The 703 Familiar Beast summoned by Lin Mo was bathed in the sea of ​​fire. Around it, the condensed fireballs flew endlessly towards the four model angels.

Even if layers of protective shields were deployed on the molded angels, it would be of no avail when the fireball exploded and the flames spread to them.

The blazing flames were like air waves, directly overwhelming the sky and forming a slapping wave, bombarding the molded angel's body.

A few molded angels are like small boats in the center of the storm. Even if they try hard, they are unable to do anything in the face of a tsunami that can destroy a city.

The battle between the two had already reached the sea. In order not to hurt Shelley and the others, Lin Mo only gave them the final blow when the beasts blasted the model angels to the sea.

As the waves composed of the sea of ​​fire fell, the model angel was swallowed up without even a chance to escape.

After devouring several molded angels, the bright red flames fell vertically down. When they fell into the sea, the shocking temperature even caused a brief gap in the sea. Any sea water that was close to the flames suddenly time, evaporated...

Ps: It took me 3 hours to write this chapter, it was so brain-burning! After all, the author's writing skills are not that deep, and he is stepping up his studies... I will update today. I will be very busy during the day, so I will go to bed first. .

514 Dark belly?

On the ocean, a military ship was speeding towards Lin Mo and others. On the deck side of the ship, Nangong Nazuki and Sayaka could be vaguely seen.

Under the instigation of the ship, the sea level kept rolling, and the snow-white waves turned into a straight white line as the ship moved forward. The target was the private island where the magician's sculpture belonged.

Beside the guardrail, Nangong Nayue was holding a sun umbrella. Her delicate face was always staring in one direction. At a certain moment, her blue pupils tightened slightly, and she let out a soft moan, followed by a confused look. Said to himself. What it is?

In Nangong Nayue's sight, a fiery red creature was flying in the sky, dazzling flames cut through the sky, and a heart-wrenching cry could be heard from far away, even if it was far away. .

As the ship moved forward quickly, Nangong Nayue's expression changed for a moment. Some distance away from here, a sea of ​​fire blocked the way to the island like a dividing line. At the intersection of the flames and the sea There are one blue and one red, which looks quite strange.

And streams of water vapor filled the sky here, forming heavy fog, blocking most of the sight.

Instructor Nangong, what happened here? Could it be a volcanic eruption? Sayaka asked in surprise, looking into the distance with a slightly worried look.

She had heard that Shelley and Lin Mo were now in the enemy's lair. She didn't care about Lin Mo's life or death. The most important thing was his childhood playmate. Sayaka would never tolerate much harm to Shelley.

Thinking about the scene where she was caught and 'taught a lesson' on the rooftop last time, Sayaka felt ashamed and angry. If she hadn't been unable to defeat this nasty man, she would have gone to take revenge long ago.

Therefore, Sayaka's resentment towards Lin Mo is quite big! It's natural to think so.

However, if something happens to Lin Mo, Shelley will not be able to escape. Therefore, Sayaka does not want anything to happen to Lin Mo, but also hopes that the man who gave her a nightmare will disappear soon. It is really a contradictory mentality.

I don't know. Maybe it was brought by the second-rate True Ancestor. Let's take a detour! It seems that we can't get through here. Nangong Nayue casually took out a piece of iron from the existing resources and threw it into the sea of ​​fire. Place lost.

Suddenly, the sound of smelting could be heard. Under Nangong Nayue's gaze, the iron pieces were completely melted down to the point where no slag was left.

There was no way, Nangong could only choose to bypass this area that month. In terms of the defense of the warship, it would not even reach half a meter of the sea of ​​fire before it would be melted.

But even so, the range covered by the sea of ​​fire made the two of them stunned. It took them about ten minutes to find a path that could reach them in five minutes.

Fortunately, the fog was not too serious. With radar, we could reach Lin Mo's island without incident.

On the other side, after Lin Mo destroyed the model angel, he let his familiar beast return to his body first.

After hearing Lin Mo's order, Suzaku could only look up to the sky and let out a clear sound, then turned into a stream of light and flew into Lin Mo's body, and fell asleep.

The fiery red sky and blue ocean gradually faded away with the disappearance of the familiar beasts, returning to their former colors.

The army of puppets and modeled angels brought by Kensei Hayase were densely packed at the beginning, but now not even a single figure is left, forming a sharp contrast.

Kensheng Yeze looked around, with a touch of bitterness at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, the hope remaining in his mind was shattered with the disappearance of the last molded angel.

Aren't the beasts of the true ancestor really incomparable? Ye Lai Xiansheng murmured complicatedly, with a look of reluctance on his face.

Aren't the beasts of the true ancestor really incomparable? Ye Lai Xiansheng murmured complicatedly, with a look of reluctance on his face.

If he was given another choice now, Yeze Kensheng might induce Lin Mo to come to this island, and then he would look for him to recapture Yeze Xiayin and complete the final experiment.

