Well, looking at Shirai Kuroko who was foaming at the mouth and talking nonsense, Lin Mo couldn't help but feel like his head was getting big. Forget it, let's just leave!

(Please collect and send flowers!)

7 Qiongmei?

Pervert, suffer death! Shirai Kuroko roared, and without saying a word, he rushed forward, clenching his fists and not giving Lin Mo time to react. The figure suddenly disappeared in front of Lin Mo, appearing like a ghost in Lin Mo's eyes. behind.

Hey! Kuroko, wait a minute... Before Misaka Mikoto could finish her words, Shirai Kuroko suddenly raised his foot and kicked him out.

It was so fast that Misaka Mikoto didn't even have time to react. She wasn't worried about Lin Mo, what she was really worried about was Shirai Kuroko! Misaka Mikoto, who had suffered a loss at the hands of Lin Mo, could understand what kind of strength this seemingly harmless man had!

Lin Mo said speechlessly: Didn't your adults teach you how to respect others? He tilted his body to avoid the seemingly impossible kick from Shirai Kuroko who suddenly appeared behind him. He reached out and grabbed her anklet, roughly threw her out, and smashed her against the wall nearby.


Kuroko, are you okay? Misaka Mikoto quickly ran around the wall and pulled Shirai Kuroko out. After looking at Shirai Kuroko's injuries and finding that there was no major problem, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't worry! I've shown mercy! Lin Mo patted the dust on his shoulders, turned around, put his hands in his pockets, and walked out of the alley as if he had done something insignificant.

Asshole! Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth and chased after her. Her chestnut-colored pupils glanced at the street, and Lin Mo's figure had disappeared without knowing when. Misaka Mikoto stamped her feet in annoyance and returned to Shirai Kuroko.

Sister-sama, I'm sorry, I was careless. Shirai Kuroko said apologetically, stroking his dizzy head.

It's okay, Misaka Mikoto said, flicking Shirai Kuroko's forehead: Don't be so impulsive next time, do you hear me?

I understand, onee-sama! Shirai Kuroko said movedly.

That's right! Shirai Kuroko suddenly thought of something and said with confusion on his face, Didn't I know from other people's mouth that onee-sama's brother is a LV0 incompetent user? How could he become so powerful? Unlike the rumors It doesn’t match at all!”

Well, I don't know the specifics. After all, I haven't been in contact with him since a long time ago. It's just that I started to have frequent contact with him during this period. I don't know how much more he has. Misaka Mikoto shook her head. Shake his head.

Really? Shirai Kuroko paused, then said: Then how do you know each other? You are not related by blood, right?

Well, to be honest, I almost forgot about it. It seems that my mother brought him back when I was a child. When talking about her brother, Misaka Mikoto felt a special feeling of admiration. Don't look at him as just a LV0 incompetent person. But he is a genuine genius! He ranks first in exams every year, is versatile in sports, and not bad looking, but he seems to like playing pranks...

Really? Shirai Kuroko didn't know what he was thinking after hearing this, Forget it, let's ask that girl first!

Shirai Kuroko turned his head and looked at the bewildered girl who was standing aside.

Shirai Kuroko turned his head and looked at the bewildered girl who was standing aside.

Of course, Lin Mo didn't know what his sister Misaka Mikoto thought of him. If he knew, he would definitely laugh out loud.

At this time, Lin Mo was walking boredly on the street. Even after experiencing this welfare and interesting episode, it could not change his ordinary heart at all.


The sound of bodies colliding once again brought Lin Mo back to reality.

She has long silver-white hair hanging down like a waterfall, cheeks that can be broken by blows, a petite and cute body, wearing a white jumpsuit,

Dress, with two black bows on her hair, the expression on her face remained calm from beginning to end.

Ah! Are you okay? No...isn't this Miss Qiong? Damn it! Lin Mo looked shocked after seeing the girl's appearance clearly.

But the next moment, Bendang didn't know what to do. He reached out and held the girl's little hand, pulled her up, and said gently like the big brother next door: Are you okay?

It's okay... the girl said indifferently, reaching out to pat the somewhat dirty clothes.

Really? That's good! Lin Mo said worriedly.

If nothing happens, I'll leave first... Qiong Mei said and walked in one direction, ignoring Lin Mo's disgusted expression.

But after walking a few steps, his body fell to the ground again, and this time he still showed no intention of getting up.

Hey, it's really okay! Lin Mo didn't care about anything and hurried to Qiong Mei's side and helped her up. When he found that the girl had just fainted, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Only then did he think that in the original book, Qiong Mei was one of those who were frail and sickly since she was a child, and she basically spent her childhood in the hospital.

