I'm not interested in you at all!

Lin Mo glanced at Oriana and said lightly.

Really? What a shame!

Oriana pulled the somewhat torn fabric on her body and said regretfully.

What? Do you want to continue fighting? You should know that you have no chance of winning, right?

After Lin Mo finished speaking calmly, the conversation suddenly changed.

Furthermore, I advise you not to think about escaping. I have set up a dozen daggers in the space around you. If you have the slightest idea of ​​​​escape, then... these knives may pierce your body in an instant. Needless to say, I You should understand too, right?

Oriana's face was startled, then she put down the things in her hands with a wry smile and raised her hands.

That's my title!

Steele, are you okay?

29 Kamijou Touma shouted loudly. The blue flames on Steele's body had completely disappeared with Oriana's surrender.

Steel covered his head and propped himself up with the help of Kamijou Touma.

Where's Oriana?

Orianna has been defeated by Lin Mo. I have to say that he is really strong! Kamijou Touma said with emotion.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu supported the wall and walked over with bruises all over his body.

Orianna, hand over the Stinging Sword!

Stab the Hang Sword? Haha, you are so naive!

Oriana raised her hands and said with a smile. Even though her life was in danger, she was still able to keep her expression straight.


The expressions of several people changed. Lin Mo stared at Oriana and said in a deep voice.

You should understand your current position. If you don't explain it, I can't guarantee what I will do in anger...

Oriana stared at Lin Mo closely for a few seconds, then sighed slightly.

That's not a stabbing sword at all. Its real name is...

St. Peter's Cross!

What did you say!

What's wrong? Kamijou Touma said strangely as he looked at Tsuchimikado Motoharu who was exclaiming.

What's wrong? Kamijou Touma said strangely as he looked at Tsuchimikado Motoharu who was exclaiming.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu said under the confused gazes of Kamijou Touma and Lin Mo.

St. Peter's Cross is also called the Apostle's Cross.

Then what's wrong with this thing? Kamijou Touma asked doubtfully.

Steele took out a cigarette from where he didn't know, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

It's too troublesome to explain, so let me focus on the key points! As long as the space of the Apostles Cross is inserted, then this space will be under the control of the Roman Church.

Ah! This magician really understands this very clearly! That's right! Their target is the city of Academy.

Isn't that bad! Where is the Apostle's Cross now? Kamijou Touma asked anxiously.

Who knows! Oriana said innocently.

Kamijou, we have to go over and stop it! If the Roman support teachers take Academy City into their own hands, then the two forces that originally balanced science and magic will become dominated by the Roman support teachers. !”

In other words, this is a deal between Academy City and world domination! Tsuchimikado Motoharu said in a condensed voice.

But the good news now is that we have already caught one of the traders, and now there is only one other person left who has the Apostle's Cross, which is the top brass of the Roman Orthodox Church!

Steele breathed out again, then turned to look at Oriana.

You should know the specific hiding place of the senior members of the Roman Orthodox Church, right?

Although I know! But it doesn't mean I will tell you! Oriana said without changing her expression.

Tch! It seems we are the only ones to find it ourselves. Tsuchimikado Motoharu scratched his head in worry.

The other party should not make any extraordinary moves in a short period of time. After all, her 910 partner is now in our hands, which means that half of her plan has failed. But we cannot take it lightly. The other party may come back, but it is not certain. .”

Then what should she do? Lin Mo shrugged and pointed at Oriana.

Well... leave her to us! Tsuchimikado Motoharu said.

Whatever, let's face it, I'm not very interested in her. You can do whatever you like.

Lin Mo casually put a restraint on Oriana to prevent her from escaping.

Then the matter is over, you can figure out the next thing! I'm going back first... Lin Mo stretched.

Thank you!

Kamijou Touma thanked him and allowed Lin Mo to leave slowly.

Walking on the road, Lin Mo's figure suddenly stopped, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Miss behind, can you come out first?

(Please give me everything! I’ve done a poll. If you’re interested, you can check it out. It’s definitely the next world…).

101 Meet Aleister?

The person who came was a woman with red hair tied into two bunches behind her head. Her winter uniform was draped over her shoulders, and her upper body was completely exposed except for her chest.

The lower body is wearing a miniskirt that is very revealing, as if you can see the panoramic view inside just by looking at it.

When this figure appeared in Lin Mo's field of vision, he instantly recognized her identity.