But unfortunately, no matter what he thought, the outcome was doomed to failure.

What will you do to me next? Ye Lai Xiansheng asked slowly.

I said it from the beginning, the decision-making power is not in my hands, but in Yeze Xiayin's body. Maybe you should thank her. Lin Mo said calmly.

That's right. Ye Lai Xiansheng nodded expressionlessly.

As for you two... Lin Mo turned his head and looked at the two magicians.

I surrender, my life is more important than money. The middle-aged uncle was very free and easy, and released the orc mode from his body.

After hearing what the other party said, Lin Mo had no intention of embarrassing the other party, and Beatrice also lowered her head as if she had resigned herself to her fate, and there was a hint of madness in her pupils that no one could see.

Lin Mo seemed to be aware of it all the time. He just narrowed his eyes. At that moment, Shelley and La Folia also walked out of the forest.

Senior, are you okay? Shelley asked breathlessly. When they heard the noise on the mountain, they couldn't wait to get here because they were worried. Fortunately, Lin Mo had nothing to do, so they He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Do you think I'm in trouble? Lin Mo turned around with a smile and faced La Folia and Shelley.

But at this moment, Beatrice, who had been resigned to her fate, suddenly turned into a ferocious face, a burst of magic power surged out of her body, and the spear in her hand suddenly changed into a sharp blade, slashing at Lin Mo.

Go to hell! As long as you die, you will have a chance to come back! Beatrice shouted like a shrew like a madman.

(Wang Zhao) Lin Mo sneered, a thick flame burning hotly on his body.

Do you think I didn't guard against you? I gave you a chance to live before, but you didn't cherish it. In this case, don't blame me.

Just as Lin Mo was about to take action, a yellow beam suddenly penetrated Beatrice's body. The powerful recoil even caused her body to fly backwards unconsciously, and the weapon in her hand fell to the ground.

La Folia gracefully raised the curse gun in her hand, and the previous beam of light was shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

It's not good for people who hurt me under my eyes. La Folia chuckled like a sinister lady. Even so, she still looked extremely beautiful.

At the same time, such decisiveness made the middle-aged man who was sitting quietly on the side shudder and immediately became more at ease.

Ps: One more update. .

515 Return to Genkami Island

Lin Mo's eyelids twitched and he looked at La Folia who was like a witch. Then he remembered that the other party seemed to have evil attributes, but no matter what, she still helped him and said,

Thanks, La Folia.

Lin Mo withdrew the flames on his body and glanced at Beatrice who fell on the ground. His expression did not change much. Originally, these people should be left to Nangong Nayue to deal with, but since they were killed, it didn't matter.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't feel disgusted with her decisiveness, La Fulia raised her lips slightly: It doesn't matter, even if I don't take action, you will take action, right?

Lin Mo smiled and nodded. La Folia thought of the creature just now and asked curiously. Is that the beast you summoned?

It's just one of them. As Lin Mo answered, flames appeared in his palms and he showed it to the two women.

As a collection of magical powers, once the Familiar Beast is summoned and integrated into the host's body, the host himself will gain part of the Familiar Beast's abilities, as evidenced by the flames on Lin Mo's body.

La Folia's face once again put on a beautiful smile that made people want to commit crimes. While she was happy for Lin Mo, she couldn't help but turn her eyes to Kensei Yeze who was waiting for her fate and said softly.

Yose Kensheng, long time no see.

Yes, long time no see, Miss Wang 323. Ye Lai Xiansheng looked at this girl who had changed a lot, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I didn't expect that you would still remember me, let alone that you would use my aunt for experiments. La Folia frowned.

I've done it all, and I won't regret it. Xiansheng Ye said calmly.

La Folia lowered her head so that people could not clearly see her face and expression, but in the end all her resentment turned into a sigh.

I have no right to interfere with your matter, but thank you anyway. As a former palace magic technician, you have also taught us a lot of things, but only what happened to Haise Natsune cannot be forgiven.

La Folia said calmly, now she is like a high-ranking princess with a majesty that cannot be refuted.

Ye Lai Xiansheng looked up at the sky. After a long time, (ajbf) said: I understand. I will bear everyone's sins together. I don't need to trouble you.

La Fulia didn't say anything anymore. As the words between them finished, Lin Mo's eyes were fixed on Ye Lai Xiansheng and he spoke word by word.

Will the experiment you conducted on Haise Xiaon about modeling angels endanger her safety?

Hearing this, Ye Xianxian paused slightly and then replied. No, molded angels are different from artificial beasts. They devour the spiritual centers of others to strengthen themselves. There are no side effects.

Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Ye Xiansheng said.

It's good if there are no side effects. Compared with artificial beasts like Astarut, the situation of the model angel is not a bit better.

Senior, what should we do now? Return to Xian Shen Island? Xuecai asked.

