Aizali smiled with relief, his consciousness fell into endless darkness, and the red light in his pupils gradually dissipated...

Lin Mo sighed quietly and walked towards the end of the alley...

(On 10/15, there will be 5 more updates coming soon! Please subscribe for the first time and subscribe automatically!).

78 Beach! A visual feast!

On a certain beach, a fierce heat wave hit the faces of everyone present. Everyone's facial expressions were different, some were gritting their teeth, some were smiling elegantly, some were expressionless, and some were even on the verge of collapse. of.

That's right! Lin Mo's expression belongs to the last one!

Why do you say that? Just look at all the people present.

Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth and looked at Shokuhou Misaki, blue arcs of electricity flashing all over her body. When Shokuhou Misaki faced Misaka Mikoto, her expression remained unchanged, with an imperceptible smile on her lips, and she hugged Lin Mo's left arm tightly.

His body kept rubbing Lin Mo's arm intentionally or unintentionally, and Lin Mo's right side was firmly occupied by Qiong~.

Why did it become like this! Lin Mo really wanted to scream loudly and sadly, but waves of soft touches came from both sides of his arms, making him hold back these words.

The cause of the matter starts from yesterday

Shokuhou Caoqi found out the location of Lin Mo's house through some method and came to visit yesterday.

At first, Lin Mo didn't know that Shokuhou Caoqi was standing outside the door. After hearing the doorbell ring, he went to open the door.

When he opened the door, Shokuhou Noki looked at him with a smile. Although Lin Mo wanted to close the door on the spot, when he saw Shokuhou Noki's dangerous smile, he thought about it and let it go.

What left him speechless the most was that Shokuhou Misaki walked in alone without his consent, and happened to bump into Qiong who was really trying on a swimsuit. So Shokuhou Misaki almost understood the purpose of his trip, and then asked Lin Mo took himself there.

Of course, Lin Mo refused. After all, there was already Misaka Mikoto, and there was Shokuhou Caoqi, and it was definitely going to be a quarrel!

After Lin Mo's persuasion, Shokuhou Caoqi went back without saying a word.

Lin Mo thought Shokuhou Naoki would give up, but as soon as he arrived at the beach, he saw Shokuhou Naoki.

Shokuhou Misaki was not surprised at all by the arrival of everyone. He threatened that he had booked the place, and that only Lin Mo and his group were the only ones on the huge seaside...

This is pretty much what happened...

This is pretty much what happened...

Lin Mo was really on the verge of crying. He thought he could enjoy a rare summer vacation, but he was ruined by Shokuhou Misaki.

Let’s take a look at Misaka Mikoto’s Uiharu, Saten Ruiko, Shirai Kuroko, the so-called super gun foursome...

Lin Mo didn't know why, but he suddenly felt much better...

0Request flowers··············

Ah la la! Although I came uninvited, didn't you bring a few people with you? Shokuhou Misaki glanced at the people around Misaka Mikoto with her golden eyes.

This is... Misaka Mikoto's confidence was a little lacking, and she pouted childishly.

So...we're even, don't worry about this violent woman! Come on...Darling~see what do you think of the swimsuit I chose today? Shokuhou Misaki chuckled and said to Lin Mo very charmingly.

. .. ...

He didn't care at all about the way Qiong looked at him...

Lin Mo glanced at Shokuhou Misaki's swimsuit, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. you

Bikini! Pure bikini outfit! The whole body is white, perfectly showing off Shokuhou Misaki's figure. A white bikini is perfect for Shokuhou Misaki, who has a delicate face, long blond hair, and golden eyes! Coupled with the seductive expressions he put on from time to time, Lin Mo almost lost control!

Although the front pair of breasts were not at least D-level like in the original work, Lin Mo took a guess and it was definitely B! It's not even the slightest bit better than a real washboard like Misaka Mikoto!

(11/15, please subscribe for the first time and automatically!).

79 Jealousy?

Lin Mo suddenly felt a pain in his waist and glanced at the source, which was in the direction of Qiong Mei.

Qiong looked straight at Lin Mo with an expressionless face, but the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

Completely different from Shokuhou Misaki, Qiong was wearing a black swimsuit, and her white skin gave off several dazzling rays of light under the sunlight. Her silver-white hair hangs down like a waterfall, and coupled with her appearance, people can't help but feel the desire to protect her!

Not only Qiong and Shokuhou Misaki, but also the other people sitting in Zero Nine San are enough to make people shine when placed outside.

Shouhou Misaki, don't go too far! Misaka Mikoto didn't know why she felt annoyed when she saw Shokuhou Misaki holding Lin Mo's arm.

What are you talking about? I'm going too far. Come and listen! Every time Shokuhou Caoqi said a word, she would hug Lin Mo's arm tightly, provocatively. The look in her eyes never stopped looking at her!