(1/3, please collect and have flowers.)

8 System tasks?

I'm so grateful! Standing in front of Lin Mo, the middle-aged woman and middle-aged man who claimed to be Qiong Mei's parents kept bending down to thank her.

This child Qiong is obviously in bad health, but he still wants to run out. What if something happens to him? The middle-aged woman said worriedly.

There is only one child in the family, and we have to think about her safety... Thank you very much. The middle-aged man also looked grateful.

Huh? Is Qiong an only child? Lin Mo asked in surprise, doesn't he have an older brother? Why did it disappear? Of course, it was impossible for Lin Mo to say these words. If she really said what she was thinking, Qiong Mei's parents would definitely treat her as a danger.

Um...is this here? Qiong's eyelashes twitched slightly, and his eyes looked around blankly.

Qiong, are you awake? the middle-aged woman said happily.

This is a hospital! You fainted on the way, but luckily this little brother saved you!

Really? Qiong's face was startled after hearing his father's words, and he lay quietly on the hospital bed not knowing what to say.

I'm sorry, Qiong has this kind of character, I hope you don't mind... Qiong's father said with an apologetic tone.

It's okay... Lin Mo waved his hands quickly and said nonchalantly.

Hey! Although the child Qiong was in poor health before, this is the first time she has fainted. She doesn't know what to do in the future... Qiong's mother sighed, her eyes full of worries about Qiong's future. worries.


Lin Mo lowered his head, thinking deeply, communicating with the system in his mind.

System, do you have a way to cure Qiong's disease?

Yes! the system affirmed.

You need to complete a special task. After completing the task, you will be rewarded with a potion called Physical Improvement Liquid. After drinking it, you can strengthen your body 4.5 times. It is completely sufficient for Qiong's current physical condition.

You need to complete a special task. After completing the task, you will be rewarded with a potion called Physical Improvement Liquid. After drinking it, you can strengthen your body 4.5 times. It is completely sufficient for Qiong's current physical condition.

What about the mission? Looking at Qiong's dull eyes, he couldn't help feeling pity in his heart. He thought that he was not a virgin bitch, not now and never in the future! But seeing that such a young girl will only live in pain in the future, others can endure it, but how can Lin Mo, who has a hidden girl-control attribute, endure it!

The female doctor in a white coat raised her eyes and walked in with a freshly released report, Are you Kasugano Qiong's parents?

Ah yes, I am.

This is your daughter's physical condition in recent years. Take a look at it! The doctor took out a report and handed it to the two of them.

Really? Qiong's parents watched it with mixed emotions. Although they were prepared, they still couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

One day in the future, Qiong's body will be truly paralyzed in bed, and he will become a sick man. The time will not exceed 15 years at most!

Looking at this detailed report, the two of them felt ugly inside, but they still pretended to smile on the surface.

Lin Mo looked at the expressions of the two people and probably guessed that something might happen to Qiong's body, which further confirmed his action to save Qiong.

System, where's the mission? Hurry. Lin Mo said impatiently.

Hey, for the host, it's not difficult to say, nor is it easy to say. Soon, some experiments will start to restart the copy LV5 mass production plan, and the target is Misaka Mikoto. Please protect these newborns. Sister, the number of deaths cannot exceed 10. If more than 10, the mission will be deemed a failure.

So the host should know what to do, right? If you want to save these innocent sisters, the host must fight Accelerator. What do you think? Do you accept it?

Accelerator? The corners of Lin Mo's mouth raised slightly, Just enough to kill my boring time, okay! I accept it!

OK, I will tell you the specific location then!

(2/3, please collect flowers.)

9 Encounter again? No! What a cheat!

Qiong watched the young man in front of him push the door open and leave quietly, still thinking about what the young man said just now in his mind.

Don't worry! I can cure your disease! It just takes a little time...

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, he ignored Qiong Mei, who was stunned on the bed, and walked out without giving her time to continue questioning.

Who is she? Why does she want to save me? Does she have that ability? Various questions flashed in Qiongmei's mind, but she believed him unconsciously in her heart. She always felt that she was following him. Peace of mind...

Qiong, what did he say to you? Qiong's mother recovered from the blow and saw Lin Mo whispering something in Qiong's ear.

Nothing... Qiong shook his head and said.

About your condition...

Qiong interrupted his father's hesitant words: I still know my own body.

Really? I hope you won't be depressed! In Academy City, which is more than 20 years ahead of the outside world, we will definitely be able to find a mechanism to treat your body. After all, isn't that the purpose of coming here! The middle-aged man replaced Qiong. He took a shot in the arm and said firmly.

