 'Flaxinas' was in a mess. With the appearance of Kotori, everyone stabilized.

For everyone in Ratatosk, Kotori's identity is not just their identity, but more of a backbone. Without her, many things cannot be determined. Once she appears, this situation will disappear. This shows the importance of Kotori in Ratatosk.

How's it going? Have you confirmed the other party's identity?

Kotori sat in the commander's exclusive seat and said in a deep voice.

3.4 has been confirmed! Judging from the extent of the spiritual waves emitted, there is no doubt that it is an elf!

Inform Shizhi and Lin Mo and let them try to see if they can seal the power of the elves. We will continue to monitor them here. Kotori ordered.


Everyone replied loudly and returned to their posts with full concentration.

Let's begin! The war between us...

Kotori narrowed her eyes tightly and looked at Kurumi Tokisaki on the screen, with a beautiful smile on her lips.

(2/7, please subscribe! Subscribe!).

146 Tokisaki Kurumi’s Purpose

Tokisaki Kurumi, what do you want to do when you transfer to this school? Lin Mo looked at Tokisaki Kurumi beside him.

Why...Of course I came here to see you!

Tokisaki Kurumi said with a calm smile.

Is it possible that you want to merge with me again like you did a year ago? Lin Mo sighed helplessly.


Tokisaki Kuangsan tapped his red lips, gave it a try, and chuckled.

At the same time, Lin Mo's bursts of insults from Kotori came from Lin Mo's earphones, which annoyed him so much that he simply cut off the communication with Ratatosk and turned to Tokisaki Kurumi.

Forget it, let me show you around the academy now!

Well, it's a great honor.

Tokisaki Kurumi nodded, and her delicate body and Lin Mo walked side by side in the corridor of the school.

That bastard! Since you don't listen to my instructions.

Kotori cursed angrily, gritting his teeth as he watched Lin Mo and Kurumi Tokisaki communicating happily on the big screen.

Commander, isn't this good? At least Lin Mojun is much stronger than Shiori and can act arbitrarily. Besides, the elf's favorability has not declined... Kannazuki Kyohei interjected.

Although that is said, does it mean that our Ratatosk has no role?

Kotori muttered, looking at the figure on the big screen, her cheeks turned red inadvertently.

Lin Mo didn't see that there were three figures following behind him.

Damn it, who is that woman?

Tohka poked her head out and said angrily.

Asura field!

Shizhi said with emotion, and then looked behind him.

Um, Origami-san, what are you doing here?

Quite fearful words came out of Shizhi's mouth, with a look of helplessness for this girl who never showed her feelings on her face.

I wanted to investigate the other party's identity, so I followed him. By the way, what are you two doing? Tobiichi Origami said calmly.

Well, of course I came here to watch a good show.

Wuhe Shizhi thought for a while and then said.


Tobiichi Origami looked thoughtfully at the figure talking to Lin Mo.

Stop arguing, they are leaving soon, follow them quickly!

Stop arguing, they are leaving soon, follow them quickly!

Tohka, who was in a bad mood for some reason, said impatiently, and then the three of them followed him like mice crossing the street.

Tokisaki Kurumi, are your faces too close?

Pull, pull, pull, is classmate Lin Mo shy?

Tokisaki Kuangzo opened his mouth slightly, and Lin Mo could feel the hot air blown out by him.

Shy? Don't think too much. Even if I put on a wonderful show with you here, I won't feel shy.

Lin Mo knew that such a yandere woman could not use ordinary methods to treat the other party.

Hearing this, Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes narrowed into an unusually beautiful crescent moon. He took a few steps forward and put his hands on Lin Mo's shoulders.

The demonic eyes looked directly into Lin Mo's eyes, and his body unconsciously leaned forward.

Even if you come here, I don't have any objections!

Tokisaki Kuangsan smiled strangely.

Do you really like doing this kind of thing? Lin Mo frowned.

Haha, is Mr. Lin Mo jealous? Don't worry! My passion blooms only for you. Do you still remember when you and I met? Since that day, Lin Mojun's figure has been lingering in my mind. Go. This burning longing is flowing in my heart all the time, making me go crazy! Finally... I finally see you again today!

Tokisaki Kuangzo's eyes were filled with water mist, he leaned close to Lin Mo's ear and said confusedly.

So, for our mutual happiness, let's become one! Okay?

Tokisaki Kurumi licked her red lips and said coquettishly.

Tohka couldn't bear it anymore and ran out of the dark place.

What are you two doing! 533

Ah, pull, pull, I didn't expect there were bystanders! It's okay...

Tokisaki Kurumi laughed, and gradually let go of Lin Mo's hand.

Sa~ continue to show me around the school! Lin Mojun!

Lin Mo looked at the cheerful Tokisaki Kurumi and sighed helplessly. Then he looked at Tohka and the others behind him and couldn't help but feel like his head was exploding.

The red sunset spread across the sky, covering the entire horizon. And in Tokyo Raizen High School.

Lin Mo looked at Tokisaki Kurumi who had just said goodbye and didn't know what to do next. He could only take one step at a time.

Ah ~ Lin Mojun, I really want to become one with you as soon as possible!

A trace of fanaticism flashed in Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes as he walked on the road.

Hurry up and look forward to tomorrow...

Tokisaki Kurumi chuckled, and the black figure, illuminated by the sunset, gradually grew longer and longer...

(3/7, please subscribe, please subscribe!).

147 Inviting Kurumi Tokisaki on a date?

Lin Mo, you invite Tokisaki Kurumi on a date tomorrow, and then take the opportunity to seal her elf power.

Qin Li came to Lin Mo's room and said seriously.

So anxious?

Lin Mo said in surprise.

That's right, because that woman... is very dangerous! If she continues to let her go, I'm afraid... Kotori said worriedly.

Don't worry! If something happens then, I will stop Kurumi Tokisaki.

Hearing this, Qin Li's eyebrows jumped, but she didn't continue to say anything.

Kotori wait!

Seeing that Qin Li was about to go out, Lin Mo shouted quickly.

What's wrong?

Qin Li turned her head and glanced at Lin Mo.

Should you tell me where the ring in your hand comes from?

Lin Mo looked at the ring in her hand and asked aloud.

You said this!

Qin Li touched the ring in her hand and suddenly spit out her sweet tongue.

I will not tell you!

Lin Mo scratched his face and looked at Qinli who had left, although he guessed where the ring in Qinli's hand came from. But he still wasn't so sure.

Early the next morning

Lin Mo left Mijiu's room and came to the classroom accompanied by Tohka and Shiori.

Classmate Lin Mo, good morning!

Tokisaki Kurumi greeted him elegantly without mentioning what he said yesterday.


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