Feeling the delicate bodies of the two women, Lin Mo was truly in pain and happiness! While being fucked by Shokuhou, I prayed that my chest would be covered. Yi Yiqiong's little hand was twisting around Lin Mo's waist.

The look Qiong looked at Shokuhou Misaki was full of hostility. After all, Shokuhou Misaki was the only one with the best figure among them! As for the rest of the people... Qiong glanced at the women present and said with disdain, they are all scum!

Hey everyone!

At this moment, a voice came, causing Misaka Mikoto and Shokuhou Misaki to turn their eyes. As soon as Qiongmei saw the person coming, she set up a 'terrible' imaginary enemy in her heart...

Xiaomi, who was equipped with flashing special effects, trotted all the way to Lin Mo. A pair of huge penises on her chest... began to sway as she ran, causing Misaka Mikoto to subconsciously touch the washboard where she felt. She was frustrated to find that she and the other party There is absolutely no comparison!

After careful observation, I found that among all the people with the sad hairstyle, I was the only one with the worst hair style. Even Shirai Kuroko's figure was better than hers!

It's so bright! Saten Leizi covered her eyes with her hands, squinting tightly and looking at Xiaomi who was walking towards him step by step.

Although Uiharu and Shirai Kuroko next to them didn't say anything, the expressions on their faces agreed with what Saten Ruiko said.

This person... is very dangerous! Shokuhou Misaki said secretly, and also included Xiaomi in the dangerous list...

This person... is very dangerous! Shokuhou Misaki said secretly, and also included Xiaomi in the dangerous list...

Have you changed your clothes? Lin Mo asked. Although he wanted to say hello with his hands, he couldn't move his hands with his sad hair. As a result, he tried to take his hand out of Shokuhou Misaki's arms. Not only did he fail to achieve his original purpose, but he also made Shokuhou Misaki feel embarrassed.

As for Qiongmei’s side? Don't talk about it, if Qiongmei is not left with the support of Lian, there will probably be another burst of jealousy.

Yes! I don't know if the size I bought is too small or something, but it took me a long time to buckle the bra! Xiao Mi said distressedly.

Xiao Mi's words made everyone present feel a little hurt, and a certain washboard squatted on the ground and drew circles...

Since everyone is due, let's have fun!

Lin Mo's words made everyone present cheer.

Shirai Kuroko immediately went to find her sister to do something good for her physical and mental health without looking like a fool.

The result was obvious, as Misaka Mikoto was buried in the sand and unable to move.

Misaka 3.8 Mikoto looked at Lin Mo enjoying the blessing of Qi Ren, her teeth itched with hatred, and she walked towards Lin Mo step by step with extremely heavy steps.

Tear...! Lin Mo took a breath, feeling the cold anti-tank oil on his back and Shokuhou Misaki's small hands.

It was still early spring when Qiong was buried, and Saten Ruiko asked her to play games, so she had no choice but to leave Lin Mo's side unwillingly, which also gave Shokuhou Caoqi a great opportunity!


80 The battlefield between two women…

Isn't this Shokuhou Misaki? What are you doing? Shokuhou Misaki looked at the visitor and said with a smile.

Lin Mo trembled all over and quickly wanted to get up, but Shokuhou Misaki on his back was sitting on it intentionally or unintentionally, giving him no chance to get up.

Misaka Mikoto naturally saw Shokuhou Misaki's little actions, and anger burst out of her eyes. He quickly stepped forward to push Shokuhou Caoqi away.

Shokuhou Misaki is so likely to follow Misaka Mikoto’s wish! So the two people who couldn't use their abilities became entangled with each other by relying on their physical abilities.

Lin Mo suddenly felt a lightness in her body and quickly turned over. When she saw the next scene, she froze in place.

Shokuhou Misaki was pinned down by Misaka Mikoto, and her face turned red, which was caused by the strength.

Misaka Mikoto sat astride Shokuhou Misaki, with a 'vicious' look on her face, and she struck without reservation.

It was precisely because of this that Shokuhou Misaki fought hard, but how could she, with her naturally weak constitution, defeat the versatile Misaka Mikoto? So he could only be pinned to the ground miserably.

Fortunately, Misaka Mikoto also knew how to measure, so she didn't make too big a move.

Everything in the front was fine. The key was that when they were fighting, their underwear would slide down unconsciously, and the white patches... made Lin Mo stare and feast his eyes on it. But the two people who were still at the center of the battle didn't notice it at all, and were still fighting anxiously.

One moment Misaka Mikoto had the upper hand, and the next moment Shokuhou Misaki found an opportunity to pin her down. In short, her ability was used in everything.

The resentment between the two has been going on for a long time, and they will naturally take advantage of this period of time to vent their resentment, so they formed a beautiful scene of two girls posing...