Don't worry, let's calculate the time. Nangong's month is almost here. Lin Mo looked at the sea, and sure enough, after several people waited for a while, a noisy whistle sounded on the sea level.

What caught the eyes of several people was Nangong Nazuki and Sayaka on the plywood.

I'll go, why is she here? After Lin Mo saw the latter, he subconsciously looked at Shelley beside him.

I'll go, why is she here? After Lin Mo saw the latter, he subconsciously looked at Shelley beside him.

Xuecai raised her head as if telepathically, and met Lin Mo's eyes. What's wrong? Senior.'s okay, I just suddenly felt that you have become cuter, Shelley. Lin Mo smiled coquettishly.

Now that things have come to this, senior, what are you talking about! Shelley's cheeks turned a little rosy, and she pulled up her skirt rather shyly.

What about me? La Folia came close to Lin Mo's cheek and stared at him with a smile.

Ahem, what do you think? Lin Mo rolled his eyes angrily after hearing La Folia's words.

Seeing Lin Mo's appearance, La Fulia covered her mouth and chuckled: No kidding, actually I have a few days to leave Xian Shen Island, before that you take me to see him Let’s meet Hase Natsuon! You are very curious about this aunt of mine whom you have never met before!”

Lin Mo suddenly thought of the scene between the two classmates and couldn't help laughing and said: You will be surprised when you see it.

Shelley also said in agreement: Yes! You guys really look alike!

When La Folia heard what the two said, she became even more excited.

The moment the boat arrived at the island, Sayaka rushed down impatiently, came to Shelley, grabbed her hand, and asked with concern: Shelley, are you injured? Does it matter? Does it matter?

It's okay, Sayaka. There are seniors here, so they are not harmed. Yukina looked at the enthusiastic Sayaka in front of her and said helplessly.

It's precisely because this guy is here! That's why I'm worried about you! Sayaka suddenly said excitedly.

Lin Mo twitched the corner of his mouth and turned his head guiltily. With this twist, he happened to see Nangong Nayue holding a sun umbrella.

Is the matter resolved? Nangong's sapphire-like pupils glanced at the people present one by one.


When Nangong heard Lin Mo's words that month, he wasn't too surprised. That's good, that's right! Tell me about what happened before, including the thing that looks like a familiar beast. Nangong stared at Lin Mo's face that month, emphasizing the word favorite beast Tone.

I know. Lin Mo smiled bitterly, but there was nothing to hide about this matter, and it didn't matter whether he said it or not.

Only then did Nangong Nayue notice La Folia next to Lin Mo. Her crystal clear pupils were full of surprise and she asked doubtfully.

she is?

Lin Mo said quickly: She is the princess of the Kingdom of Aldykia, La Fulia Lihavain. Lin Mo pointed at the silver-haired girl beside him.

So that's it. Two days ago, I received a letter asking for help from the Kingdom of Aldykia. The content in the envelope asked me to find their first princess. Now it seems that she is the one I'm talking about, right? Nangong Nayue Suddenly said.

It should be. Lin Mo said. Nangong Nayue glanced at the ridiculously beautiful silver-haired girl next to Lin Mo and said, Go back! Tell me about your affairs on the boat later.

Lin Mo agreed generously, and several security guards got off the boat. After escorting Ye Lai Xiansheng and the middle-aged uncle onto the boat, they left the island. .

516 Haze Natsume’s decision

In the hospital, when La Folia and Yeze Xia Yin recognized each other, several people present opened their mouths in disbelief.

Seeing the two girls, one big and one small, looking at each other, Ji Hiiragi Shelley, who was standing aside, couldn't help but murmured to herself: It really looks like it!

Lin Mo and Nangong Nayue looked at each other, and they could see the approval in each other's eyes.

As long as La Folia cuts off her long silver hair and puts the bangs on her forehead, she will look exactly like Natsume Haze!

Not to mention others, even La Folia herself was quite surprised. Her ice-blue pupils looked at the girl in front of her who seemed to be carved out of her own image. If the two of them did not have independent consciousness, she would even I doubt that Yeze Xia Yin is his clone!

But if you have to say it, the expressions between the two are still very different. One always has a weak look on his face, which makes people feel an urge to protect her, while the other one is smiling, and when he is tough, Has a very strong aura.

After all, as the princess of a kingdom, it would be difficult for La Folia to be obeyed without corresponding abilities, especially in the royal family, which is always full of competition.

In comparison, the two are still easy to distinguish.

She... Yeze Xiayin looked at Lin Mo with a dull expression, feeling a little at a loss when facing La Folia.

Ahem, she is your relative, don't worry. Lin Mo felt that he really had nothing to interfere with. The two of them were blood-related family members after all. He could only solve his own family affairs, and there was nothing Lin Mo, an outsider, could do.

This... Yeze Xiayin looked at La Fulia carefully, confusion filling her little face.

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