Really? I hope so! Qiong wiped his dry lips and said perfunctorily.

It was midsummer when the cicadas were chirping constantly. Under the scorching sun, Lin Mo was walking home alone, with some complicated emotions in his heart.

When did Misaka Mikoto participate in the LV5 copy plan? I seem to remember that in the original work, Misaka Mikoto had the DNA that was tricked into her when she was a child.

She shouldn't know it yet, right? Even if there was no mission issued by the system, Lin Mo would still save the 'sisters'. However, the mission of the system was like a fuse, detonating his explosive in an instant. If there was no prompt from the system, he might still be there. Forgot about this...

No matter how much I liked watching super cannons in my previous life, after traveling through time for more than ten years, I have almost forgotten the plot. If it weren't for a character that impressed me deeply, I wouldn't be able to remember it at all.

Forget it, let's not think about it so much for now. Go buy some instant noodles and eat whatever you want! Lin Mo put the matter behind him and stretched.

It's already past 5 pm. The damn sun is still so hot. I don't know if there's electricity at home. In the days without air conditioning... Lin Mo stopped for a moment, his face turned ashen. Only now did he remember that it seemed like there was no electricity at home. There's a power outage...

Suddenly, an alluring fragrance wafted from a distance, lingering on the tip of Lin Mo's nose. It inadvertently whetted his appetite and made Lin Mo's nose twitch.

How about we solve it outside today? Lin Mo swallowed and murmured to himself, but his footsteps followed the source that filled the air like a ghost.

not good!

Lin Mo was startled and quickly stopped in his tracks. Within 5 seconds, he took out his wallet. Several bills with smaller denominations were sitting there quietly...

Lin Mo was startled and quickly stopped in his tracks. Within 5 seconds, he took out his wallet. Several bills with smaller denominations were sitting there quietly...

His face suddenly became depressed. Forget it, I'll just go to the supermarket to buy instant noodles... The price is cheap and affordable. Lin Mo comforted himself.

It was as if there were thousands of kilograms of iron stone tied to his feet. Every step, step by step, exuded amazing consciousness!

Walking out of the convenience store, the wallet in Lin Mo's hand shrank several times from the few banknotes as if by magic. The round coins stayed there quietly, without any 'right to speak' to tempt Lin Mo to commit a crime...

Unfortunately! Why am I, a LV5 dual-series ability user, still worried about my future life? Logically speaking, wouldn't someone give me lots of money? Lin Mo walked on the road. , wailing loudly, not noticing the passers-by's eyes full of care for mentally retarded children.


Lin Mo's first thought was, how could I bump into someone again? The second thought is, could it be a woman again?

When Lin Mo looked at the figure on the ground, he knew that his guess was indeed right. This was the second time today, you bastard!

Even though he thought so, Lin Mo still helped the girl pick up the newly purchased stationery that fell on the ground...

Well, you're not hurt, are you? I'm in an emergency now, I'm sorry!

After the girl picked up the pencil boxes scattered on the ground, Lin Mo didn't even look at each other and hurriedly found an excuse to escape.

The girl didn't even have time to get angry, so Lin Mo ran away with the bag in his hand...

What! That kind of guy... the girl muttered, her eyes sharpened, she saw something dropped on the ground, she bent down and picked it up, This is... a cheap mobile phone? And it's the same one from a few years ago. What kind of person? How poor is this guy! The girl knew who the owner of the phone was without even thinking about it...

Well... let me go first! I want to see who hit me without even a sincere apology! The girl put away the phone that fell on the ground and left slowly...

When he returned home, the electricity had come on, but Lin Mo was not happy at all, nor did he turn on the air conditioner at home to relieve the heat. At this moment, his eyes were blank. He didn't even know that the bag dropped on the floor and the items inside were scattered on the ground. His expression seemed to have been hit hard, and he was frozen in place...

For a long time, a sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling resounded throughout the world, making people within a few miles around shiver.

My cell phone!

(3/3, please give me flowers and collections. There will be a minimum of 3 updates per day, usually in the evening! The review usually takes a few hours. There is also an outbreak on Saturday, please give me collections and flowers!)

10 The arrogant Misaka Mikoto?

In the early morning, Lin Mo got up early, his expression seemed a little unhappy? To be precise, it was filled with an expression called despair.

My mobile phone... mobile phone... Lin Mo sat on the bed in a daze, mumbling something to himself. That was a mobile phone he bought with the money he spent working for a month. How could he just say it was gone?

It must have accidentally fallen from my pocket when I was helping that person pick something up yesterday. It is one of the few spiritual sustenance I have!

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