Their relationship is really good!

Xiao Mi walked over as if he was tired from playing with a few drops of sweat on his forehead. He held a glass of iced drink in his hand and sat next to Lin Mo. The corner of his mouth twitched and he said.

Xiao Mi walked over as if he was tired from playing with a few drops of sweat on his forehead. He held a glass of iced drink in his hand and sat next to Lin Mo. The corner of his mouth twitched and he said.

Both friends and enemies... Lin Mo shook his head helplessly and could only say this. In the original work, Misaka Mikoto lowered her arrogance and sought help from Shokuhou Misaki. So the two of them are almost familiar with each other, and at the same time... because of different opinions, they often quarrel, and using abilities to fight is a common thing like before!

Um...Lin Mojun, thank you for protecting me, and thank you very much for taking me to the beach. There haven't been group activities like this for a long time... Xiao Mi said with a sigh.

It's okay, it's a piece of cake. Lin Mo waved his hand nonchalantly, but his eyes kept following the battle scene. After all, this kind of scene is rare! The fight between the queen and the princess is exciting just to watch.

Xiao Mi also seemed to notice that Lin Mo's eyes were not on him, and subconsciously looked at his chest and smiled with satisfaction. But the words full of kindness reminded the two people in the war

I think you should put your clothes on first before fighting. After all, this is too immodest, and Lin Mojun is here...

The two people who were still fighting couldn't help but look stunned. After taking a look at their clothes, two shocking screams sounded in the open space...

The two of them protected their exposed areas with their hands and looked at the innocent Lin Mo with shameful and angry expressions: You've seen enough and you're not a pervert!

No! Lin Mo replied unconsciously after hearing the voice, but regretted it later. Looking at Misaka Mikoto's familiar face, Lin Mo didn't know what to say. He looked up at the blue sky with an expression of extreme helplessness. At the same time, words mixed with sadness slowly came out of Lin Mo's mouth.


As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo's vision was filled with a burst of lightning...

(13/15, please click to subscribe automatically!).

81 Monologue from Shokuhou Misaki

Lin Mo looked helplessly at Misaka Mikoto who left angrily. Although the scene just now was a feast for his eyes, it aroused Misaka Mikoto's dissatisfaction afterwards. The reason was that his eyes were always on Shokuhou Misaki, which was a bit different...

Lin Jun, don't worry about that violent woman, let's go swimming! Shokuhou Misaki said with her face close to hers.

Then let's go swimming together! Xiao Mian clasped his hands and said with a smile. Sui didn't see the deep sense of complaint in Shokuhou Misaki's eyes when he looked at her.

Whatever... Lin Mo sighed, hoping to spend these three days of lazy vacation smoothly.

There was only Lin Mo and his group on the entire huge seaside, and the bustling scene in the past had disappeared. It was replaced by deathly silence.

From time to time, seagulls make a series of strange calls in the sky.

Although there were a few tiny figures active on the beach, it still couldn't change the calm atmosphere.

Obviously you asked me to swim, but it turns out you can't... I don't even know what to say. Lin Mo covered his face and couldn't stand it anymore.

That's why! I want you to teach me! Shokuhou Caoqi put her pretty face close to Lin Mo's chest, and slowly kicked her legs on the water, splashing waves.

This is your original purpose!

Lin Mo grabbed Shokuhou Caoqi's slender little hand and said with a bit of pain. He almost knew that there was a jealousy brewing all over the floor.

In fact, Misaka Mikoto's jealousy has really boiled over, and even Shirai Kuroko can smell a sour smell.

Damn scum, even though Shokuhou Misaki already has Shokuhou Misaki, he still wants to come here to provoke onee-sama. Shirai Kuroko said through gritted teeth. Suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Gah ga ga! This time I will definitely take revenge for the last time! Since I am is absolutely unforgivable! Shirai Kuroko said with itching teeth. Already thought of a great idea...

Lin Mo, who was floating on the sea level, suddenly felt a coldness running down his back. He looked around, What's going on with this very bad feeling? It was as if someone was plotting against him secretly...

Just when Lin Mo didn't know what he was thinking, Shokuhou Caoqi's body was completely close to him.

Lin Mo suddenly came back to his senses. He felt a headache when he looked at the woman in his arms. Shokuhou Caoqi didn't know why he wanted to push him all the time, which made him very helpless.

Speaking of Shokuhou, what is it that makes you so ambitious about me? Even if it's just to entertain Misaka Mikoto, it's not like this!

Do you really want to know? Shokuhou Misaki blinked, his pupils shining like starlight looking closely at Lin Mo's side face.

Yeah! Lin Mo nodded very curiously.

The corners of Shokuhou Misaki's mouth rose slightly, and a beautiful smile appeared on her delicate face. She leaned forward and leaned her side face against Lin Mo's chest.

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