Jiebiao Danxi!

A surface operative of GROUP, an underground organization directly under Academy City!

Lin Mo frowned. The staff directly under the press...are they Aleister's lackeys?

From the moment Jie Biao Danxi appeared in front of him, Lin Mo knew that trouble was coming.

Not counting Lin Mo, Jiubiao Danxi is the strongest user of the space system in Academy City. She can move a designated object at a designated coordinate to another coordinate point without touching it. Unlike Shirai Kuroko, you must touch the target object before you can transfer.

At the same time, this special ability also gave her a special job.

The Guide in urban legend who is responsible for leading others into the windowless building where Aleister is located.

Are you Lin Mo?

Jiebiao Danxi said calmly.

Lin Mo squinted his eyes, as if he didn't understand the other party's intention of suddenly coming to find him, but he still nodded.

That's right! I am.

Someone wants to see you!

Jiebiao Danxi stated her purpose as soon as she came up.

Oh? Aleister? Lin Mo glanced at Jie Biao Danxi casually and said lightly. He didn't seem surprised that Aleister would suddenly come to his door.

Lin Mo had been prepared early in the morning. Without him, what he did was so conspicuous that it was difficult not to attract attention.

Jie Biao Danxi's face was stunned, she regained her casual expression, and looked at Lin Mo solemnly.

Do you know that gentleman?

We can't even call them acquaintances, let alone friends. I don't have any good impressions of a person who hides in the dark and peeks every day!

Lin Mo shrugged his shoulders and said.

That's easy to say, the chairman wants to see you! Jie Biao Danxi straightened her face and said respectfully. Being able to say that taboo name so easily, this kind of person is definitely not someone I can mess with now.

fair enough!

Lin Mo stared at Jie Biao Danxi

Just in time to settle all the grievances between the two of us!

Lin Mo's words fell into Jie Biao Danxi's ears word for word. Her delicate body suddenly trembled, and her heart was already filled with turmoil.

I understand, please come with me!

I understand, please come with me!

Academy City, School District 7, under a building without any doors or windows.

Being in the very center of Academy City, it should be a bustling scene, but there is no sign of any life activity around it.

Just a glance at it, like a city that has not been lived in for hundreds of years, reveals a deep silence.

But this lasted for less than a moment before it suddenly shattered.

A man and a woman suddenly appeared in front of the building, giving a bit of life to this dead city.

I don't know if it's Lin Moxia's misunderstanding, but Jiebiao Danxi seems to be... afraid of him? It made him dumbfounded.

It was probably because she said such shocking words that she completely lost her mind.

Jie Biao Danxi took a deep look at Lin Mo and then walked in.

After taking him to Aleister's room, he immediately ran away in confusion. Lin Mo scratched his face in embarrassment.

At the first moment, Lin Mo looked around.

Equipment full of science fiction atmosphere abounds here, but none of these can attract Lin Mo's attention. At this time, his eyes had been fixed on a figure in front of him.

¨ Aleister!

To be honest, this was the first time Lin Mo saw Aleister.

Aleister, who was floating in the culture tank, looked at Lin Mo quietly. Neither of them spoke first, they were both looking at each other.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when Lin Mo was getting impatient after waiting, Aleister finally spoke!

A slightly mechanical synthesized sound suddenly sounded in this silent space. Lin Mo's tiger body trembled, and his energy was concentrated like never before.

You don't seem surprised? Everyone's expressions were not as calm as yours when they first came here and saw me...

Lin Mo smiled slightly, could it be possible to tell you that I have seen you (De Zhao Hao) countless times on the big screen?

The chairman is joking. Everyone would be surprised, even Ah. It's just that I'm good at hiding it!

Really? But I don't seem to see much surprise in your eyes... Aleister said calmly.

For a while, the atmosphere was at a stalemate, and everyone was making their own little calculations.

Aleister spoke again, but with a hint of coldness on his face

Your Excellency... seems to have caused me a lot of trouble!

Trouble? It's not that I brought you trouble, but that the trouble was created by you yourself!

Lin Mo said in a deep voice.


102 Sudden mutation

Oh? You seem to know a lot of things? Aleister's tone was filled with a hint of surprise.

Not bad, not as good as you.

Lin Mo said lightly. He went head-to-head with Aleister, but he didn't seem to be frightened by his opponent's strength.

That's right! Aleister is strong! Lin Mo felt this the moment he came in.

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